City of Izhevsk: population, population and national composition

City of Izhevsk: population, population and national composition
City of Izhevsk: population, population and national composition

Izhevsk, whose population has not only stabilized but also slightly increased in recent years, is one of the twenty most populated cities in our country. At the same time, its social structure, the changes that have taken place in it over the past twenty years, reflect the processes that determined the development of the economy, politics and culture of the region.

Izhevsk is the pride of Russian industry

Izhevsk population
Izhevsk population

The capital of the Republic of Udmurtia received the status of an urban settlement only after the October Revolution, in 1918. However, during these decades, a huge leap forward has been made in terms of both industrial and cultural development. The assignment of the status of the city of labor glory was a natural result of all the processes that took place here throughout the entire twentieth century.

The population of the city of Izhevsk is famous for its traditions in various fields of culture, science, education and, of course, for its production success, talent, diligence and creative approach to anyonecase. The capital of Udmurtia is a multinational city. At the same time, it is an example for all other cities and regions of our country, how Russians and Udmurts, Mordovians and Tatars, Ukrainians and Jews can get along well and fruitfully cooperate.

Izhevsk: population

Izhevsk population
Izhevsk population

According to the latest statistical reports, the quantitative indicators of the population of the city of Izhevsk have increased by about five thousand people in recent years and currently stand at about 649 thousand people.

This trend is also interesting: from 1993 to 2011, the urban population has been steadily declining, and over the past four years the number of residents in the capital of Udmurtia has increased by about twenty thousand people. The reasons for this phenomenon will be discussed below, but here it is worth noting that people living in Izhevsk are more than forty percent of the total population of the region. Such a picture, by the way, is typical for almost every subject of the Russian Federation.

Gender and age structure

Izhevsk population nationality
Izhevsk population nationality

The population of Izhevsk can be viewed as a kind of cross-section that gives an idea of the sex and age structures of the population of the whole of Russia. So, according to the data at the beginning of this year, the total number of men in the city is just over forty percent, while women in percentage terms are close to sixty.

Not a very happy picture appears if we turn to the age structure of the city's population. Despite the fact that in recent years the number of both men andwomen, although not at a very high pace, but grew, the percentage of the able-bodied population in the general structure of the inhabitants of this urban population continued to decline. Moreover, this trend is likely to continue in the coming years. The thing is that people born in the 1950s and 1960s are gradually retiring, but very few come to replace them. This is due to the difficult situation in the country in the 1990s, when there was a real demographic crisis.

Izhevsk. Population. Nationality

The population of the city of Izhevsk
The population of the city of Izhevsk

From the point of view of its national composition, the capital of Udmurtia is a very curious phenomenon. The thing is that, on average, by Russian standards, over a hundred nationalities are represented in the city.

This line-up is not accidental. It reflects both the history of the region, which was literally mastered by the entire multinational Russian Empire, and local features. The thing is that representatives of many tribes, nationalities and nations have lived on the territory of Udmurtia since ancient times. A significant part of them has survived to this day.

Population of Izhevsk
Population of Izhevsk

If we turn to specific figures, then to the question "What is the population in Izhevsk?" you can confidently answer: "Russian!" The thing is that more than 68% of the city's inhabitants belong to this nation. By the way, approximately the same figures were in the last decade of the existence of Soviet power. As for the titular nation of the republic, the Udmurts with fifteen percent confidentlyranked second.

If we talk about other large nationalities represented in Izhevsk, then the top five, in addition to those already mentioned above, also includes Tatars, Ukrainians and Azerbaijanis. However, the number of the latter no longer exceeds 0.3%.

Chechens, Bessermens and Greeks can be attributed to small nationalities whose representatives live in the hospitable capital of Udmurtia. Their number does not exceed 150 people.

Main denominations

Izhevsk, whose population is not only multinational, but also multi-religious, is one of the most striking examples of religious tolerance in Russia.

Population of the city of Izhevsk
Population of the city of Izhevsk

The largest religious community in the city is the Orthodox, and Izhevsk itself has long been the residence of the Metropolitan of Izhevsk and Udmurtia, whose place is currently occupied by Metropolitan Nikolai.

The second largest community are Muslims. The first mosque appeared in the city in the days of the empire. Currently, there are three such institutions, in addition, the Regional Spiritual Administration of Muslims conducts educational activities in the city.

In addition to the two main ones, representatives of such religious movements as Buddhists, Protestants, Old Believers, and Mormons operate quite successfully in Izhevsk.

Migration and its impact on the population in Izhevsk

Internal and external migration has a significant impact on the demographic and national picture of Izhevsk. Starting yetSince Soviet times, mostly young people came to the capital of Udmurtia for the “long ruble”, hoping to get a good job at the industrial enterprises of the city. As for internal movements, here Izhevsk looked very attractive in the eyes of residents of small rural settlements, and even other cities. Many pinned their hopes on career growth and a decent salary with the capital of the region.

What is the population in Izhevsk
What is the population in Izhevsk

Currently, the situation looks almost identical. Izhevsk, whose population has been declining for almost twenty years in a row, has managed to maintain its status as one of the largest cities in Russia, thanks in large part to a constant influx of migrants.

According to the statistical office of the republic, the annual migration increase over the past five years is about 1,300 people. The main contingent of visitors is sent here from Udmurtia itself, as well as Tatarstan, Bashkiria, the neighboring Kirov region, and even from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Mostly young people under the age of 30 go, but mostly people “over forty” leave here.

Factors positively influencing the demographic situation in Izhevsk

As mentioned above, the population of the city of Izhevsk in the last four cities is steadily growing. This growth, of course, is not as impressive as was observed in the second half of the 1980s, but after constant negative indicators for 20 years since 1993, this trend looks very encouraging. The main factorsthat had an impact on such a drastic change in the situation are as follows.

Firstly, this is a significant increase in the birth rate. It is connected both with natural processes (beginning to give birth to the generation of the 80s) and with the efforts of the state (maternity capital, regional housing programs for young families).

Secondly, the constant excess of the number of people entering the city over the number of people leaving it.

Finally, thirdly, an important role in the positive dynamics of population growth was played by the economic stability established in the region in the 2000s.

Negative trends

Despite the generally positive dynamics of recent years, a number of points regarding changes in the population in the capital of Udmurtia look very alarming. First of all, this concerns the slowdown in the growth rate over the past two years. The main reason for this seems to be a gradual decrease in the number of women of childbearing age. Subsequently, it seems very likely that the death rate will again exceed the birth rate, since the generation of the 1990s in quantitative terms is very much inferior to the generation of the 80s.

Secondly, Izhevsk, whose population remains extremely unstable, continues to be a city with an extremely high mortality rate. Particularly alarming is the fact that mostly people of working age die. This has a negative impact on both the city's human resource potential and its demographic prospects.

Finally, thirdly, the population of Izhevsk, as well asof any city in Russia is directly dependent on the economic state of the region and Russia as a whole. The crisis phenomena that have emerged in recent years are clearly not conducive to young families striving to have a second and subsequent children.

Ways to solve the problem

There is, of course, no single solution to the problems associated with the deterioration of the demographic situation, but in the conditions of Izhevsk, you can use the following points.

Firstly, Local authorities should focus on the ideological propaganda of family values, the huge role of motherhood in the formation of each person.

Secondly, it is necessary to improve the he althcare system, as the gradual aging of the population will inevitably lead to an increase in visits to doctors.

Thirdly, Izhevsk, whose population in Soviet times had a high scientific and industrial potential, should strive to attract people with a high educational potential. The basis for this should be an increase in the level of educational services.
