Anthony Hopkins: filmography and biography of the actor

Anthony Hopkins: filmography and biography of the actor
Anthony Hopkins: filmography and biography of the actor

This actor can be called one of the most popular people on the planet. But he walked to his peak for a very long time, and this path was not easy. But today, millions are crazy about his unsurpassed game. Anthony Hopkins, whose filmography includes dozens of first-class paintings, is quite worthy of the title of classic and legend of world cinema. Although he himself seems not entirely satisfied with the result achieved…

Childhood years of the star

Actor Anthony Hopkins was born in 1937 on December 31, becoming a New Year's gift for his parents. His mother and father were ordinary British people who owned a small bakery in the town of Mergham (Wales). They worked from morning to evening, but still barely made ends meet. Grandfather was considered the head of the family. He was an adherent of house building and austerity in literally everything.

Hopkins filmography
Hopkins filmography

Little Anthony grew up withdrawn and very lonely. As an adult, he recalled how he often hid in the farthest corner of the school yard and dreamed of becoming invisible so that no one would pay attention to him. And he also dreamed of getting into the mysterious and seemingly impregnable world of show business. At his age, all the boys beckoned to himcinema. True, not everyone can boast of such a dizzying career.

Could the young Anthony Hopkins, whose films would become the leaders of views a few decades later, think that he himself would someday take a place among the stars? Most probably not. But perhaps he had a premonition of his fate. Because immediately after graduation, he hurried to leave his native, but completely unpromising town. And without hesitation, embarked on the path of dreams.

Study and first acting steps

Anthony Hopkins, whose filmography today is striking in its vastness, at the age of 18 was an ordinary provincial boy, albeit gifted. Even at school, the boy demonstrated his ability in music and acting, parodying teachers. But there are hundreds like him! Nevertheless, the native of Wales managed to enter the Cardiff Theater and Music College.

anthony hopkins movies
anthony hopkins movies

Literally from the very first days of his studies, Hopkins was transformed. Where did his unsociableness and detachment go! Feeling in his element, young Anthony became the soul of the company and the favorite of the public. In the same place - in college - he first appeared on the stage and seriously "fell ill" with acting. He studied brilliantly, which gave him the right to a scholarship.

Golden times were interrupted by military service. After her, Hopkins continued to master the wisdom of the profession at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. In parallel, he played in one or another troupe, where he was accepted with pleasure. At first it was only about the provinces, but in the end it wasreached the National Theater itself, which at that time was directed by Maestro Olivier Lawrence.

Anthony Hopkins felt like a fish out of water on stage. He got used to his roles so much that he could really beat his partner on stage. This caused dissatisfaction with the directors, but the audience, of course, was delighted. Colleagues joked that it was good that Anthony was not given a combat pistol in his hands, otherwise he would have shot someone on stage, getting used to the role.

thrillers with anthony hopkins
thrillers with anthony hopkins

Leaving the theater

The roles of Anthony Hopkins, even at the dawn of his career, were bright and memorable. Laurence Olivier's work went like clockwork. Critics spoke more positively than negatively about the young actor, the audience was grateful …

But soon Hopkins decides to say goodbye to the theater. Such a life seemed to him too slow, drawn out, clumsy. First, a long period of rehearsals, then - even longer - you present the same performance on stage …

In the cinema, which remained Anthony's true dream, everything was completely different: filmed - and new shootings. And so - without stops and breaks.

After another major quarrel with Olivier Hopkins leaves his theater and knocks on the world of cinema. In the future, he still had to cross the theatrical threshold more than once, but nevertheless this activity ceased to be the main one in his life.

the role of anthony hopkins
the role of anthony hopkins

Movie debut

In 1967, Anthony Hopkins managed to star in the short film The White Bus. But a real film debutYou can consider his role as King Richard the Lionheart in the melodrama The Lion in Winter. Filming took place in 1968. The picture was a great success. Hopkins himself fell in love with critics. The filmography of the actor began successfully.

Followed by adaptations of various classic plays, as well as work in the miniseries "QBVII", which brought Hopkins fame among American audiences.

Thorny path to the top of the film Olympus

Having settled in the USA, a native of Wales begins to systematically conquer the film Olympus. It was not easy for him … Anthony Hopkins, films with which came out one after another, still could not achieve real fame. Among his works of this period can be noted the film "Young Winston" (1972), the action movie "The Bridge in the Distance" in 1974, the "horror" "Audrey Rose", released in 1977, the drama "Magic" and the comedy "Change of Seasons" (1978 and 1980 respectively).

starring anthony hopkins
starring anthony hopkins

And there were the roles of Hitler in "Bunker" and Bruno Hauptmann in "The Lindbergh Kidnapping", for which Hopkins even received prestigious awards. But global success was still far away.


It's hard to imagine that Anthony Hopkins, whose filmography is full of images of restrained and strong-willed "supermen", could be addicted to such a banal thing as alcohol. But, unfortunately, this fact took place in the biography of the actor.

Spaceful bohemian life with almost daily partying and drinking almost led the grandson of a stern supporter of house building into the abyss. Under the "aegis" of the green serpent, a goodhalf of the seventies. But Hopkins changed his mind in time and pulled himself together, realizing that he could not achieve the main goal of his life in such a “company”. Alcohol was finished, and a new stage of conquering Olympus began.

Anthony Hopkins: filmography. Best Movies

Hopkins "example" of the 80s can already be called an accomplished and quite successful actor. After the unusual film released in 1980, The Elephant Man, the actor woke up famous. And then each new work only consolidated success. "Othello", "Peter and Paul", "Mussolini and I: the decline and fall of the Duce", "Choir of the Suffering", "The Married Man" and other paintings evoked the approval of critics and public recognition. The leading roles of Anthony Hopkins made him more and more recognizable in America and abroad. The image of the artist gradually formed: a cold-blooded, phlegmatic, calm person with a firm look and a sharp mind.

actor anthony hopkins
actor anthony hopkins

This image was quite suitable for the heroes of psychological dramas, and for historical, and for military films, and for action films.

But the “tastiest” of all turned out to be thrillers with Anthony Hopkins. And one of them brought him truly crazy popularity and forever raised him to the rank of classics. Of course, we are talking about the Oscar-winning "Silence of the Lambs" and the role of Hannibal Lecter - a cruel murderous maniac who eats his victims … This image literally "tore apart" the planet. In 1991, Hopkins finally got to the coveted Olympus.

And, in principle, to this day remains on it. It cannot be said that the films that followed "Silence …" were able to surpass this hit, but also failed.don't name them either. The best roles of Anthony Hopkins are the role of the theologian in "The Kingdom of Shadows", and characters from the films "The End of Harvard", "Zorro", "Legends of the Fall", "At the End of the Day", "On the Edge", "Mission Impossible-2", "Living Picasso", and roles in "Red Dragon" and "Hannibal", which became a continuation of the story of the legendary cannibal maniac, and others. For many of them, the actor received prestigious world awards.

Other roles of Hopkins

Anthony Hopkins, whose best films still do not leave television screens and conquer more and more new viewers, left a mark not only as an actor. He tried himself in directing, having shot three films, and in screenwriting (Whirlwind). And for the best producer work on the film "Bobby" he even received an award. But in none of these roles Hopkins was seriously entrenched, and will remain in the memory of millions after all as a brilliant actor.

Private life

The first time Anthony Hopkins married back in the mid-60s was Norwegian actress Petronella Barker. In 1968, the couple had a daughter, Abigail, who later followed in her father's footsteps. Unfortunately, this marriage ended in 1972 due to Anthony's heavy drinking.

anthony hopkins best movies
anthony hopkins best movies

The second wife of a world celebrity was Jennifer Linton, whom Hopkins met on the set of one of the films, where she was an assistant director. The union lasted almost 30 years, withstood the ocean of rumors and dirty gossip, but also did not become the last in the life of a star.

In 2003, Hopkins entered into a new marriage - with Colombian Stella Arroyave. On theat the time of the wedding, the groom was 65 years old, and the bride - 46.

Anthony Hopkins, whose biography can become the coveted of many, however, is not entirely satisfied with the way he lived his life. Once he said that, looking back, he did not understand why all this … Like, is it really a dozen high-profile films and prestigious awards - is that all that could be achieved ??? There was a desire to take a different path in his words. But, unfortunately or fortunately, the river cannot be turned back, and the world can enjoy the brilliant performance of an unsurpassed actor to its fullest!
