Prisursky Reserve: description, flora, fauna, climate

Prisursky Reserve: description, flora, fauna, climate
Prisursky Reserve: description, flora, fauna, climate

On the territory of the Chuvash Republic there are several natural zones that are under state protection. These are the National Park, natural park, natural monuments, wildlife sanctuaries. Among these riches is the Prisursky State Nature Reserve, which has unique flora and fauna.

Description and location

The reserve is located on the territory of the Chuvash Republic and is divided into three territories that cover three districts - Alatyrsky, Yalchiksky and Batyrevsky. All of them occupy the central zone of the Prisursky forest. And on its slopes from the west and east are the basins of the Sura and Volga rivers. The average height of the massif ranges from 120 to 180 m. But the highest point is 221 meters. There is a slight slope from northeast to southwest. Also on the territory besides the river. Sura river flows. Lyulya with tributaries (Sultanka, Orlik, Abachka).

prisursky nature reserve
prisursky nature reserve

What it was made for

The Prisursky nature reserve (Chuvashia) is considered young, since it was organized in1995. When it was created, the goal was to protect wetlands and southern taiga valley forests, as well as their fauna. The main task was and still is to preserve the species of Russian muskrat, which is listed in the Red Book of the country, as well as to protect waterfowl that flock to water bodies from their wintering grounds.

Over time, the territory of the reserve was increased due to the fact that new sites were added in the east of Chuvashia. They are necessary to preserve the zones of steppe vegetation, where marmots prefer to settle. As a result, the reserve has 9.1 thousand hectares of protected territory.

Climate area

The Prisursky nature reserve is located in a zone dominated by a temperate continental climate, so it is cold here in winter, and heat comes with the onset of summer. In January, the average temperature is around -12.5 °С. The hottest is July, this month the average thermometer mark is +19 °С.

Flora of the reserve

The Prisursky Reserve is filled with northern deciduous forests, where relatively little spruce grows. Coniferous forests are also found on the territory, but mostly these are insignificant pine forests where pine and spruce grow. The main "inhabitants" of deciduous forests are linden, aspen, birch, and in smaller numbers you can meet oak, alder and willow.

nature reserve prisursky chuvashia
nature reserve prisursky chuvashia

Floating water chestnut has been preserved in the reservoirs of the reserve. It is a rare species that is listed in the Red Book of our country. Also on the rare listThe plants that grow here are: open lumbago, Australian hornwort, water iris, multipartite grapevine, round-leaved wintergreen.

Not far from the village of Surinskoe in the Yalchinsky district, you can see areas with meadow steppe. So, here there are Volga bellflower, hair-like feather grass, Austrian astragalus, protozoa protozoa, steppe timothy grass.

Relic steppe biogeocenosis is growing in the Batyrevskaya zone.

Thus, the Prisursky nature reserve on its territory has preserved approximately 1000 species of vegetation and an additional 120 varieties of mushrooms. Among the plants there are 70 lichens, moss - 127, gymnosperms - 5, angiosperms - 800, ferns - 14 and lycopsids - 3.

Fauna of the reserve

46 species of mammals have been recorded throughout the territory. Among them, the muskrat lives here, which is included in the register of the Russian Red Book. This rare species belongs to the main protected ones. Common representatives of mammals living in the reserve are: wolf, fox, bear, forest dormouse, elk, hare, otter, wild boar, marten, beaver. Baibaks (steppe marmots) have survived on the Yalchinskaya and Batyrevskaya territories.

Prisursky State Nature Reserve
Prisursky State Nature Reserve

Also, the Prisursky nature reserve sheltered 190 species of birds in its halls; they nest in forests and near water. Of these, 13 species are registered in the Red Book. These include the white-tailed eagle, short-toed eagle, imperial eagle, greater spotted eagle, oystercatcher, eagle owl, osprey, common crane, common tern.

alatyr city
alatyr city

There are 33 species of fish in local waters. In addition, there are amphibians, there are 9 species in total. In addition to them, there are 7 different reptiles. Insects are most abundantly represented here, there are more than 1500 varieties of them. Also, there are such rare species as the carpenter bee, the sharp-winged elephant, the large parnodog, the memosyne and others.

Where to start the tour

Tourists visiting the reserve for the first time should start their journey from the part that is located in the Batyrevsky district. For example, if you climb 200 meters from the highway here, most likely, travelers will be able to watch the marmot colony. You can also walk along the trails or arrange a horse ride and ride along scenic routes. And after a busy journey, you can go to Alatyr - a city located 40 km from the reserve. There are also sights and historical values, since the settlement was founded in the 13th century.
