Alice of Hesse, Grand Duchess: biography, life and love story

Alice of Hesse, Grand Duchess: biography, life and love story
Alice of Hesse, Grand Duchess: biography, life and love story

Who is Alice of Hesse? Why is this woman famous in history? How was her life? You will find answers to all these questions in our article.


Alice of Hesse was born Victoria Alice Helena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt. Born June 6, 1872 in Germany. The future Empress of Russia received such a name from the derivative names of four representatives of the royal family: her mother, also Alice, and the four sisters of her mother. Her father was the eminent Duke Ludwig IV, her mother was Duchess Alice. The girl became the fourth, youngest daughter of the famous family.

alice hessian
alice hessian

Childhood and youth

Princess Alice of Hesse inherited the hemophilia gene. This disease has been passed from mother to children in their family for more than a generation. Surprisingly, it manifested itself in its strong pronounced form in men, while women were only its carriers. With this disease, blood clotting is reduced, which can lead to severe bleeding, both internal and external. The illness had no effect on the girl's he alth.

Native Hesse in 1878 suffered a diphtheria epidemic. She also touched Alice's family. Dies herMay's mother and sister. After that, the widowed Louis IV decides to send Alice to be raised by her grandmother, realizing that he himself will not be able to replace his mother. Most of the time the heiress to the throne spends in the UK, on the Isle of Wight. Thus, her childhood was spent in Balmoral Castle, where she was invariably spoiled by her grandmother, Queen Victoria of England. Historians note Victoria's special tenderness and love for her granddaughter, whom she called "my sun".

The future Duchess Alice of Hesse was modest and diligent in her studies. The religiosity of the entire dynasty had a great influence on her childhood.

Alisa Gessenskaya Alexandra Fedorovna
Alisa Gessenskaya Alexandra Fedorovna

First visit to Russia

At the age of 12, Grand Duchess Alice of Hesse and the Rhine visits Russia for the first time. In 1884, her older sister Ella became the wife of the Russian prince Sergei Alexandrovich. It was at the wedding celebration that the young lady saw Nicholas II - the Tsarevich, the son of Emperor Alexander III. It is worth noting that Alice immediately liked him. Then Nicholas was already 16, and she looked at him with reverence, considering the future emperor a more mature and educated person. The modest 12-year-old duchess did not dare to speak with Nikolai again and left Russia with a slight love in her heart.


Religion played the main role in Alice's education since childhood. She sacredly honored all traditions and was quite devout. Perhaps it was the modesty instilled in her that subsequently struck Nicholas II. She showed good zeal for the humanities, was interested in politics,government affairs and international relations. Her passion for religion bordered on mysticism. The girl was fond of studying theosophy and theology, in which she excelled significantly and subsequently received a doctorate in philosophy from Cambridge University.

princess alice of hesse
princess alice of hesse

Relationship with future husband Nicholas II and wedding

In 1889, Alice Grand Duchess of Hesse visited St. Petersburg again. She was invited here by her sister Ella and her husband. After a long communication with Nicholas II for 6 weeks in the magnificent apartments of the Sergius Palace, she managed to win the heart of the eldest son of the Emperor of Russia. In his notes, already in 1916, Nicholas II will tell that his heart was drawn to a modest and sweet girl from the first meeting, and already at the second meeting he knew for sure that he would marry only her.

But his choice was not initially approved by eminent parents. He was predicted to marry Helen Louise Henrietta, heiress of the Parisian count. This marriage was very beneficial for the emperor. In addition, Nikolai's mother was a native Dane and did not like the Germans. Alice herself, returning to her grandmother's palace, began to actively study the history of Russia, the language, and communicated with the Orthodox bishop. Queen Victoria, who adored her granddaughter, immediately approved her choice and helped her in every possible way in mastering a new culture. The elder sister Ella, who by that time had adopted Orthodoxy and the name Elizaveta Fedorovna, like her husband, contributed to the correspondence of lovers. Of course, for the family of Prince Sergei Alexandrovich, the husband of Alice's sister, kinship withthe imperial family brought many benefits.

Another negative fact for the Romanov family was the well-known ailment of the dynasty of the Dukes of Hesse. Fear of the illness of future heirs cast doubt on the wisdom of the choice.

Nicholas II was adamant and persistent, he did not agree to the persuasion of the mother of Maria Feodorovna. A rather tragic event helped the lovers. Alexander III fell seriously ill in 1893, and the question arose about the urgent engagement of the first heir to the throne. Nikolai went to ask for the hand of Alice himself, on April 2, 1894, and on April 6, the engagement was announced. After the death of Emperor Alexander III, Alice of Hesse converted to the Orthodox faith and received the name Alexandra Feodorovna. By the way, her husband from an early age called the girl none other than Alix - combining 2 names - Alice and Alexandra. The wedding had to be held as quickly as possible, otherwise the marriage would have been illegal, and Alice could not be considered the wife of the new emperor, so less than a week after the funeral of his father, Nicholas II married his beloved wife. Historians note that even their honeymoon took place during memorial services and mourning, as if prophesying the plight of the Romanov dynasty.

Duchess Alice of Hesse
Duchess Alice of Hesse

Government duties and political activities

Alisa Gessenskaya Alexandra Fedorovna had to quickly settle down in a new country, get used to a new culture. Researchers note that, perhaps, it was a sharp change in the situation that so strongly influenced the formation of Alexandra Feodorovna's personality. Modest and withdrawn, she abruptly becameproud, suspicious and domineering person. The Empress became the head of several military regiments, including those outside the empire.

She was also actively involved in charity work. Organizations such as orphanages, clinics, care homes, and community organizations flourished under her leadership. She trained in medicine and personally assisted in surgeries.

Alice Hessian wife of Nicholas II
Alice Hessian wife of Nicholas II

Environs of Alexandra Feodorovna

The first unpleasant incident associated with deceit in the life of Alice of Hesse, wife of Nicholas II, occurred due to the fact that she could not give birth to a son to her beloved husband. Since she was brought up from birth as the future wife of the ruler, she took the next born daughter as a curse for sins and a change of faith. Her mysticism was the reason for Philip's appearance in the palace. He was a charlatan originally from France, who managed to convince the Empress that he was able to magically help her give her husband an heir. Philip even managed to convince Alexandra Feodorovna that she was pregnant and stay at the palace for several months. Through the queen, he greatly influenced the emperor himself. It was possible to expel him only after the verdict of the doctors about the "false pregnancy".

Girls in the life of Alexandra Feodorovna were court ladies-in-waiting. Among them, she especially singled out Princess Baryatinsky, Baroness Buxgevden and Countess Gendrikova, who was affectionately called Nastenka. For a long time, the Empress had a close friendship with Anna Vyrubova. It was with the help of this lady that Alice of Hesse, the wife of Nicholas II, metGrigory Rasputin, who later greatly influenced the fate of the empire.

Among the subjects of the German Duchess, she never managed to achieve love and devotion. Alexandra Feodorovna was dismissive of others, rarely could she hear praise or an affectionate word.

Alice Grand Duchess of Hesse
Alice Grand Duchess of Hesse

The long-awaited heir to the throne

After the birth of four daughters - Olga, Tatyana, Maria and Anastasia - the imperial couple already despaired of having an heir to the throne. But a miracle happened, and in 1904 the long-awaited son appeared, named Alexei. There was no limit to happiness, only the hemophilia gene still affected the boy's he alth. Rasputin, who appeared at that moment at the court, helped him cope with the disease, since traditional medicine did not give positive results. It was this fact that made Gregory close to the royal family.

Grand Duchess of Hesse and the Rhine Alice
Grand Duchess of Hesse and the Rhine Alice

Last years of life

The last years of her life were tragic and difficult for Alexandra Feodorovna. She was a wonderful mother, her daughters helped with her to carry out operations in the hospital and spent a lot of time with wounded soldiers, participants in the First World War.

After the February Revolution, by order of the new government, the Romanov family was placed under house arrest, and later completely expelled from St. Petersburg to Tobolsk. In April 1918, the Bolsheviks transported the prisoners to Yekaterinburg, which became the last refuge of the royal family. Nicholas II defended hisrelatives, but on the night of July 17, 1918, all members of the Romanov family were lowered into the basement and shot. Eyewitnesses of those events said that, going down to certain death, Alexandra Fedorovna walked with her head held high. This summer night ended the reign of the Romanov dynasty.
