Tikhvin is one of the cities of the Leningrad region. It received city status in 1773. It is an important transport, industrial and cultural center of the region. The area of the city is 25.4 km2. The population is 57,900 people. In Tikhvin, dilapidated wooden buildings are common, where mainly the elderly live. The Tikhvin Monastery and a large number of church objects may be of the greatest interest to tourists. The demographic dynamics in the city is far from catastrophic, which indicates acceptable living conditions for the population of Tikhvin.

History of Tikhvin
The first mention of this settlement dates back to 1383. Due to its location in the zone of trade crossing between the Volga River, Lake Ladoga and the B altic, the settlement developed rapidly. Then itcalled the Tikhvin churchyard. At the beginning of the 16th century it was a well-established and important center of trade and crafts.
The construction of churches began after 1500 and was completed within 100 years. During this period, the city was governed by the church, and the administration appeared in 1723. In the 19th century, the city developed as a craft and trade center.

In 1897, the first census was conducted. At that time, only 6589 people lived in the city, of which 3032 were men and 3557 were women. The number of Orthodox believers was 6420.

In July 1930, Tikhvin became part of the Leningrad region. During the Great Patriotic War, the city was occupied by German troops, but in December 1941 it was liberated.
Geographic features

The city of Tikhvin is located in the southeastern part of the Leningrad region (at a distance of 215 km from St. Petersburg), on the banks of the Tikhvinka River, which belongs to the basin of Lake Ladoga. The climate is temperate continental. Winter here is a couple of degrees colder than in St. Petersburg, and summer is a little warmer. This is due to the greater continentality of the climate. The annual average temperature is -4.2 degrees.
In January, the average monthly temperature is -8 degrees, and in July - +17.7 degrees. The annual amount of precipitation is 766 mm. Such conditions are favorable for the growth of mixed forests and waterlogging of the area. Therefore, the lack of moisture here, as a rule, is nothappens.
In Tikhvin, industry, agriculture and construction have been developed. Such types of production as the timber industry, the construction of railway equipment, the cultivation and processing of agricultural raw materials are developed here. The city has a large number of different enterprises. The Swedwood furniture factory is of the greatest importance for the employment of the population. However, in environmental terms, Tikhvin's enterprises are not critical for environmental pollution, and the number of machines is not too large.
Transport network
The city is located on the highway connecting Vologda with Novaya Ladoga (code: A114). Developed intercity bus transport. There are also a large number of intra-city and suburban routes.
Rail transport is represented by the Tikhvin station, which belongs to the Oktyabrskaya railway.
Inside the city, transportation is limited to buses. There are 16 bus routes in total.
Tikhvin's population grew slowly and often unsustainably until 1945, after which there was an almost exponential growth until 1996, and then a slower but significant decline. This decline has slowed sharply in recent years.
In 1825, the population of the city of Tikhvin was only 3803 people. In 1949 - 13,373 people, and in 1992 - 72,000 people.
How many people are in Tikhvin now? In 2017, the number of inhabitants of Tikhvin was 57,900 people, which puts it in 291st place among the cities of the Russian Federation. Population densityis 2279.5 people per square kilometer.

Ethnic composition of the population
Tikhvin is dominated by the Russian population. Persons with Russian nationality are up to 94%. In second place (by a huge margin) - the Ukrainians. There are 1.3% of them in Tikhvin. This is followed by Belarusians (1%). There are 0.3 percent of Tatars in the city, and 0.2 percent of Azerbaijanis. The share of other nationalities is very small.
Sights of Tikhvin
Tikhvin is divided into 2 urban zones: the Old Town with a large number of ancient and dilapidated buildings and the New Town, where most of the residents live and recent buildings prevail. In 1970, almost the entire old part of the city was planned to be demolished, however, thanks to the prompt reaction of cultural workers, this process was prevented.
Mostly, the old part of the city consists of wooden buildings, often two-story.
There are over 10 objects in the city that visitors can visit. Basically, these are temples, cathedrals, monasteries and museums. Tikhvin is home to the Historical Museum of Architecture and Art, which is the oldest in the region. There is also a museum of local lore and the house-museum of Rimsky-Korsakov.

Tikhvin Employment Center
This institution is located at the address: the city of Tikhvin, 5th microdistrict, 40. You can get there by bus to the stop "5 microdistrict". From Monday to Thursday, the center is open from 9 to 18, and the reception of citizens is from 10 to 17. On Friday, it is open from 9 to 17, and the receptionconducted from 10 to 16. Saturday and Sunday are days off. No lunch break.
Employment center vacancies
As of mid-2018, the city is looking for workers of various speci alties. Basically, quite a lot of doctors are required. Their salaries are from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.
On other types of vacancies, salaries are lower. The minimum but frequent salary is 11,400 rubles. For individual vacancies, the salary is 50,000 rubles. Thus, salaries in the city are quite diverse and correspond to the average level usual for Russian regions.
What is Tikhvin today?
Currently, Tikhvin is a cozy town with a lot of dilapidated wooden plank buildings. In many places, the landscapes are reminiscent of the countryside. Lots of greenery and trees. The way of life is unhurried, measured.
Interesting facts about the city of Tikhvin include the fact that they are trying to make it a city of migrants for residents of single-industry cities experiencing economic difficulties. Scattered throughout are church buildings built several centuries ago.

In the city of Tikhvin there are good areas for recreation, partially landscaped ponds. The most significant tourist attraction in the city is the Tikhvin Monastery. It is surrounded by a massive stone fence, behind which churches, a pond, and greenery are located. The monastery is gradually being reconstructed. At the entrance to this institution is a football field. A river flows near the monastery fence.
AroundTikhvin has forests that could be visited by nature lovers. Some buildings of the Soviet period have also been preserved. For example, a house of culture and a proud monument to Lenin on a high pedestal. Such objects are also found in many other Russian cities and are elements of the planned development of the Soviet period.