Bari Alibasov Jr.: biography and photos

Bari Alibasov Jr.: biography and photos
Bari Alibasov Jr.: biography and photos

Bari Alibasov Jr. is a well-known personality in Russia. However, he is popular not only because he is the son of the legendary Bari Alibasov, the famous producer of domestic show business.

Birth of "the country's main startup"

Soviet and Russian musician Bari Alibasov, after another divorce, met Elena Uronich, a charming fan of the Integral group. Although at the time of their acquaintance, Elena was dating another man, this did not stop Bari, and they began a stormy romance. As a result, on September 20, 1985, a child was born - the youngest Bari Alibasov. The birth of offspring did not calm down the popular composer, and it soon became known that he had started a new relationship and married for the fourth time.

Bari Alibasov Jr
Bari Alibasov Jr

Bari Jr. stayed with his mother in Saratov, and when he was 14 years old, he was given a passport, and the boy decided to move to live with his father in the capital (by the way, Bari Alibasov Jr. received his middle name Barievich). How did the fate of the son of a celebrity?

Bari Alibasov Jr.: biography

At the age of 6, Bari Jr. went to school number 1 in the city of Saratov. After the 8th grade, he moved at the insistence of his fatherto Moscow, where he underwent further training and got rid of peripheral complexes.

After studying for a couple of years at the prestigious lyceum of the capital called "Hope", the young guy went to conquer the United States of America, continuing his studies abroad. A year later, Bari Jr. began his entrepreneurial career in London. He studied at a Scientology school and dreamed of getting an Oxford education. However, after some time, the future talented entrepreneur could not stand living abroad and, secretly from his father, returned to Russia with his own earnings, secretly from his father. In Moscow, the guy entered the program "Personnel reserve", which is at the University "Synergy".

Achievements of Bari Alibasov Jr

The young man was the first to create and develop technology, thanks to which it is possible to numerically evaluate the personal competencies of people. Bari also came up with and introduced a modern standard of teaching using multimedia, smells and simulation games. Based on the PMP project management standards and personal experience, he created an event management guide, based on which event organizers can conduct events.

junior bari alibasov
junior bari alibasov

Became known for being the developer of the innovative Sales Manager Training program, after studying which its students were able to significantly increase their profits.

Business Master Class

Bari Alibasov Jr. regularly lectures and holds master classes that are dedicated to running a quality business.

He is the author of many cognitive methods for working with personnel and project management, which guide many leading domestic organizations. He also developed an effective social media promotion model that can reach more than 70 million people with the information they need.

Young entrepreneur is busy creating online communities for large-scale companies. He is fond of Thai boxing, specializes in sexology, professionally plays poker and the mafia.

Bari Alibasov Jr. with his wife
Bari Alibasov Jr. with his wife

Celebrity Entrepreneur's Love Interests

For the first time, despite the rules of corporate ethics, Bari Alibasov married his employee at the age of 19. However, this marriage did not last long, and after a couple of years the young man decided to fulfill his childhood dream and got along with a top model. With his wife Bari Alibasov Jr. - Nadezhda Gushchina, he also did not live long, referring to the fact that the couple did not have any prospects for creating a family. Apparently, the reason for this statement was Nadina's profession.

When Bari Alibasov Jr. divorced for the second time, he was asked about how he sees his wife. The young man replied that his main criteria for selecting a bride are as follows: beauty, self-sufficiency, confidence and the presence of an inner core in the chosen one.

After some time, the young man started dating a nice girl named Olesya. The young lady creates projects, is fond of photography, is engaged in modeling and sales. TV commercials.

According to Bari, they met by chance on social networks, talked and made a parachute jump together. After that, the girl began to live with a talented entrepreneur, and a little later their “quiet” wedding took place.

bari alibasov junior patronymic
bari alibasov junior patronymic

Father's personal life

When dad Bari Alibasov decided to tie the knot for the sixth time with his assistant, the young guy rebelled and opposed the official conclusion of an alliance between the famous composer and young actress Victoria Maximova. At that time, Bari Jr. was 30 years old, and he, as a son, declared publicly that the young girl seeks to be close to his father solely for selfish purposes: she dreams of a brilliant career as a singer and a carefree, prosperous life.

A little later it became known that it was Bari Jr. who introduced his father to Victoria Maximova. The young stepmother became friends with the then wife of her son and began to live in his apartment. For some time they lived together, until the wife of a young entrepreneur became jealous of him for Victoria. As a result, the couple broke up, and the young singer established friendly relations with Bari Karimovich and for a long time served as press attache for Bari Alibasov Sr.

However, the words of the son did not sink into the father's soul, after some time the couple legalized the relationship, and in 2016 they had a son, who was named Vanya.

But after living with Victoria for a couple of months, Bari realized that Ivan was not the son of a Russian composer. According toproducer, he told his wife that the child did not look like him, after which the young wife confessed to cheating and the couple broke up.

Bari Alibasov Jr. biography
Bari Alibasov Jr. biography

Now the former spouses live separately, but they are not in a hurry to officially terminate the relationship. The well-known producer did not give the kid his last name, not considering it necessary to write down the child, whose biological father he is not. At the moment, between 30-year-old Victoria and 70-year-old Bari Karimovich, despite the awkward situation that has not formed, friendly relations have been maintained.
