Ukrainian frigate "Hetman Sahaidachny"

Ukrainian frigate "Hetman Sahaidachny"
Ukrainian frigate "Hetman Sahaidachny"

The Hetman Sahaidachny frigate is without exaggeration one of the most famous warships in Ukraine. Since 1993, this ship has been the pride of the composition of the naval forces of this country.

History of Creation

The initial idea of building a new ship was connected with the need to create a border ship that could exercise effective control over the territory. When developing a plan for the future frigate, the designers, together with the border guards, took as a basis patrol ships of the Burevestnik type. At the insistence of the State Security Committee of the USSR, a ship project was created under the code "Nerei". The design of the frigate was carried out by the outstanding engineer Shnyrov Alexander Konstantinovich under the control of the chief observer from the naval forces, captain of the second rank Basov Vladimir Grigorievich.

frigate hetman sagaidachny
frigate hetman sagaidachny


The implementation of the model under the code number 11351 took place at the ship factory in the city of Kerch. At this time, a project called "Kirov" was being built. This ship also had a border mission. He waslaunched in 1992.

It was this unfinished ship that was taken into the Ukrainian Navy in 1993, renamed and given its real name - Hetman Sahaidachny. The frigate, whose characteristics have undergone some changes, was completed under the guidance of Ukrainian engineers. In 1993, the ship entered service and raised the military maritime flag of Ukraine.

frigate hetman sagaidachny photo
frigate hetman sagaidachny photo


In the model 1135, which was taken as a basis, certain changes were made. So, for example, instead of a guided missile system that specialized in boat attack, it was decided to make a single, but more effective 100-mm artillery mount. Moreover, the aft part of the vessel has undergone impressive changes. A powerful radar station from this part of the ship was moved to the bow. In its place, a runway was built with an automatic complex and a hangar for aircraft maintenance.

Moreover, the hydroacoustic system has undergone modernization: a new complex was installed under the Ukrainian frigate Hetman Sahaidachny, and a towed acoustic system was also provided. It is worth noting that such innovations affected the dimensions of the frigate. Due to the changes, the displacement of the ship increased to three hundred and seventy tons, but the speed remained at the previous level due to the optimization of engine power.

Vessel specifications

The Hetman Sahaidachny frigate has a standarddisplacement - 3200 tons. The total displacement will be about 3600 tons. The length of the ship is 123 meters, the width is 14.2 meters, and the draft reaches 4.8. The frigate can reach speeds of up to 31 knots. The range on such a vessel reaches 1600 nautical miles at maximum speed. The ship is equipped with power and artillery installations, ahead of which are thirty-millimeter machine guns, an anti-aircraft missile system launcher, torpedo tubes and rocket launchers. For an air attack, a take-off platform and a hangar adapted to store one Ka-27 PS helicopter are provided.

Ukrainian frigate Hetman Sahaidachny
Ukrainian frigate Hetman Sahaidachny

The Hetman Sagaydachny frigate, whose photo can be found in the article, is also equipped with an electronic weapon system, namely the MP-760 Fregat-MA general detection radar station, as well as other detection systems such as Start, " Volga", "Platinum", "Bronze", "Khosta" and the installation for detecting buoy signals and thermal traces. The ship has a Buran communication system.

The capacity of the ship is designed for a crew of more than 100 people.

Ship activities

During its stay in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the frigate "Hetman Sahaidachny" made several foreign business visits.

Already at the beginning of its service, namely in 1994, the ship had the honor to officially arrive in France. The following year, the frigate visited an arms exhibition in the United Arab Emirates, and also called at the ports of Italy and Bulgaria.

hetman sahaidachny frigate characteristics
hetman sahaidachny frigate characteristics

BIn 1996, the frigate distinguished itself and made the first passage across the Atlantic Ocean, leading a detachment of Ukrainian warships. In this composition, the Ukrainian naval forces reached the territory of the United States of America. In the same year, the ship officially visited the Kingdom of Great Britain and Portugal, as well as Turkey and Bulgaria.

In 1999, the ship arrived at the port of Israel. Several visits to the Mediterranean occurred between 2000 and 2004. In 2008, the Hetman Sahaidachny frigate took part in a special operation called Active Endeavor for three months, and from 2013 to 2014, in an anti-terrorist operation off the coast of the African continent.

By coincidence, during the events of 2014 in Crimea, the ship was outside the event zone, so the fate of other warships of the Ukrainian Navy did not affect it. The ship was moved to the port of Odessa. Despite the provocations of the Russian media that the frigate Hetman Sagaidachny raised the Russian flag, in reality this never happened.

frigate hetman sagaidachny raised the Russian flag
frigate hetman sagaidachny raised the Russian flag


Over the history of the ship's existence, its leadership has changed several times.

From 1992 to 1993, the frigate was under the command of third-rank captain Vladimir Katushenko, in the period up to 1997 - Sergey Nastenko, until 2002 - Goncharenko Peter. In 2002, the ship came under the command of Captain 2nd Rank Denis Berezovsky, who commanded it until 2005. After him, the control of the frigatewas entrusted to Anton Gelunov, and after 2008 to Roman Pyatnitsky.

Undoubtedly, this ship can be called the pride of the Ukrainian Navy.
