Ekaterina Stankevich: biography, program reviews and interesting facts

Ekaterina Stankevich: biography, program reviews and interesting facts
Ekaterina Stankevich: biography, program reviews and interesting facts

The star of many television programs, a frequent guest in various shows and hair guru - Ekaterina Stankevich. She has earned her popularity among the fair sex thanks to useful tips on hair and skin care, as well as on the rejuvenation of the body as a whole. How she came to such fame, what she did before she started helping girls and saving their hair, as well as interesting facts about the work of Ekaterina Stankevich - you can read about this and more in our article.


Unfortunately, little is known about the biography of this expert. Ekaterina is 38 years old, she is married. Was born in Minsk. She also graduated from the Belarusian State University, where she studied as an environmental chemist.

Now Ekaterina lives and works in Moscow. At the same time, she constantly travels around the world, as evidenced by numerous photos on her personal page "VKontakte".

Ekaterina Stankevich travels
Ekaterina Stankevich travels

Work activities

CatherineStankevich is a biochemist and ecologist with 17 years of experience in the field of cosmetics.

Ekaterina started simply, like any girl, with self-care. The study of folk beauty secrets, medical recommendations, as well as the wisdom of generations led to the fact that she wanted to share this information with a large number of women. To this day, she first tries all new technologies on herself, and then introduces them to the masses. Reviews about the hair of Ekaterina Stankevich speak in the best possible way about the success of her methods.

Ekaterina Stankevich
Ekaterina Stankevich

Participation in TV shows

Ekaterina Stankevich is often invited as an expert in various TV programs. One of her most striking appearances on television was her participation in the program "Unsolved Secrets", where, turning only to traditional medicine, she was able to win an argument with a top stylist - Vladislav Lisovets, despite his progressive approach and reliance on modern drugs.

Reviews about Ekaterina Stankevich's programs are mostly positive. They are popular with girls and women who want to know more about hair care.

Ekaterina Stankevich on a TV program
Ekaterina Stankevich on a TV program

Ekaterina Stankevich's courses

This spectacular blonde has developed an author's technique that has been tried on by more than 5,000 women from more than 27 countries. The new technique aims to improve the quality of the hair of any woman with any type of hair and living anywhere in the world.

Ekaterina's technology became famous aftermaster class, where she "ruined" her own hair in front of hundreds of participants with cheap products and a bad hair dryer. And then in 2 days, in front of all the same participants, she restored them using her method, giving her hair shine and volume. Then the wild growth in the popularity of her technique began.

Everyone who wants to improve the quality of life by improving the quality of hair can first study free materials, which are quite a lot on Ekaterina's personal page on the Instagram social network, as well as on her personal YouTube channel.

The full name of the course is "Your Luxurious Hair. Turning Your Hair into a Charming Success Magnet". The program is paid, and the price is rather high, but for this money Ekaterina promises to completely change the perception of herself, noticeably change her appearance, and also attract good luck and happiness.

Course Philosophy

Ekaterina Stankevich herself considers hair a much more important part of the image than it is commonly considered in society. She calls them the main reason for the unique female charm.

Ekaterina believes that even if modern remedies do not help restore hair, this is not a reason to give up. The methods given by nature itself will help to make your hair chic. Hair he alth, according to Ekaterina, also helps in the development of intelligence and helps to attract finance to life. Hair reflects all the processes taking place in our body, which means that they can be used to understand the state of mental and physical he alth of a person.

Women dreaming of going outmarried, Ekaterina Stankevich replies: "First, show that you respect yourself by paying special attention to the beauty, he alth and purity of your hair." The appearance of hair makes a very strong emotional impression on people. This happens subconsciously, and we often do not realize that this is exactly the case. No wonder our ancestors believed that strength lies in human hair, and they should be treated with special respect.

Ekaterina Stankevich on vacation
Ekaterina Stankevich on vacation

Theoretical basis of the course

Ekaterina in her philosophy relies not only on the secrets of traditional medicine, but also on the thoughts of great women about hair. For example, she quotes Sophia Loren, who says that hair is the only decoration that stays with us for life.

Everyone who wants to take a course on Ekaterina Stankevich's hair will also benefit from knowing the fact that scientists have found out that people treat a person positively and trust him in many ways, looking at the purity and quality of his hair.

Ekaterina Stankevich demonstrates the beauty of hair on herself
Ekaterina Stankevich demonstrates the beauty of hair on herself

Course reviews

Reviews about the course of Ekaterina Stankevich are very contradictory. There are many discussions of its effectiveness on the Internet. Many users note that Catherine's technique helped them, their hair stopped falling out, relations with men improved, and success in business appeared. There are an overwhelming number of such comments, especially on women's forums, but for some reason, almost all the girls who respond positively to Ekaterina's hair improvement technologyStankevich, registered on the discussion site only to leave a single comment.

It's no secret that now many people who promote their services order writing comments on social networks and forums, thereby raising their ratings and increasing customer loy alty to their product. Negative reviews about Ekaterina Stankevich are attacked by fans of her work. Girls tell stories about how a change in their attitude to their hair led to changes in those around them, as well as success in their personal lives. The fact of the reality of some stories is highly doubtful, but it is no longer possible to deny the popularity of Catherine's program. Many scold Yekaterina Stankevich for her frivolous approach to business: the quality of the picture and sound on the video leaves much to be desired.

Also, many women talk about Catherine's arrogance and coldness when it comes to returning the funds spent on the course. Dissatisfied customers admit that Stankevich blames them for everything, not recognizing the shortcomings of his technology. So, the girls who spent almost 10 thousand rubles on courses began to suffer from non-healing wounds on their heads from the daily use of s alt, and when contacting Ekaterina, they received an assessment of their "negative" energy. Clients say that Ekaterina Stankevich responds to messages extremely rarely and often behaves incorrectly.

Hair and bath from Ekaterina Stankevich
Hair and bath from Ekaterina Stankevich

Ekaterina's other courses

In addition to the full course for hair, Ekaterina Stankevich has developed a number of video programs,aimed at addressing specific problems faced by women. One of these courses was the "Glossy Hair Instantly" technique. When buying this course, the author promises, in addition to shiny hair in 3 minutes, also normal hair growth, getting rid of brittleness and dullness, less frequent shampooing, complete protection from the negative effects of the external environment. The cost of this course is only 999 rubles. There are also courses "Luxurious hair for summer in 5 days", "Luxurious Hair. Live!" and others.
