What is loneliness and what role does it play in a person's life?

What is loneliness and what role does it play in a person's life?
What is loneliness and what role does it play in a person's life?

Man, as you know, is a collective being. It can only exist in society. Since, in addition to the basic urgent needs, he also needs understanding, approval and communication with others, this is the basis of people's existence. But in our life there is such a phenomenon as loneliness. This is an unnatural state for the individual. What is loneliness and what role does it play in a person's life? This phenomenon is being studied by philosophers, psychologists, sociologists.

what is loneliness
what is loneliness

So, loneliness is an inner feeling of an individual who is in a state of breaking social ties as a result of real or imagined reasons. Usually this process is hard experienced by a person and can cause depression and other mental disorders. This definition is given by philosophy.

Since the 19th century, thanks to many romantic writers, loneliness has been cultivated asan aristocratic, sublime feeling that gives a certain aura to a person. Proof of this - aphorisms about loneliness from great people. For example: “Life is a journey that is best done alone” (J. Adam). At all times, geniuses and outstanding people felt lonely. But this is quite understandable. Because it is foolish to expect that the inner circle will understand and accept you, if at the same time you are radically different from them.

afarisms about loneliness
afarisms about loneliness

What is loneliness, according to psychologists? Roughly the same as that of philosophers. But psychologists see it as the result of some psychological problems. Since this phenomenon rarely occurs only for external reasons. First of all, these are personality traits, worldview, relationship with others. Some deliberately go into isolation, in the event that there are signs of autism or serious psychological trauma in which a person loses faith in people. Others, on the contrary, develop a fear of loneliness. But, again, this is due to self-doubt, these people are feverishly trying to prove to themselves and others that they are needed and indispensable.

What is loneliness in terms of sociology? This science considers this phenomenon as a social phenomenon. The more intellectually developed a person is, the more she is prone to feelings of loneliness. A mundane person doesn't even"

fear of loneliness
fear of loneliness

worries” about this. This problem is also not very disturbing for those who are focused on business, are constantly busy with something and canexpress in creativity or labor.

More prone to loneliness are older people, when they realize that there is a desire, but there is no longer enough strength, it begins to seem that you are being deleted from life. Young people invent this feeling for themselves, because they strive to be recognized in society, significant people. If this does not happen, they may go into self-isolation. Residents of cities are more likely to suffer from loneliness than people in rural areas. The pace of life in large cities exhausts a person emotionally, he is constantly in a stressful state, and this is closely connected with loneliness.

What is loneliness, according to a simple person who experiences it? This is when you want to talk to someone, but not with whom. There is a desire to take care of someone, and not about whom. A person sees a wall of misunderstanding, but does not realize that it exists only in his imagination. We must remember that everything is in our hands. If a person is friendly, sociable, open, always striving to help others, loneliness will never overtake him. He will always be needed.
