Many thousands of men in our country can boast that they served in the border troops. Someone did military service there, while others spent decades on the border in the rank of warrant officers and officers. And some of them were awarded with a high award - "Excellent worker of the frontier troops of the 1st degree." What should you know about this sign?
What the sign looks like
If you give a description of the award "Excellence in Border Troops, 1st degree", then in the center of the badge there is a pentagon with the inscription "Excellence in Border Troops". At the bottom is a shield indicating the degree of the sign in Roman numerals. Inside the pentagon is the profile of a border guard with a bayonet protruding from behind the right shoulder.

The pentagon is inscribed in a red five-pointed star - the badge of the Soviet Army. The upper end is decorated in the form of a rectangle with the coat of arms of the USSR.
The star is surrounded on all sides by a corrugated surface with four protruding edges. Surface color may vary. For example, the sign "Excellent worker of the border troops of the 1st degree" hasgolden frame. The award of the second degree is silver. The sign is made of aluminum.
When established
The decree on the creation of a new distinctive sign was signed by the chairman of the KGB of the USSR Andropov Yu. V. It happened on April 8, 1969.

It is worth noting that the sign is a different award that existed earlier, only noticeably modified. After all, twenty years before that, back in 1949, the sign "Excellent Border Guard" was created. It was made in the form of a shield, in the middle of which there was a border guard with a Kalashnikov assault rifle in his hands, standing near the border post. At the top of the shield was a red star, next to which was the inscription: "Excellent border guard".
Under the chairman of the KGB Yu. V.

The sign was assigned from 1969 until the very end of the existence of the USSR (1991). During this time, neither its appearance nor the name has changed.
Reason for the award
The award was not a medal or an order, therefore it was used for simple encouragement of border troops. For example, they could be awarded to border guards (both land and sailors) who distinguished themselves while serving in different ways. It could be a feat of political significance, for which dedication, discipline and outstanding skills of a fighter were important.

It was also awarded to the military, who demonstrated high results during military operations and preparatory battles. But they could be awarded in peacetime to border guards who showed diligence while studying in the military field.
Who can be awarded
From the moment of establishment and until 1969, the badge was awarded to the following categories of servicemen: soldiers, sailors, ensigns and midshipmen, officers, as well as junior ranks of both land and sea units guarding the state border.
In 1973, certain changes were introduced. Now the badge "Excellence in the border troops" 1 and 2 degrees could be awarded to all categories of military personnel carrying out the border service.
Order of awards
The breastplate of the first degree could only be awarded to military personnel by the head of the border troops of the KGB of the USSR when assigned by the command of the troops of the border districts. The badge of the second degree was awarded more often, so it could also be awarded to the chiefs of troops of the border districts.
The presentation took place in a solemn atmosphere, in front of a unit or formation of a unit, often with musical accompaniment by the orchestra. The fact of conferring an award was necessarily entered in the military ID of a soldier or officer. In addition, the serviceman's parents must be notified about the award of the honorary badge "Excellent Frontier Troops Officer of the 1st degree" (as well as of the second degree). The corresponding letter was sent to the last place of his study or work.

Information about a serviceman who was awarded the first or second degree badge was necessarily entered in the Book of Honor of the border detachment. If during the service the border guard was awarded signs of both degrees, then his portrait was printed in the district newspaper, and the name remained on the Board of Honor of the museum of the border troops of the district.
Of course, in addition to the badge, the recipient received an appropriate certificate, in which his name was entered, stamped and signed by the head of the border district where he received the award.
Provided benefits
In our country, many people who served in the Soviet era can boast of such a badge, assigned by the Main Directorate of the Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR. However, not everyone knows that certain benefits are due for the very fact of the award. It will be useful for everyone to know about them.
When presenting the award, the owner of the badge of honor could count on a one-time material award. However, there were also privileges for the future.
Thus, a serviceman awarded the badge "Excellent Frontier Troops" is en titled to a certain incentive when retiring after years of service. He automatically receives the title of labor veteran. And this title itself implies the presence of good benefits approved at the regional level.
To start with, he doesn't have to pay for public transport. A certain discount is also required when paying for housing and communal services.
If, after retirement, a former border guard wants to officially get a new job, he can count onthe opportunity to go on vacation without having to work for 1 year - you can do this at any time.
Prosthetics significantly reduce the cost of he althcare workers.
If train tickets are bought, the owner of the sign gets a discount.
In some cases, a ticket to sanatoriums and other he alth resorts can be obtained.
Some areas of our country also allow you to receive a pension supplement.
Since the additional incentives offered to veterans of labor are set at the level of local legislation, a list of additional privileges may also be provided - this can be found in the social authorities.
In some cases, the benefits listed above can be replaced by cash, but in this case, the benefits will have to be waived.