Volzhsk is one of the cities of the Volga region and the Republic of Mari El. This is the second largest city in this subject of the Russian Federation. It is located on the left (i.e., eastern) bank of the river. Volga. It is located in such a way that it is almost on the border between Mari El, Chuvashia and Tatarstan. The large city of Kazan is just 49 km away. At a distance of 12 km to the east is Zelenodolsk.

Federal highways and railways run near the city. Both those and others connect Moscow and Yekaterinburg. The population of Volzhsk is 54.5 thousand people.

Economy and transport
The basis of the city's economy is industry. The total number of different enterprises reaches 100 units. They are not associated with the extraction of raw materials or their processing. The emphasis is on getting the final product. The most significant share is mechanical engineering. This is followed by paper production and other economic activities.

Transport is represented by buses and trains. A fixed-route taxi system has been developed, for which as many as 18 companies are responsible.
The city is not a tourist center and is not of great interest to tourists. Among the most famous objects of local importance are the monument to Lenin, the "Heart of the City" square, the local history museum, various busts, a memorial, other monuments and an eternal flame. There are also 5 religious sites.
Population of Volzhsk
The number of inhabitants of the city is relatively small, due to its small size. The population curve in Volzhsky has a semi-convex shape typical of many Russian cities. It grew until the mid-1990s, and then gradually declined. In recent years, this process has become barely noticeable, which indicates a gradual improvement in the demographic situation. In 1940, about 20,000 people lived in Volzhsk. At its peak in 1992, the population was 62,500. In 2017, it amounted to 54,500 people. According to this indicator, the city ranks 303rd in the list of Russian cities.

Population and economic situation
Like many other cities, Volzhsk went through the heyday of the Soviet period and the collapse of the 90s. The crisis of the 90s manifested itself in this city especially sharply. The most critical situation was in 1999. However, then it was possible to take it under control and the socio-economic situation began to improve. The crisis of recent years, apparently, bypassed this city. Causecould be the program adopted in 2015 for the development of the city. There is an active construction of social and communal facilities. Thus, the city has good prospects for improving demographics.

Ethnic composition of the population
The share of Russians in Volzhsk is not as high as in the cities of Central Russia. They are less than 68% here. In second place are the Mari - 13.5%, in the third place - the Tatars (13.2%). The share of other nationalities is small. Among them, the Chuvash are the most common.
Vacancies of the Volzhsk Employment Center
In the city (as of mid-2018) you can find a large number of vacancies. These are mainly engineering speci alties, but there are other types of work. The picture of salaries is quite mixed and is similar to the situation in most medium-sized cities in Russia. The minimum starts from 11,163 rubles per month. This wage rate is relatively common. You can also often find vacancies with a salary of 15,000 rubles. Higher payouts extend up to 35 thousand rubles, with the highest frequency from 20 to 25 thousand rubles.
Thus, the population of Volzhsk has enough opportunities to get a job.
Reviews about the city of Volzhsk
Mostly reviews about the city are negative, however, mostly people complain about minor problems that are not critical for life. There are no complaints or comments about difficulties in finding employment (as well as their absence).
Thus, we can conclude that the living conditionsin the city of Volzhsk are generally satisfactory. The city, as already mentioned, especially acutely survived the crisis of the 90s, and, on the contrary, reacted poorly to the negative events of recent years. Obviously, this was facilitated by the competent policy of local authorities. And, although the population of the city has been slowly decreasing in recent years, this decline was barely noticeable, in contrast to the situation in the 90s of the 20th century.
The number of vacancies in Volzhsk is very large, as well as a wide range of salaries. However, in the reviews of local residents there are no complaints about the low level of wages. This suggests that the employment situation here seems to be satisfactory, and the majority of people do not leave.