A pleasant old town in central Russia with a very suitable and very ancient Russian name - Tutaev. The population, probably, did not suspect for a long time that the city was named after a young Red Army soldier, until they were given a choice - to be Tutaevs or Romanov-Borisoglebtsy.
General information

A pretty provincial town in the Yaroslavl region has long been included in the Golden Ring of Russia. An amazing feature of Tutaev, which makes it a historical monument of bureaucratic bungling, is that the city, spread out on two banks of the Volga, does not have a bridge between them. Once it was two cities, after which two sides are named - Romanovskaya and Borisoglebskaya. The two banks, separated by a wide river, are connected only by a ferry crossing, which operates only in the warm season. In winter, the population of the city of Tutaev travels from one part to another through Yaroslavl, which is 40 km one way.

Thanks to the preserved atmosphere of a provincial Russian town, Tutaev became a film set formany feature films. The first film adaptation of "12 Chairs", the second part of "Boomer" and several episodes of the series about the young Stirlitz - "Isaev. Diamonds for the dictatorship of the proletariat" were filmed here.
The largest enterprise is the Tutaev Motor Plant, which produces diesel engines for heavy vehicles, tractors and river tugs. Thanks to the construction of the plant, the population of Tutaev increased significantly in the 70s.
Romanov's story

On the left bank of the Volga in 1283, as recorded in ancient chronicles, Uglich prince Roman Vladimirovich founded the city, later named after him - Romanov. As a result of the raids of the Mongols and Novgorod ushkuiniki, it was repeatedly completely destroyed.
In 1563, Ivan the Terrible gave the city to be fed by the Tatar murzas, the future princes Yusupov. The mass migration of Tatars to the Yaroslavl land began, for two hundred years this region was a Muslim enclave. Not only in Romanovsky, but also in neighboring counties, they made up the majority of the population. Several mosques were built, which were later dismantled. In the XVIII century, most of them converted to Orthodoxy, and persistent Muslims were evicted near Kostroma.
At the beginning of the 17th century, during the Time of Troubles, the city was again plundered and burned. Romanov was rebuilt again, in 1777 it became the county center.
History of Borisoglebsk

The Laurentian Chronicle says that when Yaroslavl was destroyed by the Mongols in 1238,residents fled to Borisoglebskaya Sloboda. From here, looking at the other side, well suited for the construction of a fortress, the prince of Uglich Romna Vladimirovich decided to found the Romanovs. In 1777, the settlement became a city and county center.
United City
In 1822, in order to save money on the management of the city, they were merged into one - Romanov-Borisoglebsk. At the beginning of the 20th century, 8.5 thousand people lived in the city, the able-bodied population of Tutaev worked at 12 linen factories and sheepskin dressing.
In 1818, the city was called Tutaev-Lunacharsk for a whole month, then, for convenience, they decided to leave only the first part. Tutaev is the surname of an ordinary Red Army soldier who died during the suppression of the White Guard rebellion. With the beginning of perestroika, there were several attempts to rename, but in a referendum in 2017, the city's population voted to retain the name.
Population of Tutaev

The development of the city has always been under strong pressure from the nearby regional center - Yaroslavl. The population of Tutaev was first determined in 1856, when 5100 people lived in the town. According to the first census of the population of the Russian Empire, held in 1897, there were already 6,700 inhabitants. In the pre-revolutionary period, the population grew slowly, mainly due to natural increase.
After the 1917 revolution, the population of Tutaev (according to the first available data in 1931) almost doubled to 7600, compared with the last data of the Russian Empire in 1913. Between 1931 and1939 the number of inhabitants of the city grew to 18,500, the population grew due to the influx of the rural population during the period of Soviet industrialization. The next surge in the increase in the population of Tutaev occurred in connection with the construction of a motor plant, which for a long time determined the economic and demographic situation in the city. The population reached its maximum in 1996, reaching a population of 45,700 people. In recent years (since 2015), the number of residents has been growing slightly, now 40,400 people live in Tutaev.

If you want to plunge into the atmosphere of an old Russian provincial town, then welcome to Tutaev. There are many historical buildings and ancient temples of the XVII-XIX centuries. in varying degrees of preservation. Tutaev is rightfully included in the list of historical settlements of the country, closes the Golden Ring, being the twelfth (out of 12) point of the popular tourist route.
One of the most beautiful churches in the city is the Resurrection Cathedral, built on a steep bank of the Volga in the second half of the 17th century. It is located in the central part of the city, on the site of Borisoglebskaya Sloboda. The temple was not closed in Soviet times, so it was possible to preserve the interior decoration. On the other bank of the Volga is the Holy Cross Cathedral, the oldest historical monument of the city, in 1947 it was recognized as a monument of federal significance. Built by Yaroslavl craftsmen in 1658. The population of Tutaev is rightly proud of many other city churches.
In the city you cansee historical buildings, residential houses of merchants and noble estates. There are several museums, including the museum of Admiral F. F. Ushakov, a native of the Romanovsky district.