Slavnikova Olga is a famous Russian writer. She is a representative of the authors who, with the help of the perfection of their native language, give their works a certain mysticism and a prophetic orientation. Slavnikova is called "the stylist of Russian prose" for a reason. Her characters are the heroes of their time, who have the gift of providence and reflect the changes taking place in the society of the near future…

Slavnikova Olga Aleksandrovna comes from Yekaterinburg. She was born in 1957. Her parents worked at a defense industry plant. They were excellent engineers, and their analytical mindset was passed on to their daughter.
The girl showed the ability to exact sciences, especially to mathematics. Practically not a single Olympiad in this subject was complete without the participation of Slavnikova. And she showed wonderful results.
Besides this, Olya attended a circle of lovers of the literary word. And she also liked this occupation. It was on the advice of the Russian language teacher that the girl decided to connect her life with literature.
Despite the protests of her parents, after graduating from school, Olga entered the Ural State University at the Faculty of Journalism. The years of study were preparation for the girl's future activities.
In 1981, the university was graduated with honors. We had to decide what to do next. She was offered to become a staff editor at the local Ural magazine, and Slavnikova happily accepted the offer.

The beginning of creativity
According to Olga herself, she started writing out of boredom. There was little work in the magazine, and the girl was outraged by many not very competent articles and stories. Then she decided to try to create the first literary opus herself.
Her small articles were published in the same "Ural". Some got into the collections of young writers. Although this was a deliberately disastrous path, since the works were "lost" after such publications.
Thus, the story "Freshman" has undergone numerous corrections. It was approved for publication in 1988 in a very abridged version. After some time, Slavnikova was able to "slip" her collection of stories to the publisher. But at that time, the collapse of the Soviet Union occurred, and the book never saw the light of day.
After that, the writer fell into a deep depression and decided to end her career in the field of writing books. She began to … sell them. Her business could not be called successful, but enough to live on. Years later, this period was described in one of her novels.
But the inner craving for creativity forced Slavnikova to return to "great literature". In 1997, the novel Dragonfly Enlarged to the Size of a Dog was published.

The work was included in the list of the best, according to the jury of the Booker Prize, and the first well-deserved award appeared in the biography of Olga Slavnikova. Critics started talking about the author as a representative of the new postmodern literature. At home, the woman was put on a par with famous Ural writers.
would be like a plot from a Spielberg movie."
The novel tells about the tragic life of a young girl and her mother. Slavina touches upon in the work the problem of the lack of mercy, kindness in society, the lack of mutual understanding in the family between relatives.
Two years later, Olga publishes another work - "One in the Mirror". It is this novel that the writer considers the most expensive for her, but also the most unclaimed.
In Slavnikova's work, Olga embodied all her experience in mathematical activity. Therefore, the main character was a brilliant practitioner in this area. But critics did not understand the full depth of the written characters and gave a low rating to the novel.
The third great work of Olga Slavnikova was accompanied bykind of scandal. The work "Immortal" appeared in 2001. The protagonist is a war veteran who is bedridden. His friends, not wanting to upset the old man, create around the imaginary appearance that the yard is still the same 70s…

A few months later Slavnikova Olga in an interview said that the creators of the German film "Goodbye, Lenin!" wrote a script that almost completely coincides with her book. Copyright infringement remains unpunished.
Critics also highly appreciated the work of Slavnikova: "Olga, using the example of her hero, was able to show the collapse of the ideals of millions of people, an entire era in the history of the country." The writer went deep into the mind of a person experiencing all the "side effects" of that period.
Moving to the capital
In 2003 Olga Slavnikova decided to move to Moscow to expand her creative activities. In a new place, work begins on a work that had the working title "Period". Some parts of the novel were published on the pages of well-known literary magazines. But the whole work appeared before the reader in 2005 and it was called "2017".
The success of the new novel was determined by the urgency of social problems: the idea of finding meaning in life, natural disasters, the loss of morality. The highlight of the work was a certain "Ural" orientation inherent in Bazhov's tales.
A year later, the author's work was awarded the prize"Russian booker". And after a while, the novel was translated into English, which is an undoubted success for any writer.
After that, Slavnikova took up the publication of the author's collection, which consisted of works of early creativity and later works. The cycle was called "W altz with the Monster".
2008 is marked by the appearance of the cycle of stories "Love in the seventh carriage". This collection was written by order of the publication, which is replicated for rail travel. Some noted the fact that the writer "creates low-grade creations for money."
Light Head
Slavnikova Olga Alexandrovna in subsequent years worked on writing a new work. The first version of its name is "Flora". But Olga changed her mind, and the novel was published under the name "Light Head".
According to the author himself, this is a story about a new type of person who values himself above all else. The main character is an ordinary office worker who finds himself in circumstances of an unusual nature.
Critics rated the creation quite ambiguously. Some said that Slavnikova changed her own style for the sake of business so that the book could be sold in the West. This opinion appeared among those who read only the first book of the novel.
But the majority still came to the defense of the author. Olga Alexandrovna explained a certain change in style by the fact that she wanted to adapt the work as much as possible for a wide range of readers.

New Romance
After the release of Olga Slavnikova's novel "The Light Head" in 2010, a long break begins in the writer's work.
The woman was busy with activities related to the "Debut" award. She was involved in helping young talented writers in their attempts to get into the pages of magazines.
Finally, in 2017, the work of Olga Slavnikova "Long Jump" appears. Its main character has unique abilities with which he can carry out long jumps. These abilities led to the fact that on the eve of the most important competition, a young man becomes disabled, saving a child from under the wheels of a car with an incredible jump…
Social drama - that's how you can call "Long Jump" by Olga Slavnikova. Most of the reviews of critics boiled down to the fact that the author does not spare the feelings of the reader, not even giving him hope for a happy ending. But she never wrote "happy endings"!

While reading the novel, the feeling of disgust from the grayness of the world and human souls does not leave. Maybe the author wanted to reveal the problem of the emotional state of the disabled, but the hero Vedernikov is busy thinking about his place in this world, and not about daily bread, like most people with disabilities.
In general, the novel leaves an ambivalent feeling. But it definitely makes you think about the consequences of certain actions in the life of every person.
A little about the person himself
BSlavnikova Olga is a caring mother and wife of the poet Vitaly Pukhanov. The writer has been married several times. Her current husband is a powerful man, loving order in everything. It is he who is the author of some of the heroes of Slavnikova's works.
The couple has three adult children. One is Vitaly's child from his first marriage, the joint daughter of Angelina and the son of Olga Gleb, also from one of her ex-husbands. The surname also remained from him. Slavnikova is already twice a grandmother and is very happy about it.
Together with her husband, Olga is busy working in "Debut". She is the director, and Vitaly is the executive secretary of the organizing committee. Therefore, the spouses spend almost all the time together.

Despite the available car, Slavnikova does not like to use this mode of transport. She prefers to travel around the capital by subway. It was there that she was visited by the ideas of creating her new works.
This petite woman has a far from weak character. But over the years, she learned to restrain her emotions and spare the feelings of other people.