Hosni Mubarak: biography and political activities

Hosni Mubarak: biography and political activities
Hosni Mubarak: biography and political activities

Hosni Mubarak is a military, state and political figure. From 1981 to 2011 he was the President of Egypt. Mubarak's removal from office was due to the revolution. Hosni had to resign and hand over the reins of power to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. In this article, you will be presented with his biography.


Hosni Mubarak (see photo below) was born in the village of Kafr al-Musailah in 1928. It was located 55 kilometers from Cairo. Now in this village there is not a single illiterate inhabitant. Everyone can at least read and write. Mubarak's father worked in the judiciary. In 1952, he was transferred to Cairo as Inspector of Justice. So he worked until his own death. In total, the family had five children - one daughter and four sons.


Hosni received his primary education in his village. Then he transferred to the school of the city of Shibin al-Kume. She was one and a half kilometers from his house, and young Mubarak, along with his peers, had to get to her in any weather.

People who knew Hosni during school daysstudies, noted his initiative, determination and ability to take matters seriously.

Most of Mubarak's schoolmates considered him responsible and obligatory. He stood out among his classmates with a good knowledge of history and the Arabic language. Also, the young man was fond of playing field hockey, loved ping-pong and squash rackets.

hosni mubarak
hosni mubarak

Military Academy

Father wanted Hosni to enter the Pedagogical Institute after school and become a teacher. But young Mubarak had other plans. He dreamed of a military career. Hosni's desire was so strong that his father had no choice but to agree.

At the end of 1947 he was enrolled in the Military Academy. The young man graduated from it in a year and a half, having received the rank of lieutenant. The end of this institution was considered prestigious among young Egyptians who aimed to make a military career. But for Hosni, this was only an intermediate step to enter the Air Force Academy, where they took the best graduates. Mubarak also underwent a thorough medical selection.

Teacher Instructor

In 1950, the future president of Egypt successfully graduated from the academy. His photo was placed on the board of the best graduates of the educational institution. Hosni Mubarak stood out among the young pilots and was an outstanding fighter pilot. He was fluent in the English Spitfire.

In 1952, Mubarak was invited to the Air Force Academy as an instructor-teacher. Among the cadets, he enjoyed great prestige. And the many and variedcontacts with military pilots were very useful to Hosni in the future. After all, already as president, he invited only proven people from the Air Force to responsible positions in the intelligence, administrative and public service.

hosni mubarak biography
hosni mubarak biography

Business trips to the USSR

In the 60s, Mubarak visited the USSR several times. On his first trip, the future president learned how to fly heavy bombers. On subsequent trips, he studied the strategy and tactics of commanding large air formations.

Career advancement

With the coming to power of Anwar Sadat, Mubarak's career took off. In 1972 he was appointed commander of the Air Force. This was the right decision, because a year later, an air attack on Israel, planned by the future president, turned the tide of the war and brought victory to Egypt.

Vice President and President

In early 1975, Hosni Mubarak became vice-president of the country. He received this post thanks to Anwar Sadat. Three years later, Mubarak took the place of vice-chairman of the National Democratic Party. And in early 1981, he became its general secretary.

In October 1981, President Sadat was assassinated by Islamists. Hosni, who was with him, was wounded in the arm. Only 10 centimeters separated from Mubarak's death. A week later, he became president and declared a state of emergency in Egypt.

After taking office as head of state, Mubarak began to actively fight corruption. Many close associates, and even relatives of Sadat, were put on trial. Failedavoid this fate by some high-ranking officials.

hosni mubarak resignation
hosni mubarak resignation

Re-election and opposition

Hosni Mubarak was re-elected several times (in 1987, 1993 and 1999) in referendums. And the victory is 100% guaranteed. This is due to the fact that his candidacy, put forward by the People's Assembly, was the only one. The referendums were needed because of the state of emergency in the country caused by the Islamic problem.

Mubarak decided to reconsider the policy of the previous president in relations with the opposition. He released several hundred opposition supporters from prison. Hosni also softened the conditions for the activities of the respective parties. Now the opposition could publish their own newspapers. On the other hand, some fundamentalist organizations were destroyed and their members sent to execution. In particular, the President executed the participants in the assassination of Anwar Sadat.

Assassination attempts

For all of the above, Hosni Mubarak was sentenced to death by the fundamentalists. This happened in 1982. According to some reports, attempts were made on his life at least six times. However, only two assassination attempts, in 1995 and 1999, were widely discussed in the press. In the first case, the president's car was fired upon with automatic weapons during his visit to Ethiopia. The second time, Hosni tried to stab right on one of the performances. In both cases, the president was not hurt.

Foreign and domestic policy

During the reign of Hosni Mubarak, whose biography is known to any Egyptian, has become the largest leader of the state amongall countries in the Middle East. Prior to his accession to the presidency, Egypt was isolated from the socialist camp, Western Europe and the Arab world, and also had a number of conflicts with a number of states. With the advent of Mubarak, Egypt's position in the international arena was restored. Hosni was twice elected head of the Organization of African Unity. He was able to restore diplomatic relations with all Arab states.

In 1991, the US decided to launch a military operation to liberate Kuwait, which was occupied by Iraq. Mubarak supported America and called on all Arab states to do the same. A significant part of the Egyptian military contingent was allocated to conduct Operation Desert Storm, Hosni.

New elections

In September 1999, a referendum was held in Egypt, where Mubarak's presidential powers were extended for six years. As a result, he scored almost 94% of the vote and won a landslide victory.

In 2005, the Egyptian Constitution was amended. Now each party had the right to nominate its own candidates for the presidency. In September 2005, elections were held under a new scheme. As expected, they were won by Hosni Mubarak, whose biography is presented in this article. However, many doubted the legitimacy of these elections, as they recorded many violations.

Return to the Arab League

Egypt is the only country to be stripped of membership in the Arab League. This happened in 1979, when a peace treaty was concluded with Israel. Laterten years Hosni achieved the restoration of the membership of his state in the Arab League. Now Egypt is considered one of the most authoritative members of the League.

photo of hosni mubarak
photo of hosni mubarak

Economic policy

The economy also has a number of indicators, the increase of which was achieved by Hosni Mubarak. Egypt has significantly increased the volume of foreign tourism. The GDP also increased significantly. But at the same time, the external debt of the state also increased significantly.

It is impossible not to note the human potential development index. In the list of 169 countries, Egypt is in 101st place. This position is explained by a number of social problems, as well as high levels of unemployment and corruption.

Everything has changed with the arrival of the new head of the cabinet, Ahmed Nazif. In 2004/05, the country's stock exchange showed a significant percentage increase in comparison with the markets of other developing countries. On the other hand, the president has been criticized for putting privatization and big business first, not workers' rights.


On February 10, 2011, Omar Suleiman was endowed with a number of presidential powers, which were transferred to him by Hosni Mubarak. The resignation of the head of Egypt was predictable, as popular unrest reached its limit. This event happened exactly one day later. The president left for Sharm el-Sheikh and completely resigned as head of the country, giving power to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.

hosni mubarak how many rules
hosni mubarak how many rules

After retirement

After Hosni Mubarak resigned, he and his family were put under house arrestarrest. All of them were on the Red Sea in the residence. The family of the former president had to move there after violent protests in Cairo.

He alth and Court

But that was only the beginning of the problems that Hosni Mubarak had to solve. The resignation and subsequent stresses undermined his he alth. During interrogation in April 2011, the ex-president suffered a heart attack. He was rushed to a clinic in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Mubarak's lawyer Fred al-Deeba told the media that Hosni underwent surgery in Germany in 2010. The former president had a duodenal polyp and gallbladder removed. And in mid-2011, Mubarak was diagnosed with stomach cancer. In this regard, ad-Deeba sent an appeal to the Prosecutor General with a request to allow a German surgeon to the ex-president for a full examination. The appeal was redirected to the Supreme Council of the Egyptian Armed Forces. But there was no answer.

The trial was scheduled for early August 2011. Hosni himself and his sons were supposed to be at the trial. The seriously ill Mubarak was brought to the courtroom in a special modular bed and placed in a cage. He had to testify lying down. Neither the ex-president himself, nor his sons, pleaded guilty.

Hosni Mubarak resigns
Hosni Mubarak resigns


It is not known for certain who Hosni Mubarak's first love was. Since 1978, the ex-president has been married to Suzanne Sabet, originally from Wales. According to rumors, Hosni's wife was actively involved in politics. And opposition organizations believed that she generally runs the country instead of her husband. Mubarak completely denied his wife's interference in state affairs.

Hosni has two sons. The eldest - Jamal owns a fortune of 10 to 17 billion dollars. He took an active part in the political life of the country, holding an important post in the National Democratic Party. After graduation, Jamal worked in the Egyptian branch of the Bank of America, and in 1996 opened his own company, Medinvest Associates. Then he moved to London, where he settled in the elite district of Knightsbridge, buying a five-story Georgian mansion there.

The youngest son - Gamal was a banker. Like his brother, he held prominent positions in the National Democratic Party. Gamal belonged to a new generation of neo-liberals. The popularity of the young man grew rapidly and many predicted him the presidency. But Gamal himself and his father publicly rejected this version. But even if there were such plans, the resignation of Mubarak destroyed them.

Hosni has two grandchildren. Unfortunately, one of them (12-year-old Muhammad) died in May 2009. The cause of death was not advertised. The official report said only about a sharp deterioration in the boy's he alth. The media wrote that the deceased grandson of Hosni Mubarak was poisoned by food. He was first taken with acute food poisoning to a Cairo hospital. Then they decided to take Muhammad to France, but the doctors were powerless.


The Mubarak family is worth $70 billion. Hosni owns real estate in Dubai, Germany, Spain, France, Los Angeles, New York and London, as well as a number of large accounts in Swiss andBritish banks. During the 30 years of his rule, Mubarak was engaged in the largest investment deals, which brought him billions of dollars in profits. According to Christopher Davidson (Professor at the University of Durham), Hosni has sponsored a lot of projects and received income from them, thus using state resources for personal purposes.


Mubarak and his sons were arrested following a court verdict in 2011. They were charged with insider trading and corruption. They were also found guilty of embezzling $14 million. The total prison term was four years. But the Mubarak family's lawyer sent the case for review.

As a result, in 2013, Hosni's sons were cleared of corruption charges related to the sale of land. The trial on charges of Gamal and Jamal in insider trading has not yet taken place. And their father was fully acquitted, and he was released.

At the moment, Hosni Mubarak is alive and is in a military hospital on the outskirts of Cairo. It is not yet known when the ex-president of Egypt will be able to leave.

hosni mubarak's first love
hosni mubarak's first love


"The Necklace of the Nile", "The Star of Sinai", "The Star of Honor" - these are just some of the awards that Hosni Mubarak received during his presidency (how many rules the head of Egypt has indicated above). Most of the orders he received in military service. The ex-president also has awards from other states.

  • In 2007, Hosni erected a monument in the city of Khirdalan (Azerbaijan). But in mid-2011, by order of the Executiveauthorities demolished it.
  • Mubarak is an honorary doctor of MGIMO.
  • Nuru Jawaharlal Award winner.

Interesting facts

  • Previously, he occasionally attended military events while wearing a military suit. In recent years, he wore exclusively civilian clothes.
  • The capital of Hosni Mubarak is estimated at 70 billion dollars. The prevailing part of this money is in Western banks. Who controls them now is unknown. This amount is twice the external debt of Egypt.
