Ulyanovsk is a city of regional importance and is located in the European part of Russia on the Volga Upland on the banks of the Volga River.
Population of Ulyanovsk
According to estimates for 2016, the population of the city was 620 thousand people. If we trace the dynamics of growth and loss since the 70s of the last century, then it cannot be said unequivocally that the population of Ulyanovsk has been constantly increasing. Thus, from 1970 to 1979, the number increased by almost 100 thousand people, and by 1997 this figure was equal to 679 thousand people, which is twice as high as in 1970.

However, starting from 1998, the number began to fall sharply, and already in 2009 it became 603 thousand people, but in recent years a growth trend can be noted.
According to statistics at the beginning of 2016, Ulyanovsk ranked 23rd among 1112 Russian cities in terms of population.
National composition and religion
Ulyanovsk is a multinational city, but still the population of Ulyanovsk is mainly Russian, or rather about 77%. Tatars (about 10%), Chuvashs (about 7%) and Mordovians (about 1%) are also numerous. Less than 1% -other nations, including Azerbaijanis, Ukrainians, Armenians, Belarusians, Tajiks, Germans, Bashkirs.

The population of Ulyanovsk, as mentioned above, is represented by different peoples who profess different religions. But most of the townspeople are Orthodox, there are also Catholics, Protestants and Muslims (ranked second after the Orthodox).
Education and employment
Education is an integral part of city life.
In addition to the fact that the city has more than 100 general and specialized schools, about 30 colleges, lyceums and technical schools, there are also institutions where you can get higher education. Popular among students is the State Technical University, the Pedagogical University and the Agricultural Academy. Thanks to the presence of higher educational institutions, many young people annually come to Ulyanovsk for permanent residence from nearby cities and towns, as well as from other regions, who, after graduation, remain to live in Ulyanovsk, finding jobs in local manufacturing enterprises.
The population of Ulyanovsk is mainly employed in the industrial complex, and more precisely in mechanical engineering and metalworking, as well as in the electric power industry, capital construction and light industry. In addition, service and tourism sectors and the banking sector can be distinguished.