Ust-Labinsk is one of the cities of the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation. It is located in the middle reaches of the Kuban River, on its right (northern) bank. It is the center of the Ust-Labinsk region and the corresponding urban settlement. The distance to Krasnodar is 62 km. The population of Ust-Labinsk is 40,687 people

Natural Features
Ust-Labinsk is located at the opposite (north-eastern) end of the Krasnodar reservoir from Krasnodar. The climate is mild and only slightly more continental than in Krasnodar. Summers are long and hot, which makes the weather not always comfortable. This has been especially pronounced in recent years, which, apparently, is associated with a warming trend in the climate.
Winter, on the contrary, is very comfortable, mild, but not too wet. Snow cover is sometimes absent. Severe frosts are rare and very rarely pass the mark of minus 20. The average temperature in January is minus 3 ° C, and in July - 23.4 degrees. Precipitation is moderate: 675 mm. In general, conditions are favorable for human habitation.
The area is a flat Kuban plain. There are steep slopes only on the descent to the Kuban River. Conditions are favorable for agriculture. This is facilitated by the presence of black soil.
City economy
The economy of Ust-Labinsk is based on agriculture. All major types of agricultural crops are grown. The industry is mainly focused on the processing of agricultural products. Oil, sugar, milk, seeds, flowers, poultry, agricultural machinery, meat, aerated concrete, bricks are produced here.
Transport is represented by a railway line connecting Krasnodar with Kropotkin. Well. stations stop trains, electric trains. There is also a junction of highways that connect the city with Krasnodar, Maikop, Kropotkin, Korenovsk. There is a bus station. Minibuses and buses run in the city itself.

Population of the city of Ust-Labinsk
In 2018, the number of inhabitants was 40687 people. The population curve shows growth up to 1998. In 1897 there were only 5,100 people, and in 1816 - 1,731. In the 20th century, the population in Ust-Labinsk grew, and in 1996 it amounted to 44,300 people. After that, there is a gradual decline. Growth was only in 2002, 2010 and 2011. In 2017, the city was in 373rd place in terms of the number of inhabitants among the cities of the Russian Federation.

Ethnic composition of the population
IncludingThe inhabitants are sharply dominated by Russians. There are 91.9% of them in Ust-Labinsk. Next come the Armenians: 3.25%. In third place are Ukrainians (1.3%). Other nationalities add up to 3.1%.
Vacancies of the employment center of Ust-Labinsk
The city needs workers of various speci alties. The number of vacancies is very high when compared with that in other small and medium-sized cities in Russia. This means that there should be no problems with employment here. As of mid-2018, vacancies often come across as a janitor, medical worker, cleaner, less often a driver.
Many and technical speci alties. However, the absence of large heavy industries affects the nature of such vacancies - there are no narrow industrial speci alties. Ust-Labinsk is characterized by such as an auxiliary worker, a locksmith, a mechanic, a sorter, a loader, a weigher, an electrician, a welder, etc.
Salaries are very different. The minimum - 11163 - is found in about 1/3 - ¼ of vacancies. A very common salary option is in the range from 12 to 20 thousand rubles. Salaries from 20 to 30 thousand come across rarely. Above 30,000 are isolated cases. The biggest here, oddly enough, the doctors.
For those who wish to earn a lot, there are separate vacancies for work in remote regions on a rotational basis. The work is heavy and in the harsh conditions of the north of Siberia. Prices here range from 68,000 to 172,000 thousand rubles. There are usually few such offers.
There are groups of burial mounds in the vicinity of Ust-Labinsk. In the city itself - earthenthe fortifications of the Ust-Labinsk fortress dating back to the end of the 18th century, as well as the buildings of the beginning of the 20th century in the central part of the settlement.

People and tourists can visit the following sites:
- City park of culture and recreation. It was created in 1934. There is a dance floor, cafes and carousels.
- Church of Sergius of Radonezh. The temple appeared in 2007. There is a chapel in the courtyard. The fence is made of bricks.
- Monument-memorial to Suvorov. It was created in 1978 in honor of the 200th anniversary of Suvorov's visit to the city.
- Memorial to soldiers of the Soviet era. The complex appeared in 1968 and was reconstructed in 1985. Major repairs were carried out in 2010.
Thus, the population of Ust-Labinsk (Krasnodar Territory) is generally increasing, although recently there has been a tendency towards a gradual decrease in this indicator. However, this decline is not as pronounced as in many other cities of the Russian Federation, which can be explained by favorable natural conditions, a competent policy of the leadership of the Krasnodar Territory (this is one of the most prosperous regions of Russia), and a positive situation on the labor market. But since there is still a decline, it can be assumed that young people prefer to leave for larger cities (for example, Moscow), where wages are higher and the variety of vacancies is wider.