The most popular doll in the world has caused a huge problem that doctors have called the Barbie syndrome. Frightening anorexia, which has become a fashion trend, has acquired gigantic proportions. Women trying on the parameters of the doll suffer from constant depression.
First of all, models employed in the beauty industry suffer, because it is much easier for designers to work with so-called hangers than with girls with parameters close to real.
Barbie, which has become the standard of beauty, provokes serious sacrifices not only for young women, but also for experienced women who, in pursuit of unattainable beauty, are fond of plastic surgery.
After frequent criticism of doll manufacturers, it was decided in 1997 to reduce the bust of Barbie and make the incredibly narrow waist wider.
The most famous woman who went under the knife about 55 times in pursuit of the appearance of her favorite toy was Cindy Jackson, whose plastic surgeons did not redo only her lower lip.
Record holder for plastic surgery
A 60-year-old Guinness World Record holder is flattered by the comparison to Barbie, but the American often admits that Brigitte Bardot's looks are her ideal.

She has a large number of followers who receive advice from Cindy about gaining long-awaited beauty. Unfortunately, no one is embarrassed by the fact that each operation that approaches the desired doll appearance is associated with a risk to the patient's he alth.
Cindy Jackson, who spent more than 100 thousand dollars on plastic surgery, talks in numerous interviews about her manic desire not to stop there. She states that the path to perfection she has begun is infinity.
Children's complexes
American Cindy Jackson, born in Ohio, lived with her father, who often pointed out her imperfect appearance and gave birth to the first complexes in the girl. Cindy shed a lot of tears after breaking up with her boyfriend, the reason for which, as it seemed to her, was the discrepancy between the parameters of an ordinary girl and a puppet. Not a single diet and numerous physical exercises gave a thin waist and high chest, and after losing consciousness in the gym, doctors pointed out big he alth problems.

After the death of her father, Cindy Jackson, who said about herself that no one would want to look her way twice, receives a decent inheritance and decides to get closer to her ideal with the help ofplastic surgeons.
Countless Operations
Repeated facelifts and liposuction of the abdomen, plastic eyelids, nose and chin, breast and lip augmentation, removal of ribs, implants in the cheeks to correct the cheekbones - this is an incomplete list of what the woman who has become world famous had to go through. Even her hair is not her own, but implanted by surgeons. Countless chemical peels and Botox injections to smooth out the wrinkles that come with age.
Famous person
Cindy Jackson is a recognizable media personality, a popular model and an expensive beauty consultant (it is known that one hour of personal communication with a blonde costs more than $ 500). In addition, she wrote a widely circulated book, Living Barbie, in which she focused on issues of concern to all women regarding the maintenance of beauty, and described in detail all her operations.

The latest surgical intervention was the procedure of hand rejuvenation with collagen fillers.
Admiring glances
Live Barbie - American Cindy Jackson gradually turned from a modest and naive girl into a prudent and thoughtful woman, catching the admiring glances of men and reveling in her own irresistibility. Life, once reminiscent of a nightmare, turned into a real paradise with a wave of a surgical knife. And the absence of children and the warmth of a beloved man is compensated by the general admiration of the people around her.
Physical attractiveness is the basis of everything
Record plastic surgeon Cindy Jackson, whose photos often appear in women's magazines, is convinced that cosmetic surgery is the perfect way to find harmony with yourself. She confidently states that physically attractive people are much more likely to build a career and find love. And opinion polls in America only confirmed her arguments.

The now London-based celebrity has long been the official face of a plastic surgery clinic where doctors fulfill the dreams of other women fearlessly lying on the operating table in pursuit of the perfect appearance that should be their lucky ticket.