The main function of the children's camp is the organization of recreation for children. Since the environment in it is significantly different from home, it contributes to both children's communication and development. The child has fun and actively spends time with his peers, makes new friends, develops communication skills, expresses himself creatively, learns to work in a team. But many parents purchase vouchers not only so that their child can relax and have a great time, but also to get medical treatment.
The place, the location of which is most conducive to children's recovery, is definitely the Sosnovy Bor camp. Perm is rich in tectonic, relief and climatic resources. Such as mountains, forests and lakes.
Children's recreation camp "Sosnovy Bor" was created on the basis of a sanatorium. It belongs to a multidisciplinary institution for children from seven to fifteen years old. A distinctive feature is that it operates all year round. For its visitors there is a swimming pool, a stadium, a gym, various playgrounds, a library for those who like to spend time reading a book, a cinema and concert hall, a stadium and a sportshall.

The goal pursued by the children's camp "Sosnovy Bor" is to create the most suitable comfortable and, importantly, favorable conditions not only for children's recreation, but also for recovery. After all, it is he alth that is the paramount value that everyone should think about, young and old.
The camp "Sosnovy Bor" like no other can boast of its good location. It is located in a coniferous forest, in the middle of the Ural Mountains. Picturesque nature, fresh air, lakes and rivers will not leave anyone indifferent. The camp is hospitably located on the territory of nine hectares in the Gaiva district of the city of Perm.
Rooms in which children are accommodated are four-five-bed, comfortable, renovated. Each of them has a private bathroom. Each building has its own autonomous heating, because the camp is open all year round, so there is always both hot and cold water. Visitors are fed a variety of meals. Employees understand that the child's body is growing, so six meals a day are provided.
For children, various vitamins are included in the diet. Such as freshly squeezed juices, vegetables, fruits, and naturally, dairy products. The camp has excellent chefs. The territory itself has been ennobled, so guests are asked to monitor and keep it clean.

Activities on offer
For those who are thinking of visiting the Sosnovy Bor children's camp, an excellent and, most importantly, varied leisure is provided. Since there are no comrades for the taste and color, the entertainment program is very multifaceted. The offers of the camp will be of interest not only to children, but also to their parents. After all, every child will be able to find an activity that will be to his liking. Camp "Sosnovy Bor" offers swimming in a large 25-meter pool, water games, watching interesting films and cartoons.

In addition, performances on stage and theatrical performances in the concert hall, various competitions, competitions, contests. Sosnovy Bor is a camp that gives every child the opportunity to practice their favorite sport, organize relay races. In the evening, children can visit a disco or a festival. To provide a delightful holiday for any child, qualified staff work hard, as well as sports clubs and all kinds of different clubs.
He alth camp "Sosnovy Bor" daily holds active, mobile, but also educational games, quizzes. The picturesque nature also encourages hiking, tourist excursions and swimming in the forest lake.
As for treatment, the children's camp "Sosnovy Bor" provides an opportunity for children's recovery. It offers various kinds of procedures. The most popular in the camp are massage sessions (classical, therapeutic, there is also the possibility of lymphatic drainage).
"Pine Forest" - a camp that also provides the possibility of speleotherapy (if the child suffers from bronchial asthma), kinesitherapy, diet therapy andphysiotherapy (there are oxygen masks and the ability to use both mineral and fresh water), as well as hydrotherapy, balneotherapy (s alt baths and blue clay). The medical and he alth complex will help children overcome various ailments, such as ear diseases, as well as respiratory problems (for example, bronchitis or asthma), ailments of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and also help to cope with problems of the skin and digestive organs.

An indisputable plus is also the democratic price, which will appeal to many parents. The price of a ticket to the Sosnovy Bor camp varies depending on its type. For example, the type that is of a recreational nature will cost 25,900 rubles. In addition to accommodation, the price includes meals and access to the pools. The second type of voucher to the camp is of a curative and he alth-improving nature. Its price in this case rises to 31,200 rubles, since the price also includes medical procedures, according to the diagnosis and problems of the child.
It is also worth clarifying that the duration of the wellness stay is 21 days, while the he alth-improving shift lasts three days longer, namely 24.
Most often people prefer to go to Sosnovy Bor (camp) in the summer. Four shifts are offered for a wellness package. The first runs from June 6 to 26, the second from June 28 to July 18, the third from July 20 to August 9, and the fourth from August 11 to 31.

Also, with a large influx of visitors, Sosnovy Bor offers an additional opportunity to visit from May 29 to June 18. As mentioned above, the duration of the treatment shift in the camp is a little longer - 24 days. Therefore, for this voucher, there are only three opportunities to go so far, namely: the first shift begins on June 20 and lasts until July 13, the second - from June 15 to August 7, and the third will begin on August 9 and end on September 1.
Advice to parents
Before coming to the camp, children will need to undergo a medical examination to make sure that the child's he alth condition will allow him to be in the team of his peers and in nature.
Be sure to visit the dentist before the trip and warn the staff if your child is allergic to any plants, food or smells in order to eliminate allergens as much as possible. The main requirement for parents is to send their children to rest in good he alth.

And in this he alth camp they will take maximum care to increase their he alth. "Sosnovy Bor" is a camp, after visiting which both parents and their children will be satisfied!