Kaspiysk: population, history and date of creation, location, infrastructure, businesses, attractions, reviews of residents and guests of the city

Kaspiysk: population, history and date of creation, location, infrastructure, businesses, attractions, reviews of residents and guests of the city
Kaspiysk: population, history and date of creation, location, infrastructure, businesses, attractions, reviews of residents and guests of the city

The population of Kaspiysk today is 116,340 people. This city is located in the Republic of Dagestan, is part of the urban district of the same name. The settlement was included by the Russian government in the list of single-industry towns, the social and economic situation in which causes serious concern.

History of the city

Population of Kaspiysk
Population of Kaspiysk

The population of Kaspiysk has grown almost throughout the history of the city. This was the main feature of this settlement.

The history of Kaspiysk is not rich. The first settlement on this site was formed only in the 20th century. It was a settlement called Dvigatelstroy, founded in 1932.

Initially, the settlement appeared around the Dagdiesel plant. This is the leading enterprise for the production of naval weapons, which played an important role during the Great Patriotic War, supplying the Red Army with ammunition.

In 1939, the settlementThe council turned to the Supreme Council of the Dagestan Autonomous SSR with the initiative to transform the village into a city and give it the name Stalinyurt. But this proposal was not supported by the majority of council members.

Kaspiysk got its current name only in 1947.

In 2017, an important event took place in the development of the city, the Russian Ministry of Defense decided to place the main base of the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy here. Immediately began the first stage of construction of coastal infrastructure and residential buildings for the military. This construction is expected to be completed by 2019. The base should be finally broken by 2020.

Geographic location

Caspiysk can be called a resort town, because it is located on the very shore of the Caspian Sea. Just 14 km from it is the railway station "Makhachkala". In fact, Kaspiysk is a satellite city of the capital of Dagestan.

Kaspiysk is included in the Makhachkala-Caspian agglomeration, being its largest satellite city.


Streets of Kaspiysk
Streets of Kaspiysk

The first data on the population of Kaspiysk appeared in 1939. Then only 18,900 people lived here. After that, the number grew steadily, for example, already in 1959 more than 25,000 people lived here.

During the years of perestroika, the population of Kaspiysk reached 61,000 people. In the 90s, unlike most other cities in Russia, there were no fewer residents here. On the contrary, the numberThe population of the city of Kaspiysk has been constantly increasing.

In 2010, there were more than 100,000 inhabitants in Kaspiysk. At the moment, the population of the city of Kaspiysk is 116,340 people.

National composition

Palace of Sports
Palace of Sports

Kaspiysk is considered one of the youngest and fastest growing cities located on the territory of Dagestan. Until the middle of the last century, Russians prevailed in the population of Kaspiysk - there were about 65% of them.

But in recent years, due to the mass migration of mountain peoples to the plains, as well as in the face of a decrease in the increase in the proportion of the Russian population, the situation has changed dramatically. Now the population of Kaspiysk is a very diverse ethnic composition, in which no nation prevails over others.

According to the latest census, in Kaspiysk there are slightly more than 21% Lezgins, about 20% Dargins, 14% Avars and Laks each, almost 10% Kumyks, 9% Russians, about 5% Tabasarans. Aguls and Rutulians are also found in small numbers.

Guests who visit Kaspiysk leave mostly positive feedback, noting that it is better in many respects than in Makhachkala, and even the beaches here are much better. So those who want to relax on the Caspian Sea often make a choice in favor of this settlement.

Economy of Kaspiysk

Caspian Sea
Caspian Sea

The city-forming enterprise of Kaspiysk is the Dagdiesel plant. This is a machine-building enterprise, around which a settlement was formed, which then grew into this city. Factory - oneof the largest and oldest industries in the entire Dagestan. It was founded in 1932. In Soviet times, it was the leading enterprise for the production of torpedoes and diesel engines. In 2008, the plant underwent big changes - it entered a large domestic concern called "Sea Underwater Weapons - Gidropribor".

Currently, the enterprise specializes in the production of marine underwater weapons (used in the navy), diesel engines, diesel power plants not only for marine but also for land purposes, also produces fittings, air conditioning and ventilation systems for ships, boats and ships.

The factory has several lines for air conditioning and ventilation systems, which are used in construction, agricultural machines and food facilities. "Dagdiesel" produces high-pressure piston pumps, machining, tool and forging production is open.

Another large industrial enterprise in Kaspiysk is the Precision Mechanics Plant, founded in 1960. This is also a machine-building enterprise.

City attractions

Of course, the main attraction of this city is the Caspian Sea. It is here that all tourists are brought first. It can also be quite interesting to watch the military installations of the Navy, which often perform maneuvers in close proximity to the coast of the city.

The Caspian coast is sandy, strewn with broken shells, the beach smoothly turns intothe sea, the sunset is very convenient, so swimming here is a pleasure. The healing sea air is felt not only on the beach, but throughout the city, they say that asthmatics do not even need an inhaler here, the sea breeze is so strong here.

In Kaspiysk, everyone advises to go and relax in the water park called "Aqualand", which operates in the open air. True, it only works during the swimming season. It has a lot of slides, which will be interesting to ride for both adults and children. A cafe is open on the territory of the water park.

Castle of Queen Tamara
Castle of Queen Tamara

In the Caspian Sea itself there is another amazing sight - it is a half-destroyed workshop of the city-forming plant "Dagdiesel". People call it the castle of Queen Tamara. This building, now unused, was built in the middle of the sea to test torpedoes.
