Life is complicated. Not everything in it from childhood is laid out on the shelves. A person, in order to set his own rhythm of life, needs to adapt to it. Someone breaks, but we will talk about them later and not in this article. Someone never puts the little things of life into place, accumulating them in a pile of rubbish in the back of the brain. We won't talk about them either, at least for now.
We'll talk about pedants. About people who always know exactly what they will do, for a long time to come. About people who strictly observe the regime. About those who always do everything right. And who knows exactly how to do it.

Pedantry. What is it and what is it fraught with for others?
If your house strictly adheres to the rule "Everything-should-be-only-in-its-place-and-point", if the toilet never runs out of toilet paper, and the sugar bowl - sugar, if lunch at you at two in the afternoon "And-don't-dare-be late", then you live with a pedant. There are no unambiguous examples, it can be anything, there is only one general rule: always and in everything to observe careful accuracy and order. It also applies to communication: verbal pedantry is when a person unnecessarily speaks in detail. For example, "apple tree" instead of"apple trees", etc.
Most often this character trait is not the best and is perceived negatively by others. After all, despite all the positive aspects (and this is responsibility, and accuracy, and thoroughness, and punctuality), the pedant remains such a bore. Zealously observing a clear order, a person stops on it - no development, no movement.
Most often it's not the pedantry itself that irritates. What is it in its essence? Just a set of character traits that distinguish solid and accurate people. Pettiness and ignorance are the hallmarks of a pedant. It will not piss you off that he puts his toothbrush with its bristles to the north, but that he will force you to observe it too. But if he doesn’t force him, he will peck at you for not doing this. This is called the authority of pedantry. Let's discuss this in more detail.

Take, for example, an ordinary office worker. Middle manager. Let him be a pedant. There is not a single extra piece of paper on his desk, he immediately files each of them into the right folder as a separate file. He is never late for work, always dressed neatly and neatly in everything. Great worker, right? Now let's imagine that it was not an ordinary office clerk, but the head of that same office. It is unlikely that a pedant in power would remain silent about the missteps of other workers.
Or here's another option for you: a woman who kills household members for the eternal mess in the house. Lots of examples. And at the heart of all of them will be petty, strict control over the stages of work distributed by oneself. This limits notonly the leader, but also the subordinate. By the way, most mentally unhe althy people have such a trait as pedantry. What is it - an accident or a fishery?

So, how to treat such people? Is it possible to say unequivocally that this is bad or good? Pedantry - what is it? Aggressive way to occupy others, something akin to fascism? Or just protection from your own phobias, sometimes going beyond? It is hardly possible to come to an unambiguous answer, to make the right choice. But each person as a multifaceted personality has the right to fluctuate. Circumstances will decide.