Svyatoslav Sakharnov Vladimirovich - biography, books, interesting facts and reviews

Svyatoslav Sakharnov Vladimirovich - biography, books, interesting facts and reviews
Svyatoslav Sakharnov Vladimirovich - biography, books, interesting facts and reviews

Sakharnov Svyatoslav Vladimirovich is a well-known children's naturalist writer who won the hearts of millions of readers with his work. That is why he will be remembered for as long as his publications exist.


Sakharnov Svyatoslav Vladimirovich was born on March 12, 1923 in Ukraine in the city of Bakhmut, which was located in the Donetsk region.

The author was orphaned at a very early age and was raised by his older sister. Svyatoslav grew up as an ordinary child, like all boys. He played football, read books, raved about the sea. They, in the steppe city of Kharkov, had only three small rivers, and there was nowhere to swim.

In 1940, after school, Svyatoslav decided to go to Leningrad to take exams at the Nakhimov Naval School.

Nakhimov Naval School
Nakhimov Naval School

The future writer was successfully enrolled in the first year. However, he was disappointed with the first voyage, as it turned out to be completely different from what Svyatoslav imagined. They sailed on a small schooner "Ucheba" on a small lake Ladoga. But the writer liked that the schooner had a real sailboat andtall masts. What else does a young man need to be completely happy?

The writer was only a freshman when the Great Patriotic War broke out. Leningrad was surrounded by the Nazis, fierce battles began. Young cadets were immediately sent to the front. Already in the fall, in their second year, they were evacuated to the mainland.


Sakharnov Svyatoslav Vladimirovich still managed to graduate from college in 1944 in Baku. Immediately after his studies, he was sent to the front on the Black Sea. That's when the guy found out what warships were.

Most often Sakharnov served on torpedo boats, but once he hunted for submarines.

Submarine service
Submarine service

In 1945, Svyatoslav left with a military echelon to the east. There was already a war with imperialist Japan.

After the end of the war, the writer continued to serve on torpedo boats in the Far East. At first he was listed as a navigator, and then as chief of staff. Svyatoslav served excellently, and therefore he was again sent to study in Leningrad, but already at the Naval Institute, where he completed his studies well and even defended his master's thesis, after which he received a degree in naval sciences.


Literature writer began to engage in 30 years. He devoted his first book to the sea and called it "Sea Tales".

The book "Sea Tales"
The book "Sea Tales"

He wrote not only about marine life and wonders, but also about ships. How could he miss the opportunity to share with readers? Svyatoslav wrote about whatships sail the seas, how they are arranged, what kind of sea travelers studied the sea, what professions are on the ship and much more.

It turns out that no one could write so much and well about the sea as Sakharnov. This topic was inexhaustible. And so, since 1954, Svyatoslav Sakharnov has written more than 50 books.

Svyatoslav Sakharnov: stories and fairy tales

Readers have favorite stories of the writer. Yes, Sakharnov Svyatoslav Vladimirovich himself singled out several favorite works:

  • Green Fish;
  • "Man Under Water";
  • "Many different ships";
  • "Amazing Ships";
  • "Underwater adventure";
  • "Visiting Crocodiles";
  • "The Enchanted Islands";
  • Colorful Sea;
  • "The best steamer";
  • White Whales;
  • "Three Captains";
  • "In the world of dolphin and octopus";
  • "History of the ship";
  • "Sea alphabet", etc.

As is clear from the titles of the stories, the writer saw the world in bright colors. Many more books have been written about children and teenagers, where he showed sincere and kind feelings.

Although Svyatoslav became famous as a children's author, he still wrote a lot of books for adults. For example, in the book "Horse over the City" he described not only the present, but also the future. The work "Kamikaze" was released for a reason, it told about the war in the Pacific. The story "Shark in the Sand" was written in memory of the depths of the sea. Here the writer paid attention to immersion under water. He spoke vividly and colorfully about marine life andbeauty of the underwater world. And the last work "The Emperor's Hat" was never published. Rather, it is in magazines, but they did not manage to release it as a separate book. Svyatoslav suddenly passed away.

Interesting facts from life

No one knew the writer as well as his childhood friend. Once he told some interesting facts about the hero of our article:

  1. Saharnov Svyatoslav dreamed of becoming a writer since elementary school.
  2. He worked as editor-in-chief for 15 years in a magazine called Bonfire.
  3. Saharnov traveled a lot: participated in expeditions in the Arctic, was on the Commander and Kuril Islands, traveled to Cuba, lived in nature reserves (Tanzania and India).
  4. The writer's books have been translated into so many languages of the world.

Sakharnov has several books containing the best fairy tales and stories of the writer.

The best stories of Sakharnov
The best stories of Sakharnov

Of course, I would like to note that the writer had several awards, deserved thanks to perseverance and work. Sakharnov passed away on September 23, 2010.

Achievements and awards

The writer in 1944 was presented to the Order of the Red Star for great services during the war. In 1985, the writer received the Order of the Patriotic War II degree for distinction in battles with the Nazis.

Order of the Patriotic War
Order of the Patriotic War

Written a wonderful book by Svyatoslav Sakharnov "Across the seas around the earth" and for it he received in 1972 the first prize at the international book fair in Bologna. The second prize was received in1973 at the festival in Bratislava. And already the silver medal was given to the writer in 1975 in Moscow at the international exhibition.

Sakharnov wrote another book, Leopard in the Birdhouse, for which an honorary Andersen diploma was received in 2004 by an international organization dedicated to literature for children and youth.


Svyatoslav Sakharnov really wrote fairy tales with soul, which was evident from the very first lines. Therefore, they are loved by both children and adults. There is an opinion that no one knows how to surprise with his fiction like this writer. Readers like fairy tales and stories of the author, as he could convey his thoughts to the depths of the soul of every person. It was thanks to his books that many people became aware of the underwater world, which almost no one really knew about.


Sakharnov wrote a lot about the sea and underwater adventures. He knew for sure that readers would appreciate his works. Especially kids who love fantasy. Svyatoslav made stories colorful so that readers would be interested, not scared. He thought through every detail so carefully that almost all of his stories looked realistic. Thus, Svyatoslav Vladimirovich Sakharnov gained fame that he never dreamed of.
