Tao - what is it? Tao Te Ching: Teaching. Way of the Dao

Tao - what is it? Tao Te Ching: Teaching. Way of the Dao
Tao - what is it? Tao Te Ching: Teaching. Way of the Dao

Calm and sunny day. Sakura leaves fly by with the fresh breeze. In the temple, a monk sits in a motionless pose and looks into nowhere with a detached expression on his face. His body is relaxed, and his breathing is slow and measured. It seems that around him there is emptiness and at the same time fullness. No phenomenon can affect the deep immersion in the mysteries of this monk's own "I".

So it goes for a long time. The sun, having met a lonely figure with its rays, is already slightly beginning to say goodbye. At this moment, the body of the monk comes to life and begins to move. Awakening is not quick, it takes time to recover in the full sense of the word. So he got up and walked quietly along the path that leads to a small house. There, simple food and the same room await him. There is nothing superfluous in the monk's house, only the most necessary things for life.

It was a little trip back in time to see the image of the great thinker Lao Tzu and the essence of his teachings, which became one of the three main religions of China.

Who is Lao Tzu?

According to legend, this is the son who was born by a woman under a plum tree. She carried him for 81 years and gave birth through the thigh. He was born old and with a gray head. This greatly surprised the woman, and she called him"old child", which is what Lao Tzu translates into Chinese. There is also another interpretation of his name - "old philosopher". His birth took place in 604 BC.

dao is
dao is

It is worth noting that there is no reliable information about his life and birth. Research is still underway on whether there was a person with that name at all. Therefore, here are the data about him that are written in authoritative sources.

As an adult, Lao Zi served the emperor and was a library tutor during the Zhou Dynasty. For many years, studying and reading ancient treatises, the thinker matured and gained wisdom. Being in old age, he decided to leave his native country and went west riding a green bull. At the border point, he was stopped by a servant of the emperor and recognized the great thinker. He asked the sage to leave his wisdom to posterity before leaving. It was at this request that the famous book of Lao Tzu - "Tao Te Ching" was written. Its length is five thousand characters.

The concept of Tao

Tao is literally “the way”. The basis of all things and the law by which everything happens in this world. This concept is so multifaceted and deep that it is impossible to specifically designate it in words. Sometimes this concept is referred to as the force that moves the world. It has neither beginning nor end. It is in every particle of being, and it permeates the world through and through. Without this power, the future is impossible and the past crumbles. It is she who defines the concept of "now" as a way of being.

In a treatise on Tao LaoTzu describes how power moves the whole world and fills all beings. The structure of the world is completely determined by Tao, and it cannot be otherwise. But at the same time, Tao is an infinite number of options for how the existence of a separate object can go. Therefore, there are opinions that with the help of this book, any creature can gain immortality. This stems from the fact that the Tao, the path of which a person must pass, can lead to the eternal source of life.

De concept

All changes in the world are due to patterns or, in other words, travel messages between the past and the future. This path represents the Tao. At the same time, this power manifests itself through another facet of this world - Te. Hence the title of the book, The Tao Te Ching.

The concept of "De" is a property or an ideal concept of the existence of everything in this world. Tao manifests itself in reality through the existence of Te. This is the best variant of the manifestation of matter, which is a flow from one form to another through the path of Tao. Some interpretations describe the similarity of this concept with karma. Karma determines how an object will exist, and to some extent echoes this concept.

The treatise describes the correct existence of a person, which personifies Te. If one gets rid of passions, pride, excesses and other vices, then a person will open the way to a perfect life, in which he will be filled with energy through Te.

What is the Tao Te Ching about?

Literally translated, the title means "The Book of Tao". The author took the liberty of describing whatgoverns the whole world. This treatise consists of individual sayings and short descriptions. It is written in very ancient Chinese characters, which the modern inhabitants have almost forgotten. The main theme of the treatise, so to speak, is a description of how to behave, live and feel in this world in order for a person to discover true enlightenment.

tao de ching
tao de ching

According to the description of Lao Tzu, Tao is something faceless, which, however, can take shape in everything that exists. Any attempts to fit this concept into a specific framework stumble upon contradictions. The phenomenon has a form, but you look at it and do not see it. It is written about Tao that you hear it, but you cannot hear it, you catch it, but you cannot catch it.

Such contradictions run like a red thread in the texts. The main factor in this situation is the author's desire to describe what is beyond the understanding of an ordinary person, which he considered himself to be. If you try to define a concept, then it inevitably slips away, taking on a different appearance or manifestation. As a result, there are attempts in the texts to describe the Tao as something vague and dim.


On the basis of the written treatise, a whole religion with the same name arose. The followers of this teaching tried to comprehend the full depth of the meaning set forth through renunciation and conformity to the way of life that is described. Often the interpretations of what was written were different, and many monks entered into an argument about the meaning of what was written. This situation gave impetus to the spread of various schools of Taoism, which understoodthe essence of writing differently.

With the help of the teachings, one can understand that Tao is a combination of the human mind with the wisdom of nature. This is the main goal of many followers who have introduced various techniques to speed up this process. Complexes of gymnastic exercises and breathing techniques were developed. Such methods have gained great popularity in the modern way of understanding ancient scriptures.

Teachings of Taoism

Assessing the ideals of Taoism, one can understand that the main role in it is played by calmness and simplicity, as well as harmony and naturalness in human behavior. All attempts at active action are considered meaningless and only waste energy. When existing on the waves of the flow of life, efforts are not needed, they only interfere. Tranquility results in peace in society and a harmonious life for everyone.

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dao de

Sometimes actions are compared to water, which does not interfere with anyone's movement and flows around obstacles. A person who wants strength and power should take an example from the water that flows, but does not interfere. To achieve the best results in life, you need to go with the flow and try not to disturb the flow with your actions. Also, according to the treatise, a person should not have addictions. They blind him and create the illusion that he cannot live without them.

The path of everyone in Taoism

If a person is driven by passion or has excesses in his actions and aspirations, then he is far from his true path. Any attachment to earthly things creates conditions in which a person begins to serve not himself, butspecific things. This is possible if you do not listen to the aspirations of the soul and do not search for your own path.

A detached attitude to material goods and pleasures allows you to hear the voice of your soul and, in accordance with it, start your Tao Tzu - the path of the sage. On this path, there are no questions about whether he is chosen correctly. A person becomes comfortable, and his mind clears up. If you dwell on long reflections and listen to your inner voice, over time, an understanding of the world will come as a universal substance for the life of every being.

Managing inaction

When the Han Dynasty ruled China, the development in the country was stable and calm. The figures adopted the principle of Taoism, which meant that it was not necessary to interfere with the development of society. The inaction of the authorities in terms of management allowed the people to live in peace and prosperity. They used their strength to develop and improve living conditions.

Modern writers and Taoism

Many personal growth and success coaches have adopted the principles of Taoism into their practice. In her book "The Tao of Life" Khakamada Irina describes the principles that are taken from this religion. According to her, she made a kind of squeeze out of the entire text. Not all provisions are equally suitable for application for a Russian person and a Chinese. Therefore, there are now a great many such truncated manuals. The Tao of Life is a guide book. It describes as specifically as possible the ancient principles that must be followed for a harmonious life.


In addition, every year there is at least one full translation of a treatise from an ancient language into a modern one. All of them represent another interpretation of the truths that were written more than two and a half thousand years ago.

Khakamada Irina also presents her own book "Tao of Life" as one of the translations, but it was made more for the Russian people.

Followers who write their book "Tao"

One of the famous followers of Taoism is Anna Averyanova, who publishes books under the pseudonym Ling Bao. She did a great job of transcribing Taoist texts. He has his own understanding of this religion and writes a sequel to the book "Tao". Bao Ling has been studying ways for a person to reach beyond consciousness for many years. In addition, she also deals with the issues of the subconscious and the immortality of the human mind.

The secrets of "Tao" Bao Ling describes in the same style as the original texts of Lao Tzu. Thanks to all-round development and long practices around the world, she developed her own system of understanding this religion. This is one of the differences from what Irina Khakamada writes, whose Tao is more practical.

Martial arts

Martial arts also appeared on the basis of spiritual development. One of them was Vovinam Viet Vo Dao, which literally means "the military way of the Viet".

show tao
show tao

This martial art originated among village wrestlers and soon grew into a whole hobby of the Vietnamese people. It practiced, in addition to the technique of strikes and grips,high moral and spiritual training. She was placed at the head of all technology. It is believed that a Viet Vo Dao warrior without a spiritual foundation will not be able to defeat the enemy.

Energy "Tao"

The path is based on the energy of "Qi". She, according to scripture, is the absolute energy of all life in this world. There is the concept of "Qi", a person and the whole world that surrounds him. This energy helps a person to establish a connection between the mind and the outside world.

The Taoists have developed a whole technique for comprehending the power of "Qi". It is based on correct breathing with the help of Tai Chi Chuan. This is a set of exercises and techniques that help the body tune in to receive energy. The most talented Taoists who practiced this technique could go without water and food for a long time. There were also cases when holding the breath reached unimaginable limits.

In Taoism, there are several techniques that allow you to reconnect with Qi energy. They are part of the most ancient Qigong technique. In addition to the Taoist breathing practice, martial arts and meditation are used. All these systems are designed to serve one purpose - filling with Qi energy and comprehending Tao.

Channels for filling a person with energy

According to the treatise, a person can receive energy at any time and anywhere. To do this, he uses special channels. But not all people work at a good level. Often the pathways for energy are clogged with malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. The modern model of man implies the use of technological progress in order not to waste one's strength. This way of life entails many negative consequences. A person becomes passive, and he is not interested in developing. For him, everything performs things and devices. He becomes only a consumer.

When consumption is low, the energy channels of the Tao Te are clogged, and a person literally becomes dependent on external stimulants. It could be chemicals or other means.

Special techniques are used to activate and expand channels. They represent a diet and a certain composition of it. Special exercises allow you to develop the spine and other parts of the body. It is through the spine that the main and largest energy flow passes. Therefore, special attention is paid to him.

Self-healing through listening to the body

Many practitioners have learned from the book "Tao" the secrets of how to listen to the body and understand the work of internal organs. Such mastery is available only to those who have been engaged in the techniques of Taoism for a long time. After reaching a certain level, a person begins to feel his body in the literal sense of the word. All organs seem to be transformed into a system that can be changed to heal.

Sometimes masters resort to the practice of healing other people. For this, special alternative medicine centers are being opened where patients are admitted.

Symbols of Taoism

The famous Yin and Yang symbol is used to explain the essence of Tao. On the one hand, the symbol shows that everything changes and flows from one form to another. On the other hand, the oppositecomplement each other. For example, bad cannot exist without good, and vice versa. There is no absolute victory of one element, only a balance between them can be achieved.

dao of life hakamada
dao of life hakamada

The symbol displays the struggle and balance of two elements at the same time. They are presented in the form of a cycle to which there is no end. At the same time, the black and white parts cannot be absolute, as they have opposite particles in themselves.


To identify a person with the religion of Taoism, there is a tattooing technique. They are abstract drawings and smooth lines. Often they are symmetrical and contain images of mythical characters. The culture of applying such tattoos came from ancient China, where they were very popular.

He alth system

There is also the so-called "Show Tao" school. Literally translated, it means "The Path of Tranquility". It is a set of measures for better he alth and true peace of mind. They include both martial arts and breathing practices that help to gain good he alth and peace of mind. The Show Tao system is very close to the philosophy of Taoism and is therefore considered to be part of it. Pupils of the school call themselves "calm warriors" and improve their skills for peace of mind.

Practical advice from Taoism

There are many practical guides in the world that help lead a he althy spiritual and psychological life. For example, there are tips to find peace and harmony in life:

  • Relieve stress with an inner smile. You may not show it on the outer level, but it must appear inside the person.
  • Talk less. Every word that is spoken in vain or inappropriately wastes Chi energy.
  • Anxiety dissolves into action. Instead of being nervous with folded arms, you need to start taking action.
  • The mind must develop. If it is not used, then degradation begins.
  • You need to control your sex drive.
  • Be moderate in your diet. Leave the table when you are still a little hungry.
  • Moderation in all effects on the body.
  • The more joy in life, the more Qi energy comes to a person. Therefore, one should rejoice in everything around.

Taoism and love

The concept of "Tao" is inextricably linked with love. Through the relationship of two people of the opposite sex, the tree of life grows and fills both with energy. Taoists considered having sex something so natural and necessary that they wrote practical manuals for this. At the same time, there is not a shadow of lust and perversion in the texts with frank illustrations. According to the Tao of Love treatise, a man must begin to fully control his sense of pleasure and manage it effectively. This is necessary first of all to satisfy a woman who needs special participation.

dao bao
dao bao

The doctrine of love has three basic concepts:

  • A man gets great strength and wisdom if he chooses the right mode of his ejaculation andattraction. New opportunities will open up for him when abstinence is practiced. Thanks to this, he will be able to satisfy the woman to the fullest.
  • The ancient Chinese believed that the uncontrolled pleasure of a man is not the most pleasant moment in sex. There is a deeper experience, described in The Tao of Love, that is truly pleasurable. It takes a long time to practice this skill.
  • The central idea is the obligatory satisfaction of a woman. She is considered a source of pleasure for both partners and is therefore so important.

Meaning of Taoism

Due to their popularity, Taoist schools have penetrated other continents and infiltrated different societies. Some critics unreasonably dismiss this teaching as unsuitable for other people. In their opinion, it was created for the Chinese and does not have significant benefits for representatives of other nationalities. However, many people around the world practice the principles of Taoism and achieve exceptional results in the field of body, mind and spiritual development.

As it turned out, this teaching can be used by both the Chinese and all other nationalities. Its principles are universal and, when studied, help to improve the quality of life of every person. It was this goal that Lao Tzu pursued when he wrote his treatises for future generations.

For China itself, this resulted in a whole religion, which for many centuries remains the same mysterious and multifaceted. It may take a lifetime to comprehend it.

For a Russian person, separate abbreviated versions of ancient scriptures have been made, which are maximally adapted to this culture. Basically, such guides have a lot of practical recommendations for psychology and self-improvement.


In the light of modernity, Taoism has taken the form of a spiritual practice that helps a person cope with the problems that have arisen today. By adopting the principles outlined in the book, each person can independently improve in several directions at once. It can be physical he alth, psychological and spiritual.
