The territory of the Brest region covers an area of 23,790 km². Of these, 2040 km² belongs to the Kobrin district. Its center is the city of Kobrin, the history of which will be discussed in our article. It is located on the banks of the Mukhavets River (the right tributary of the Western Bug).

We have already found out where Kobrin is. We will compose a description of it and consider the history of its occurrence further. There are several assumptions about the formation of the name of the city. The most reliable version is considered to be the version of the Belarusian toponymist Vadim Zhuchkevich. It says that the name of the city came from the name of the nomadic Obra people, who inhabited this territory, who disappeared for unknown reasons.
Then they moved to the central part of Europe. There, in the 6th century, the state of the Avar Khaganate was created. Historians could not find the exact date of the formation of the city in historical documents.
The legend that has survived to our time says that the future regional center was founded by a descendant of the Kyiv prince Izyaslav in the 11th century on the site of a fishing village,which was on the river Kobrinka.
For the first time, Kobrin is found in the Old Russian Ipatiev Chronicle of 1287. In those days, this territory belonged to the Vladimir-Volyn principality. From 1404 and for 115 years the city was the center of the Kobrin principality.
In 1589, the city received a coat of arms in the form of a shield with the image of St. Anna and the right to elect a self-government body (Magdeburg). Since 1795, Kobrin has been part of the Russian Empire and has become a provincial town in the Grodno province, where the construction of urban infrastructure began, typical for county towns in Tsarist Russia.
In 1915, Kobrin, the sights of which we will consider below, was captured by the forces of the Kaiser's army, and four years later - by the troops of Poland. In 1920, the city was liberated by the Red Army, but a year later, according to the Treaty of Riga, the Western part of Belarus began to belong to Poland, and the city became the center of the Polessky Voivodeship. In 1939, after the unification of the Western part of Belarus with the BSSR, the settlement finally became part of the Brest region.

Economic development of the city
Before we name the population of Kobrin, let's talk about the economy of this settlement. Now this city, which covers an area of 3150 hectares, is considered a developed industrial city. Kobrin is the southern and northern regions, separated by the Mukhavets River, where the main functioning enterprises are located.
This is a hydraulic engineering plant ("Gidroprom"). A jointproduction for the production of children's toys and various household products (JV Polesie). Production Association "Flexopak", producing polyethylene packaging.
Several light industry factories and firms specializing in the production of food and dairy products, and other production facilities also operate in the industrial area.
Dynamics of the population in the city
The first census of the city of Kobrin was carried out 22 years after the city became part of the Russian Empire (1817). At that time, 1427 people lived there.
Over the next 80 years, the number of the indigenous population of Kobrin increased by 8,980 people (10,408). Due to the economic difficulties in the region, emigration began to the United States and other European countries.
During this period, 1655 people left Kobrin. By 1907, according to the census, 8,753 people lived in the city. From the second half of the 20th century, the development of the city's economy began. By 1991, the population of Kobrin, compared with 1907, increased by 40,647 people.
Now there are 53,177 indigenous people living in the city. And if we talk not only about the population of Kobrin, but also about the region, then in total there are more people there. 88,037 people live in Kobrin district.
Tourism development
In recent years, the city government pays great attention to the development of tourism, as the tourism business increases the potential of the city budget. There are two travel companies in the city: BMMT (International Youth Tourism Bureau) Sputnik,located on Freedom Square, and the travel agency "Atlant" (Dzerzhinsky St.).
The main activity of these institutions is to organize eight tourist routes. The most popular route is "Ancient and legendary Kobrin", where lovers of history and travel will be introduced to the main sights of the city.
Spassky Monastery
We have already found out what the population of the city of Kobrin was and has become. Now let's talk about the sights of this city. In the 16th century, the Spassky Monastery was erected by Prince John Kobrinsky. The monastery was a stone residential and service building. Until our time, the original building has not retained its appearance, as during its existence it was rebuilt several times.
In 1596, the Union of Brest was signed (the unification of the Catholic and Orthodox churches), and the monastery began to own all the estates and villages surrounding the monastery.
During the hostilities of 1812, the monastery territory was used as a paramilitary fortification of Russian units under the command of cavalry general Count Alexander Tormasov.

In 1939, the union ceased to exist, and the monastery was closed. After some time, a county spiritual and educational institution was opened in the former monastery monastery.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Polish authorities carried out restoration work in the main building of the monastery, after which the premises were used for the Kobrin City Court.
After the liberation of the city from the German occupation, there was a district police station here. In 2010, the territory of the Spassky Monastery was returned to the Kobrin diocese, which revived monastic life.
Now a women's monastery functions in the former male monastery. Tourists can see the main monastery relic - a list with the revered icon of the Mother of God "Quick Hearing".
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Now we will tell you about another sight of Kobrin, a photo with a description of it will be presented below. On the central street of the city (Lenin Street) there is a cathedral built in 1864 in the name of Prince Alexander Nevsky.
The temple building was erected at the burial place of Russian soldiers who died in the first victory over Napoleon's troops in the Kobrin battle on July 15, 1812.

Gilded crosses were installed on five cathedral domes, made in the workshops of St. Petersburg under the guidance of the jeweler Sokolov. The consecration of the temple dates back to 1867. In 1961, due to the fault of the assistant archpriest, a fire broke out, which caused the closure of the temple.
The city leadership then decided to open a city planetarium in a church building, then a museum of atheism was opened here, then the temple building was used as a city archive.
After 28 years, the cathedral was transferred to the Kobrin diocese, archival documents were transferred to another city building and restoration work began, after which the church was re-consecrated.
Now the temple is active, where a youth religious brotherhood has been created since 2006. The cathedral also has a pilgrimage department, the purpose of which is to organize trips to the holy places of Belarus.
Kobrin Assumption Church
On Pinskaya street (modern name - Pervomaiskaya) in 1513 the first wooden Catholic church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built. For more than three centuries, the temple burned repeatedly and was rebuilt after restoration.
In 1940, due to the dilapidation of the building, it was decided to build a new stone church on this site, which was consecrated in 1943. In 1962, the church was closed, but was not destroyed.
The reason for the preservation of the religious building is that the interior of the temple in 1864 was decorated with paintings by the famous Belarusian artist Napoleon Orda.

In 1990, due to numerous requests from Catholics, the church was returned to the diocese. Restoration work was carried out by the Kobrin construction organization Energopol, after which the cathedral was re-consecrated.
Now tourists can visit the only functioning church in Kobrin, attend the service, view the restored paintings of the Horde and the main shrine - the miraculous image of Jesus Christ.
St. Nicholas Church
The temple building of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is a monument of wooden church architecture. The first St. Nicholas Church was built around the 15th century.
In 1835, during the city fire,the church burned down and it became necessary to purchase a new church, since during the spring flood of the Mukhavets River, residents could not get to the nearby church.
In this regard, the Orthodox community of this area received permission to move the building, which was located on the territory of the former monastery in the village of Novoselki, and install it in the place where it is now (Nikolskaya Street).
In 1961, the temple was closed, and for 28 years it was a food warehouse. In 1989, the church was transferred to the management of the Kobrin diocese. At the end of the 20th century, a bell tower was built next to the temple, which announced the beginning of the service.
St. George's Church

In 1889, St. George's Church was erected on the territory of the Christian cemetery. This is another famous sight of Kobrin (photo below).
On the graveyard, which was then located on the outskirts of the city, people of different faiths were originally buried. After the construction of the church, consecrated in honor of George the Victorious, they began to bury only Christians of the Orthodox faith.
After the revolutionary events of 1917, the church was closed, and it housed various city warehouses. Now in St. George's Church, which, after repair and restoration, has become its former form, was consecrated in 2005, divine services are being held. Tourists can visit the temple and see the shrine, a symbol of the invincibility of the Orthodox warriors of St. George the Victorious, with particles of his relics.
Manor "Kobrin key" in the city of Kobrin. History and description of the Military Historical Museum
In 1795, after the third partition of the Commonwe alth (a federation of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania), Kobrin became part of the Russian Empire.
In the same year, Empress Catherine II presented the princely estate "Kobrin Key", which included Kobrin, Dobuchin (Pruzhany) and Gorodets, to Field Marshal of the Russian Empire Alexander Suvorov in gratitude for the suppression of the Polish uprising in 1794 under the leadership of Andrzej Kosciuszko.
The founder of military theory first came to his estate in 1797. Two months later, Suvorov was forced to leave Kobrin, as Emperor Paul I (son of Catherine II), fearing a secret agreement against his personality, ordered to move to the Konchanskoye estate (Novgorod province).
In 1800, Suvorov visited his estate for the second time, returning from a Swiss campaign, where a historic crossing of the Alps was made. At that time, the 69-year-old commander's he alth deteriorated, and he moved to St. Petersburg, where he died two weeks later. After his death, the estate was sold by the commander's son to Lieutenant-General Gustav Gelwig.
Then Helwig's heirs sold this territory to the younger brother of the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz, Alexander Mickiewicz. Now on the territory of the estate there is a city park, which is named after the national hero of Russia Alexander Suvorov.
One-storey house-estate, which has survived to our time and stands in the city center on Suvorov Street, belonged to the "Kobrin Key". He isthe main attraction of Kobrin.
In 1941, during the Second World War, the house was destroyed, but in 1946 it was restored, and it was decided to create the A. Suvorov Military History Museum in it, the opening of which took place two years after the restoration work.
Now tourists can visit the historic estate, where in 1950 a bronze bust of Suvorov and the original cannons of 1812 were installed in front of the entrance. The pride of the museum management is the only original in Belarus of a complete set of knightly armor of the 16th century and a completely restored personal office of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

St. Peter and Paul Church
The history of the St. Peter and Paul Church, which was built in the 15th century, is associated with Field Marshal A. Suvorov. During Suvorov's stay in Kobrin, the temple was located near his house, which now houses the exhibits of the Military History Museum.
The commander was a religious person and in this temple he sang in the church choir and read a collection of prayers to God (ps alter). When visiting the church, tourists can look at the ps alter, which says: “Suvorov sang and read from this ps alter.”
At the beginning of the 20th century, by order of Emperor Nicholas II, it was decided to build a new temple complex and the church visited by Suvorov was moved to the outskirts of the city and re-consecrated in 1912.
Interesting fact: the temple for which the historical relic was transferred was never built. Thanks to the name of the Russian commander, St. Peter and Paul Church inSoviet times was not closed, and the service continues to this day.
Kobrin water park
On Gastello Street, not far from the park named after Suvorov, in 2009, the entertainment water park "Kobrin Aquapark" was built, which was included in the list of city attractions.
For lovers of outdoor activities, there are four water slides with different configurations, designed for adults and children of different ages. Hydromassage waterfalls are in great demand - a tool for shoulder and neck massage.
A balneary has been created in the water complex, where you can visit various medical procedures according to international standards. On the territory there are several cafes and a special cafeteria with a children's kitchen. The work of the management is aimed at ensuring that the water park is not only an entertainment, but also a he alth center of the Kobrin region.

Famous people of Kobrin
We found out the population of Kobrin. And now I would like to talk about prominent people from this city. In 1866, the Belarusian artist Napoleon Orda was arrested and imprisoned in the Kobrin prison for participating in the January uprising against the Russian Empire (1863-1854), after which he left for Paris.
In 1898, the poet Dmitry Falkovsky was born in the village of Bolshiye Lepesy (4 km from Kobrin). Kobrin is the birthplace of the world-famous mathematician of the 20th century, the author of algebraic geometers (a section of mathematics that combines algebra and geometry) Oscar Zariski.
The emperor's personal architectNicholas II Semyon Sidorchuk was born in 1882 in the Kobrin district. From 1813 to 1816 in Kobrin, the future author of "Woe from Wit" Alexander Griboedov did his military service.
Tourists who have visited the city say that its history is very interesting. They also note that where Kobrin in Belarus is located, there are many attractions. Everyone should look at them, get acquainted with their history.
Most tourists note that the friendly attitude of the inhabitants of the regional center and the whole of Belarus leaves a desire to return again.
Now you know the current population of Kobrin. We also talked about what changes happened to her. In addition, the article examined the history of the city, the development of the economy. We also told where Kobrin is located, what interesting sights tourists should see.