Alice Sher is the ex-wife of Dmitry Nagiyev. Looking from the outside at this woman, you can never say that she can be unhappy: a tall, beautiful, always fashionably dressed businesswoman. In the past, Alisa Selishcheva is one of the most popular female radio hosts in St. Petersburg. Her programs on the radio "Modern", "Nostalgie" and "Chanson" unconditionally won the highest rating among listeners and colleagues. A woman has always been distinguished by her deep voice.

Cher knows more than anyone about how to be strong or seem like one of the last forces. Her marriage to Dmitry Nagiyev, which lasted 18 years, taught her to hide tears from prying eyes so that no one would think how hard it really is to go into the category of ex-wives.
Alice's writing talents woke up suddenly. Sher will write a book about how it is to be Nagiyev's wife. In it, she will frankly talk about all the betrayals and humiliations that her ex-husband delivered to her. True, then the woman will renouncewritten and say that this is just a novel, in which only half of the truth. But only a loving heart can idealize a person in this way. And now Alice Sher cannot answer exactly what the meeting with Dmitry was for her - a lucky ticket or a punishment for life.
This early romance with dire consequences began when Alice was 18 years old. She is a student of LGITMiK in the evenings attended a theater studio. Dimitri also came here. In her book, she will describe the now popular actor as a very handsome boy.
Nagiyev did not immediately pay attention to Cher, enough time passed after their meeting. At first, Dmitry admired only bright, sophisticated girls, which Alice was not. Tall, with large features, an extraordinary thinking, temperamental girl was different from the standard beauties that often attract men. But Cher was able to charm Dimitri.
After a while, Nagiyev went to serve in the ranks of the Soviet army. Cher, as befits a lover, was waiting for a guy. Alla (Alice is a pseudonym for a woman) wrote letters to her beloved for two years. In 1986, young people got married, and Dmitry moved into his wife's apartment.

Young family
Dmitry Nagiev studied at the theater institute, and Alice worked at the Lenconcert. The couple soon had a child. For many acquaintances even then they were an example of an exemplary family. Remembering those times, a woman realizes that the person with whom she lived for a long time is not so perfect.
In the early 90standem Nagiev-Sher successfully worked in St. Petersburg on the radio. Despite the fact that Alice was in no way inferior to her husband in talent, everyone still continued to talk about Dmitry's extraordinary acting talents. We can say that then Alice Sher idolized her husband. Nagiyev's wife remained in the shadow of his work.

I blinded him…
In 1996, the humorous show “Caution! Modern! Nagiyev's popularity grew rapidly, and Alice, as a smart woman, continued to follow behind. She enjoyed her husband's success.
Even now, Alice is ready to support Dmitry, only he no longer needs it.
Only relatives knew that Nagiyev was married. To audiences and fans, he was single. For the right image, Alice Sher supported her husband, but she had to endure flirting and crowds of fans. Along with fame came not only money, but also difficulties in the family.
At one point, not only turned into a boring unkempt wife, but also a bad housewife Alice Sher. Nagiyev's wife said that the union of two creative people was not easy, their little son Kirill saved them from divorce.
In 2009, the couple officially divorced, although in fact this union ceased to exist much earlier. Nagiev's ex-wife Alisa Sher will remember not only betrayal, but also the humiliation that her ex-husband inflicted on her.
This long-term marriage and quick divorce Cher can not forget until now. Threats, tantrums, blackmail - everything was used to force the husband to return to the family and love his wife, like thiswas before.

Today everyone lives their own life. According to some rumors, Dmitry is happy in another civil marriage, Alice is divorced and lonely. Alice Sher is currently the creative director of five top radio stations.
Hours of work, trips to Italy, learning languages and reading at leisure - this is how a businesswoman spends her days. From the marriage, Alice had only memories of hard, but such real love and her son Cyril, who also followed in his father's footsteps and became an actor. A woman dreams that father and son will star in the same film or play a theatrical production together.
A close friend and radio colleague believes that Alice will never have a new relationship, because all the space is occupied by her ex-husband and worries. And this prevents her from fully evaluating herself and, finally, looking for a new man.
Today, many people associate the legend of St. Petersburg radio Alice Sher with good quality radio air.