The life of the writer was connected with both Russian capitals. That is why the largest museum complexes are located here today, whose funds and collections are dedicated to the biography and work of A. S. Pushkin, as well as his contemporaries and the era of the first third of the XIX century. The addresses of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow today make up a whole complex of cultural and educational locations.
About the Museum
The history of the museum began over 60 years ago. Over the years, tremendous work has been done, and today the museum complex, in addition to the main building, includes five more branches:
- The house of the uncle of the poet L. N. Pushkin;
- A. S. Pushkin's apartment on the Arbat;
- Ivan Turgenev House-Museum;
- Arbat apartment of A. Bely;
- Showrooms.
Therefore, it can be difficult to answer the question about the address of the State Pushkin Museum in Moscow. This is the Arbat, and Ostozhenka, and Money Lane. Each branch is unique in its own way.
Ulitsa Prechistenka, 12/2 is the official address of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. Metro (Kropotkinskaya station) is located very close to the main building.

It is here, in the city estate, built in the early 19th century, that the permanent exhibitions of the museum "Pushkin's Tales", "Pushkin and his era" are located.

Funds and collections
A significant part of the collection of exhibits is located at the indicated address of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. In total, there are more than 167 thousand of them today.
These are items related to the life of the poet and his contemporaries: publications, letters, paintings and sculptures, furniture, decorative elements and much more.
It is noteworthy that more than a third of the exhibits were donated to the museum by well-known collectors, artists and scientists, descendants of the writer and his friends.
The most valuable and curious items are included in the main exhibition.
Since 1999, the museum has been practicing such a form of demonstration of exhibits as “Open Show”.

Museum branches: connection with the name of the poet
Another address of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow is connected to one of the most famous streets in the capital, Old Arbat. Here, in house number 53, there is a memorial apartment of the writer. The building is a national cultural monument.
It was here that Alexander Sergeevich's "bachelor party" took place, here after the wedding he came with his young wife. Exactly 155 years after the poet's wedding, on February 18, 1986, the memorial museum began its work.
No less interesting for visitors is the house-museum on Staraya Basmannaya Street. This building is associated with the name of the writer's uncle, Vasily Lvovich. HereNumerous book editions of the 18th and the first third of the 19th century, paintings and decorative works, furniture, dishes are presented.

I. Turgenev's house and A. Bely's apartment
The address of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow on Ostozhenka, 37 is associated with the name of another Russian writer, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. It is here that the mansion in which the writer's mother lived is located. It is believed that this estate and its inhabitants became the prototypes of the heroes of the story "Mumu".
The mansion has been operating as a museum since 2014, as part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the writer's birth.

The next address of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow is associated with another literary era. We are talking about the memorial apartment of Andrei Bely (Boris Bugaev) at the corner of Denezhny Lane and Arbat. Museum guests can truly plunge into the atmosphere of the first third of the 20th century, get to know the work and biography of a prominent representative of the Silver Age, writer, theorist, mystic and philosopher. In this apartment, he was born and lived for 26 years, formed as a poet and writer.
Works by contemporary artists, designers, photographers can be seen in the special exhibition halls of the museum on Prechistenka and Denezhny Lane.
The number and thematic variety of excursions held at different locations of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow are truly amazing. Programs are built depending on the age groups of visitors.
The youngest of them (preschoolers and studentsprimary school) are invited by the museum staff to thematic game and interactive excursions: “Nowhere in the Far Far Away Kingdom”, “Tales of a scientist cat”, “There are miracles here …”, “Meet the museum” and others.
Older children can take part in the excursion-quest “We will reward our mentors for good” (grades 5-7), thematic excursions “Eugene Onegin” (grade 9), “Do you remember when the lyceum arose …” (6- Grades 7), "Pushkin and his era" (grades 5-11).
Adult audiences will definitely be interested in interactive thematic excursions: "Griboyedov's Moscow", "There will be a ball, there will be a children's party…", "Moscow after the fire", "Manor's house", "What kind of aces are in Moscow..!".

Museum Poster
Perhaps now is the time to get acquainted with all the addresses of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. A huge number of exciting thematic exhibitions are planned in the main building on Prechistenka and its branches. Some of them have already started their work:
- "Artist Carl Gampeln";
- "I visited again…" (graphics and painting);
- "Rural Pushkin" (paintings by artist I. D. Shaimardanov);
- "In the days of bygone tomboy…" (to the 235th anniversary of Denis Davydov);
- "Portraits of Pushkin";
- "Reading Pushkin's fairy tales".
At the end of February, an exhibition dedicated to the work of A. Bely, "Mysticism of Moscow" (based on the story "Kotik Letaev") starts.
In addition to exhibitions, poetry evenings, theatrical performances, concert and scientific programs are also planned:
- "Musicat Christmas time” (poetic and musical performance);
- vocal evening “Sounded to me for a long time…”;
- performance based on the stories of Turgenev "Malek - Adele";
- musical and poetic performance “Pushkin. The path of love…”;
- literary and musical evening "Everything in it is harmony";
- performance "Lermontov";
- literary and musical composition "Snowstorm".
Let yourself be immersed in the Golden Age of Russian Literature!