A young mother, a beautiful woman and a successful artist Zhanna Friske is still undergoing treatment. A large number of her fans and simply caring people are sincerely interested in how Zhanna Friske feels today? The news about the state of her he alth cannot be called exhaustive and such that it satisfies the public's request. However, they also allow us to state that the singer's affairs are on the mend.
How is Jeanne feeling?
Friske, judging by the latest news from her friend Olga Orlova, is really close, if not to a full recovery, then to a significant improvement. It's not just about the special treatment that is given to her (Zhanna is being treated with an experimental nanovaccine). It turns out that the previously announced terrible diagnosis (glioblastoma - stage 4 brain cancer) has not been confirmed at the moment.

Girlfriendthe singer with great joy wrote on her page that all the other details about this would be later. So far, the main thing is that the mortal threat seems to have passed. Zhanna Friske's he alth can be considered satisfactory, although she still continues to undergo the necessary course of treatment.
What our doctors say about the treatment of the singer
Around the chosen treatment program for Jeanne in domestic medical circles, discussions are being held and disputes are being arranged. Some representatives of medicine have repeatedly stated that the singer could receive decent medical care in Russian clinics.
Another reason for discussion was the nano-vaccine, which is used to treat an artist in America. In their opinion, this drug is not a medical innovation and has been known for a long time. In addition, it does not bring any results, that is, it does not fight oncology and its consequences. But they do not comment on the fact that Zhanna Friske feels better from this treatment. It should be noted that before choosing a clinic for treatment, the artist and her family considered several options for similar centers around the world.
Progress in the state of the singer
So, what is the news about Zhanna Friske's he alth? All the same Orlova reports that the singer's eyesight was restored, she also lost 10 kg. This was all a consequence of her previous treatment, which included the use of drugs containing hormones.

Partial loss of vision was associated with the increase and pressure of the tumor on the areas of the brain responsible forfor the visual perception of the picture of the world. If the tumor began to decrease (as follows from the messages of Zhanna's relatives), then the pressure has receded, and vision is gradually returning.
Scandals surrounding the singer
Stars are stars because they are never left alone, and they are always in the spotlight. So it happened with Zhanna, despite such a terrible illness.
When everyone found out about her diagnosis, then, of course, most people showed sympathy and empathy. There were others - envious people who jumped for joy that such a star was overtaken by retribution. True, what she personally did to them in order to hate her so much is incomprehensible. This is a militant mediocrity that simply does not deserve attention.

The second wave began when a fundraiser was announced for the artist. They wrote and said that she had so many of them that she did not need it and that she herself was able to pay for her treatment. However, the brilliance of stars often has a downside, and they are not always as rich as it might seem to the layman. In addition, the costs of cancer treatment can let anyone into the world.
During the campaign, more than 60 million rubles were collected, which was enough not only for the singer, but also to cover the costs of treating children in need from Russia. So thanks to Zhanna's fame, more than one life will be saved.
The latest heated discussion, not concerning how Zhanna Friske feels, was her place of stay in the States. Someonestated that she lives in the chic mansion of the famous Oksana Robsky, and not in a hotel, as the singer's close ones claim. Olga Orlova categorically denies everything and says that these are fabrications. Although Oksana herself wrote in response that if necessary, she would gladly provide Zhanna with her home.

This is the hard fate of the stars. Even illness does not give them the right to live like all ordinary people.
Onset of illness
To the question of how Zhanna Friske feels today, you can answer that it is much better than at the beginning of this year. Everyone learned about the singer's illness thanks to random pictures at the airport, in which it was difficult to recognize her. The woman was, to put it mildly, not in very good shape, which was the result of hormonal treatment.
Then there were speculations and rumors, and when it became pointless to hide everything, Zhanna's husband Dmitry Shepelev admitted that his wife had a terrible diagnosis - cancer. The diagnosis made at that time sounded like glioblastoma (brain tumor). This stage does not provide for surgical intervention. Zhanna chose a clinic in the USA for treatment, where she continues it to this day.