Akkerman fortress occupies a special place among the fortifications of Eastern Europe. A huge bastion rises above the Dniester estuary, in the middle of the early antique city of Tyre, founded in antiquity by the Greeks. For millennia, the defensive structure has protected the townspeople from enemy attacks.

Where is Akkerman fortress
Tourists vacationing in Odessa and nearby resorts (in Zatoka, Karolina-Bugaz, Ilyichevsk) must have heard about excursions to Akkerman. Most visitors do not even suspect that in the midst of the sun-scorched Black Sea steppe rises the largest fortress in Ukraine with an area of 9 hectares. Impressions from the contemplation of the ancient stronghold will forever remain in the memory and hearts of the guests.
Akkerman fortress is located in the central part of the 57,000-strong city called Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. Now it is a quiet regional center of the Odessa region, and once it was the oldest city in Europe, which was founded by colonists from the Greek Miletus, presumably in6th century BC e. The second name of the building is consonant with the name of the settlement - Belgorod-Dniester (Belgorod) fortress.

A strategically important place at the junction of trade routes leading inland along the Danube, Dniester and Dnieper rivers needed protection from the encroachments of competing neighbors. The ancient defensive structures erected for this purpose, which existed until the 12th century, have been preserved in fragments. In the 60s, some elements were discovered (round tower, walls), built at the end of the 5th century BC. e. Part of the fortification system was rebuilt and used in Roman times as a citadel, where the Roman garrison was stationed.
After the capture of the city by the army of the Golden Horde, the Akkerman fortress was laid. The history of the fortification begins in the 13th century, when Khan Berke initiated the construction of the citadel, which later became the heart of a vast fortification. The work was carried out for almost two centuries, during which time the defenders had to meet unexpected guests more than once.

Early history: 13th-15th century
Initially, the fortress was rented by the enterprising Genoese, who used it as a protected trading center, transshipment and storage of goods. However, soon Bessarabia came under the control of the Moldavian Principality, which was at the peak of its development.
Both the Genoese and the Moldavians strengthened the fortification, which reached a significant size. The citadel was powerful enough to withstand a siege three times.powerful Ottoman Empire. However, in 1484 Akkerman fell, but not because of the talents of the Turkish commanders, but because of the betrayal (as often happened) of the nobility and elders of the city.

Late history: XVI-XXI century
For the Ottoman Empire Akkerman fortress became the most important stronghold in the north. It was repeatedly besieged by Cossacks, Poles, Moldavian rulers. Powerful walls stopped applicants for possession of the city. In the XVIII century, during the three Russian-Turkish wars, the situation changed. Having lost their former greatness, the Ottomans met a serious opponent in the face of the Russian Empire. In 1770, for the first time in 328 years, the citadel fell under pressure from the troops of General OA Igelstrom. In 1774 the city had to be returned to the Turks. At one time, M. I. Kutuzov was the commandant of Akkerman. The territory of Bessarabia finally passed to Russia in 1812. 1832 was the last year for the citadel as a military facility.
The First World Revolution and the ensuing revolution in Russia once again redrawn the map of Europe. In 1918, Moldova and Lower Transnistria were ceded to the Kingdom of Romania. In 1940, the USSR annexed these territories, in 1941-1944. occupied by Germany and allied Romania. After the collapse of the USSR, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky remained part of the Republic of Ukraine.

Ackerman fortress: description
Fortification is a complex of structures with an integrated defense system. The outer walls stretch for 2.5 km and enclose the territoryan area of about 9 hectares. Towers were installed on the most important sites: the most famous of them are Maiden (Ovid), Storozhevaya, Pushkin. Of the 34 towers, 26 have survived. The height of the fortifications ranges from 5 to 15 meters, their thickness is 1.5-5 meters.
Part of the fortress goes to the estuary, which is a natural barrier. From the land the walls are surrounded by an impressive moat. Even after centuries, its depth reaches 14 meters. The courtyard is divided into zones: economic (outside the walls), civil and garrison. The last two are blocked by an internal wall. A mosque was installed on the territory of the civil zone (a part of the minaret was preserved)
In the farthest part of the fortification, on the banks of the Dniester, rises the highest and fortified part of the castle - the citadel. It was once crowned with four towers:
- Treasury.
- Court.
- Commandant's office.
- Dungeon.
The Treasury Tower has collapsed, but Akkerman Fortress looks no less spectacular. Tournaments held near the walls of the fortress amaze the imagination with their scope and naturalness. Modern knights, for the amusement of the inhabitants of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky and tourists, converge in "battles", like their distant ancestors.
Current State
Unfortunately, the Akkerman fortress is gradually being destroyed. Studies have shown that it is based on a limestone slab only 5 meters thick. The waters of the estuary undermine the foundation, erosion contributes to the destruction of the masonry - the structures need a comprehensive and expensive restoration.
Specialists state:the deformation of some sections of the fortress reached a critical level. At any moment the walls and towers can collapse. For safety reasons, many areas are closed to the public. In fact, since the construction of the grandiose fortification, it has not been restored, despite the fact that Akkerman received the status of a protected architectural object in the 19th century.

Archaeological research
Excavations of ancient Tyra began at the end of the 19th century. Its ruins "rest" exactly at the fortress walls. Discovered in recent years:
- New sections of the defensive structure system (north-western part and tower located in the southern part of the excavation site).
- Hellenistic residential buildings.
- Building with a colonnade from the time of the Roman Empire.
- Late Antique houses and buildings with an apse from the 5th-11th centuries.
Studies have shown that in the late antique period, Thira still had the appearance of an ancient city and probably retained it in the early medieval period. Thus, it is the largest monument of ancient and medieval history in Ukraine.
In 1919-1922, Romanian archaeologists discovered part of the defensive wall of the ancient period and the Middle Ages inside the fortress. After the Second World War, a number of expeditions of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR made it possible to open on the fortified square, east of the main gate, some premises of buildings of the 4th-2nd centuries BC. e. and II-III centuries AD. e., located on a cliff from the side of the estuary. This is a street with a drain, which refers to the Roman period (I Transverse), the remains of the Golden Hordestructures and industrial complexes of both ancient and medieval periods. Excavations were also carried out in the fortress itself.
The Akkerman fortress, based on the features of its design, could not be built at once, which led to the assumption that the citadel was built during the presence of the Genoese here. Some researchers, based on early medieval written sources, believed that Slavic Belgorod, the predecessor of the Golden Horde city, stood on the site of Tyra. In addition to written sources, they also relied on some material materials found during excavations, but the layer and building remains of the period of the 5th-12th centuries were not found.
Below the medieval layers, dated XIII-XV centuries, were directly antique. The latest of them was considered late antique (the last quarter of the 4th century). It lay on a powerful layer of the times of the Roman Empire (III century). All construction objects of the Roman period are represented by residential and public (vexillation building) complexes, streets, industrial facilities (mountains).

Ackerman is an architectural gem of the Odessa region. Numerous companies organize informative one-day tours from Odessa and neighboring resorts. Hundreds of tourists flock daily to Belgodod-Dnestrovsky, where the Akkerman fortress is the main attraction. The price of the tour is quite democratic, the entrance ticket costs 40 hryvnia (season 2015). However, many visitors complain about the bansemergency site visits and inadequate infrastructure.
Do you want to see for yourself what the Akkerman fortress is like? We will tell you how to get there:
- transport of travel agencies organizing the tour;
- by suburban train (train) "Odessa - Belgorod-Dnestrovsky";
- by bus transport - there are regular routes from Ilyichevsk, Odessa and resort areas;
- taxi;
- own transport.
From Odessa to Akkerman, the only route leads through the Budak Spit at the mouth of the Dniester. The distance is about 75 km.
Despite the neglect of the complex, the Akkerman Fortress still impresses with its grandiose size, rich history and cultural events. Come, you won't regret it!