The most unusual tree in the world. Unusual trees of the world: photo

The most unusual tree in the world. Unusual trees of the world: photo
The most unusual tree in the world. Unusual trees of the world: photo

The beauty of the nature of our Earth never ceases to amaze us. Throughout the planet, there are the most incredible trees that do not leave travelers indifferent. And among them there are unique specimens that can only be seen in one particular place. Therefore, it will be interesting to find out what are the most unusual trees in the world (photos of some of them are presented), and what exactly is their uniqueness. But besides the fact that a plant can be interesting in itself because of its shape or size, people sometimes give it amazing names.

Baobab "Teapot"

An unusual tree grows on the island of Madagascar, which in its shape resembles a huge teapot. This plant is very famous here, and you will not surprise the locals with it. But it impresses all tourists. Scientists claim that this plant is already 1200 years old. In addition, like a kettle, it can hold a large volume of water. According to some estimates, its "capacity" is 117,000 liters!

unusual tree
unusual tree

This baobab tree has a very thick trunk, where it accumulates moisture and uses it during the dry season. It is also interesting that its roots are impressive in size and spread over tens of kilometers. They can also collect moisture. During a period of drought, this tree sheds all the leaves so as not to waste water on their maintenance. But buds come out instead.

These baobabs have very soft wood. When the elephant is thirsty, he breaks the trunk and eats out the inside to quench his thirst. But the unusual tree does not cease to exist on this. It is very tenacious and is trying to take root again to keep growing.


This plant belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It is called jaboticaba, or Brazilian grape tree. It is fruitful and cultivated in tropical latitudes. The plant has small leaves that are distinguished by a myrtle aroma. It can grow up to 12 meters, but on plantations it does not exceed five.

unusual trees photo
unusual trees photo

These plants differ in that their fruits do not appear at the ends of the branches, but on the trunk itself. Of course, these are not the only unusual trees (photo of the jaboticaba shown above) that bear fruit in this way, these include jackfruit, cocoa and a few other tropical plants. With the advent of spring, the main branches and trunk are covered with a huge number of small white flowers. In one year, a tree can bring more than one crop. Fruit ripening lasts less than a month. Ripe "grapes" have an almost black tint. All fruits are no more than 4 cm in diameter. They are very similar to grapes, their flesh is the same consistency, but inside there is a large seed. The fruits are veryjuicy and sweet. They make jam and juices.

Bottle Tree

This tree species grows in Namibia. Each plant not only has an unusual shape, but is also distinguished by its dangerous secretions. Their juice is a poison that can cause death not only to an animal, but also to a person. It looks like milk. These unusual trees (pictured below) have been used as deadly weapons in the past. Bushmen soaked their arrowheads in poisonous wood secretions.

the most unusual trees
the most unusual trees

This vegetation can be found in the highlands of Namibia. The strange shape of the trunk, which resembles a bottle with a wide bottom, has led to the fact that the tree is called "bottle".


This rare plant can be seen in Cambodia, but not everywhere, but only in some places. These unusual peace trees (see photo below) are also found in Southeast Asia, near the Ta Prohm temple. The amazing thing about plants is that they seem to embrace this old building with their roots. Trees can be very impressive in size, rising up. And not less impressive ficus-stranglers grow not far from the temple. They also extended their roots to the building to envelop it.

unusual shaped tree
unusual shaped tree

Peach palm

It is believed that the first representatives of this plant appeared in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, but today they are often found in South and Central America. These are by right the most unusual trees, because they look really strange. The whole trunk, fromroots to the top, decorated with rows of sharp spikes that resemble large hedgehog needles.

The leaves of the plant are long, oblong. Some of them grow up to three meters in length! The tree itself usually does not exceed 20 meters. The fruits of this plant are edible. Interestingly, among the Native Americans, this “dish” was the basis of the diet. Today, the fermented fruit of this plant is a popular delicacy.

Crooked trees

Another curiosity is plants that have curved trunks. They grow in Poland, in the forest near the town of Gryfino. There are a little more than 400 of them. The cause of the curved trunks is not exactly known. There are suggestions that each of these unusually shaped trees was obtained as a result of human intervention, but who needed it and for what remains a mystery.

According to some guesses, these plants were intended for the manufacture of curved wooden furniture, for agricultural implements or for boat hulls. Because of the Second World War, the owners of these sites were forced to flee in a hurry, and now this story will remain a mystery.

unusual trees of the world photo
unusual trees of the world photo


Also, unusual coniferous trees grow on Earth, such as larch, which sheds its leaves in autumn. And near the city of Alberta (Canada) there is a soft pine, which is called "Burmis". This is the only extraordinary specimen of this genus, which has its own fascinating history. The tree is noteworthy in that it died back in the 1970s, but at the same time it continued to stand without being rotting anddecomposition. Experts say that by the day of its death, the plant was about 600-750 years old.

In 1998, a strong wind hit the city, which knocked down this unusual tree, but caring residents picked it up and put it in its place - to stand in the same position. After a while, someone broke the branch, but people reattached it to the trunk. Today, travelers from all over the world come and take pictures near the Burmis tree.

Tree of Life

Another unusual tree is in Bahrain. It has about 4 centuries. But it is remarkable not for this at all, but for the fact that it grows in the desert, where there is absolutely no water. There are no other trees within a radius of several kilometers. Its roots are deep in the soil, so some are sure that this is where the plant gets its moisture. But this has not been proven, and people still cannot understand how this tree manages to survive. About 50,000 tourists come to see this amazing plant every year.

unusual tree names
unusual tree names


The national tree of India, which is called Bengal ficus, or banyan, is also an amazing plant. For a long time it was considered the widest. But the tree is still growing. A feature of the banyan tree is its roots, which hang from the branches. There are so many of them that it seems that this is not one tree, but a real forest. A tree can grow and cover an area equal to a city block.

Walking Tree

There are alsounusual plants that are among the attractions of the area. These are ordinary larches and pines, which differ in their roots. They protrude from the sandy soil. Over the years, the wind has blown away the sand, and the roots have been exposed for several meters. But a complex root system helps the tree to stay on the surface. From the outside it looks like the plants are standing on stilts. The most famous grove of "walking trees" grows in Peschanaya Bay. At this point, the roots protrude more than two meters.

unusual coniferous trees
unusual coniferous trees

Other amazing trees

Besides the listed 10 unusual trees, there are many more mysterious plants. So, you can hear about the dragon trees that grow in Yemen and the Canary Islands. The plant got its name because of its resin and juice, which have a rich bloody color. The local population is sure that this liquid is a real cure for all diseases.

No less unique is the "iron tree". It can be found in Iran and Azerbaijan. The wood of the plant is stronger than iron and just as heavy, so it sinks if it is lowered into water. The plant is also impressive with its characteristics, planting from "iron trees" can grow into an impenetrable thicket. Over time, these plants grow together.

Also, many people are impressed not only by strange structures, but also by unusual tree names. So, on Earth you can meet a candy, sausage, cabbage, silk tree. All of them have their own stories, characteristics and features that are interesting to learn and learn. ATno matter what country you get, everywhere you can find an unusual plant that locals are ready to talk about for hours.
