Let's talk about beings with a subtle spiritual world - elves. These good spirits were created in their imagination by the Germanic peoples. In another way, they are also called the spirits of nature. After the release of some Hollywood films with a fictional elven country, many simply fell in love with these charming creatures. There are a lot of fantasy fans out there who don't mind turning into a cute forest creature like a fairy with long pointy ears. They are interested in the question of how to become an elf in real life, what do you need to change in yourself for this? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

Who are elves?
Let's plunge into the delightful magical world. Everything we talk about is fictional. After all, many people with a rich imagination are interested in how to become an elf, dark or light. So, in the Germanic myths, there was a small benevolent people living in remote places of the wildnature. It is not necessary to name the reasons why he was hiding from people. In films and books, they are shown as beautiful creatures with long hair, blue eyes, strong, dexterous and wise. Many people want to be like them, so it's interesting to find out how to become an elf.
Dance of the Soul
In the noise of leaves.
Elves play
In the glow of the moon.
In the grove…empty? No, wait!
Elves and fairies are calling!
Deep down, where the grass is emerald tender, To the land where Mira's soul dances…
In myths, elves are spoken of as beautiful, bright creatures, spirits of the forest. In many fairy tales and fantasy, these little men appear together with goblins, trolls, gnomes. Many of them were attributed wings on their backs, like those of fairies. They love harmony and justice. Maybe that's why so many people are so interested in how to become an elf?

Elven Country
Well, let's try to plunge into the elven essence. Many dreamers would like to get into a wonderful, kind, magical reality. But pragmatists will immediately answer that such a reality does not exist, these are just dreams out loud. People have not yet comprehended all the secrets of the universe. And the elves were invented by storytellers-dreamers. But still, what can people do to become cute creatures that look like fairy little men? This is not so easy to do.
Let's imagine what an elven country would look like. Fairy tales say that it exists. Floral aromas are fragrant there, sincere laughter is heard, there are no wars and violence. Still theremutual love, friendliness and respect reign. An ordinary mortal person cannot get into such a country, its doors open only to elves.

It's hard to be an elf
If someone is interested in how to become an elf of the abyss or some other, then in this person the elven nature is bursting out, bright and pure. After all, some dreamers want to jump out of the human shell. The Elven road of transformation requires the removal from consciousness of everything that was taught in childhood. Elves do not adhere to human dogmas and rules. Only in the depths of your soul can you find answers to all questions of life. Not everyone can achieve this.
Life positions of elves
Being an elf means being filled with sincerity and openness. After the transformation, you can not lie, pretend. In the souls of the elves there is no place for condemnation, hatred, resentment. Being an elf is not easy, because modern people perceive creatures with similar properties ambiguously. They seem strange to them.
A real elf doesn't care about public opinion about him. Material goods for him are not of great importance, he is content with little. These cute creatures do not have laziness, they are accustomed to constantly engage in a pleasant and sweet heart activity. Elves always have a favorite thing to do. They are accustomed to dress beautifully, communicate with nice people. Also, these creatures strive to realize their wildest fantasies.

Wood elf language
Elves speak in incoherent guttural sounds. ATlegends say that the awakening of these creatures is slow. At first, small communities of cute forest creatures appeared. A single elvish language appeared over time. Then it included more and more melodic words.
When the number of elves increased, they began to break up into tribes, each of which had its own dialect. The Western elves spoke the Eldar language, and all the others spoke Avari. Later, this people developed a written language. With her help, the elves compiled their magic books with good spells. Only high elven beings have access to these ancient books.

Real transformations into elves
There are a lot of fantasy fans in our times. They are ready to spend a lot of money in order to transform into an elf of our days. One youth from Argentina decided to become an elf after being bullied as a child by his peers. He read old fantastic tales and decided to transform. At the age of 17, he underwent plastic surgery. He imitated otherworldly characters in everything. To do this, the guy reviewed the films "Labyrinth" and "The Story of NeverEnding".

The young man's name is Luis Padron. He bleached his hair, skin, constantly uses special creams, dyes. Luis never tans and avoids sun exposure on his skin. For the transformation, the guy needed liposuction on the jaw, rhinoplasty, hair removal on all parts of the body, and a change in eye color. His brown pupils turned blue andlook - mysterious. The young man now looks like a long-haired fair elf. People around him constantly pay attention to him, but he does not care.

Louis does not stop at these transformations: he dreams of surgery on his ears, lengthening of his legs. His goal is to be like an angel, a subtle, ethereal, graceful being. He wants to bring his eye color to a crystal blue hue. The guy has already spent £27,000 on all the transformations. The young man is guided by what he feels inside himself. Louis does not consider his actions an obsession, but sees them as a way of life. In his fantasies, he lives with love, friendship and good feelings.