It's no secret that every locality has both positive and negative aspects. Blagoveshchensk is a city that borders on China. It is part of the Amur Region. The population of Blagoveshchensk notes that the standard of living has significantly decreased in the city recently. Is it so? In our article you can find more detailed information about the economic and environmental situation of the city.
History of the creation of the settlement and its development
Blagoveshchensk today is an average city that differs little from other settlements. However, the history of its creation and ennoblement has a lot of interesting facts. It is believed that the city was founded in 1856. At first it was just a military post, which was inhabited by only a few detachments of settlers. After 12 years, the population of Blagoveshchensk amounted to more than 3 thousand inhabitants. In 1888, this figure increased to 20,000. It is worth noting that the rapid population growth was not accidental. Blagoveshchensk attracted a large number of migrants with its huge mineral reserves. Surprisingly, in just one year 1894, more than 10 tons of gold were mined from the bowels of the earth of the city of the Amur Region.
Already at the beginning of the 19th century, Blagoveshchensk became a merchant settlement. It is worth noting that the soil in the city, which borders China, was unusually fertile at that time. It is for this reason that each inhabitant of the region accounted for about 800 kilograms of grain per year. In Soviet times, the settlement was closed. It was possible to get there only at the invitation of close relatives.
Today the city of Blagoveshchensk is distinguished by its close connection with the Chinese Heihe. Residents of the village can visit it under a visa-free regime.
Winter and spring weather
Migrants often pay attention not only to the economic situation of the city, but also to its weather conditions. This is an important point when choosing a place to stay. The weather in Blagoveshchensk in winter is dry. It is for this reason that snow rarely falls in the village. Low air temperature prevails for five months starting from October. Despite this, the winter in Blagoveshchensk is distinguished by sunny and clear weather. Surprisingly, the average air temperature in this locality in winter is -20 degrees Celsius, and the minimum is -45.

The weather in Blagoveshchensk is quite cool in spring. The average air temperature in March is -7 degrees Celsius. Surprisingly, inApril in Blagoveshchensk can be not only ice, but also a blizzard.
Blagoveshchensk in summer and autumn season
The population of Blagoveshchensk notes that it is hot in the city in summer. As a rule, the minimum air temperature during this period is 25 degrees Celsius. July in this locality is considered not only the hottest month, but also the rainiest. It is at this time that floods often occur. The last one was registered three years ago.

The average air temperature in Blagoveshchensk in autumn is 5 degrees Celsius. The season lasts about 40 days.
Time difference with Moscow
It is worth noting that Blagoveshchensk is not only distinguished by the weather. Time in this locality also has several features. It is no secret that in different cities of the Russian Federation the time can differ markedly. If you plan to migrate to Blagoveshchensk, then you need to study in advance the features of the time zone to which this settlement belongs.
The distance between Moscow and Blagoveshchensk is more than 5 thousand kilometers. It is for this reason that the time difference in these cities is 6 hours. For example, when it's two in the afternoon in Moscow, it's eight in the evening in Blagoveshchensk.
One of the cities in the Far East of the Russian Federation is Blagoveshchensk. Time in different settlements, as we said earlier, may vary. The time difference between Blagoveshchensk and Heihe is only one hour.
Location of Blagoveshchensk
It's no secret thatthe location of the city plays a big role in its economic situation. Migrants also often pay attention to this factor. Blagoveshchensk on the map is located quite well. The city is located in the Far East of the Russian Federation. The settlement is surrounded by two rivers - Amur and Zeya. Surprisingly, the layout of the city blocks of Blagoveshchensk has not changed since its foundation.

Blagoveshchensk is easy to find on the world map. It borders on Heihe, Khabarovsk and Trans-Baikal Territories, Yakutia and the Jewish Autonomous Region.
Since the founding of the city, the population has increased annually. The situation changed dramatically after the collapse of the USSR. In 1991, the population was 211 thousand citizens. Four years later, this figure increased by only two thousand. Blagoveshchensk attracts many migrants. The population today is about 224 thousand. After analyzing all the available information, we can conclude that the population growth has slowed down significantly.

Cost of goods and services in Blagoveshchensk
It's no secret that the cost of real estate, products and services plays a big role in the economic situation of the city. Few people know, but over the current year, prices in Blagoveshchensk for buying a house have decreased by 39%, and the cost of secondary apartments has increased by 8%. In the near future, it is planned to create a unique monitoring system in Blagoveshchensk. Thanks to it, residents of the city will be able, without leaving their homes, to compareprices for food and medicines in different supermarkets and small shops. It is worth noting that the population of Blagoveshchensk expresses its dissatisfaction with the rather high prices for baby food, meat, sugar, fruits, cereals and sausages. Residents of the city also emphasize that prices for the same product often differ greatly in different stores.

Employment in Blagoveshchensk
It's no secret that when moving or choosing a future profession, many people take into account the list of the most popular speci alties in a particular city. Builders have the most paid jobs in Blagoveshchensk. Most often, masons, concrete workers, carpenters and plasterers are required. The average salary of builders is 20 thousand rubles.
Vacancies and work in Blagoveshchensk are quite monotonous. As a rule, in this city, first of all, employees and workers of technical speci alties are in demand. The second place in popularity is occupied by the hotel and restaurant business. Every day cafes and hotels of the city need waiters, cooks and maids. The average salary of such workers is 15 thousand rubles.
Economic situation
The city of Blagoveshchensk is an economically developed settlement. A large number of factories, banks and energy enterprises are located on its territory. It is worth noting that residents of Heihe are allowed to open accounts not only in yuan, but also in rubles. This is due to the fact that border trade has been established between the Russian Federation and China.
OnThe territory of Blagoveshchensk is located plant "Amur metalworker". He specializes in the creation of mining equipment. Sea tugs are being built on the territory of Blagoveshchensk, and, as we said earlier, gold is being mined.
The Blagoveshchenskaya Thermal Power Plant supplies the city with electricity. Due to the expansion of the city, the government plans to build a second phase of the station.
National and religious composition of Blagoveshchensk
Despite the fact that Blagoveshchensk borders on Heihe, there are quite a few Chinese residents in the city. It is mainly inhabited by the descendants of Russian and Ukrainian peasants. According to Rosstat, about 90% of the inhabitants of Blagoveshchensk consider themselves to be of Russian nationality. It is worth noting that in addition to Russians and Ukrainians, Belarusians, Armenians and Tatars also live in the city.
Most of the inhabitants of Blagoveshchensk are Orthodox. One Catholic and several Protestant communities are registered on the territory of the city. In addition, Muslims, Buddhists and Hare Krishnas live in Blagoveshchensk.

Education in Blagoveshchensk
Blagoveshchensk is considered a city of youth and students. This is no coincidence, because it is in this village that there are a large number of technical schools, colleges, universities and institutes.
The center of Blagoveshchensk can please students not only with a huge selection of educational institutions, but also with their rich history. Blagoveshchensk Pedagogical University is located in the very center of the city. Its building is considered historicalproperty. Previously, this university had a men's gymnasium. In addition to all of the above, there are more than 20 schools and 2 gymnasiums in the city.
The transport system is well developed in Blagoveshchensk. It is in this city that you can get to the desired point by bus, trolleybus, fixed-route and regular taxi, tram and train.
It is worth noting that from Blagoveshchensk you can get to any other locality by regular bus. Surprisingly, in this city you can find direct routes, thanks to which anyone can quickly and comfortably move abroad. About 50 city buses run in Blagoveshchensk. There are also a large number of private carriers. The fare is higher than in other localities. A bus ticket in Blagoveshchensk will cost a passenger 18 rubles.
Trolleybuses have been running in Blagoveshchensk since 1979. The first route allowed passengers to get from one end of the city to the other. The fare in such transport is 17 rubles.

Interesting facts about the city
Blagoveshchensk is fraught with a large number of interesting facts. Surprisingly, the layout of the city completely coincides with the Roman military camp. All buildings in Blagoveshchensk are parallel and perpendicular. Modern builders are also trying not to disturb the old layout.
In the middle of the last century, students and schoolchildren called the library's wide and steep staircase "the stairway to heaven." She is made fromtree. This staircase connects the first and second floors of the building. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is located not inside, but outside. It is worth noting that this library contains a huge number of unique publications.
In 1994, President of the Russian Federation Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin visited Blagoveshchensk. He arrived much earlier than promised, so much did not have time to prepare the local government. It is for this reason that the former president had to drive to the city plant on poorly hardened asph alt. Then Boris Nikolayevich visited the wrong grocery store that the local government planned to visit. The President was outraged by the assortment of the counter. It is known that from the canned food it contained only three cans of sprats.
Another interesting fact about he althcare. 13 years ago, a single case of SARS was registered in Blagoveshchensk. A man admitted to the hospital complained of feeling unwell after a trip to neighboring China. The hotel where the young man stayed was urgently quarantined, and the patient's blood was sent for analysis to the capital of the Russian Federation. The suspicions of medical workers were confirmed. Fortunately, thanks to the treatment, the man got better, and after a couple of months he was completely cured. After this incident, there were no more registered patients with SARS in the Russian Federation.
Instead of a conclusion
Blagoveshchensk is a city located in the Far East of the Russian Federation. He is importantindustrial and economic point. A large number of factories, enterprises and banks are located on its territory. In addition, the city has cafes, restaurants, bars and hotels. It is for this reason that service workers and those citizens who have a technical education can easily find a well-paid job in Blagoveshchensk. This city is also suitable for those wishing to get a decent education.