We often see the homeless, pass by and do not even think about what pushed them to such a life as becoming homeless. There are a certain number of such citizens living without a home and shelter in almost every country.
Unsatisfactory picture
So what is the reason for this set of circumstances? After all, if desired, everyone can find some kind of job and provide at least the most modest living conditions. Yet many people die on the streets, freeze in the snow in winter, or get hit by cars.
How do people become homeless, if there are so many opportunities to develop around, to benefit themselves and others in a humane society that is being built in the 21st century? Journalists have carefully researched this topic. People often prefer not to notice such phenomena because of their immorality and indifference. Much easier to go about your business.

Exceptional few can approach a homeless person and ask how he feels, whether he needs help, whether to call an ambulance. Such an act today is akin to heroism. Othersthey treat beggars as if they are dirt that they don’t want to get into, and they don’t even think about how they become homeless in Russia.
What kind of humanism is there, what kind of love for one's neighbor, when we don't care about a person dying of hunger, sleeping in the stairwell, on a mattress in which parasites crawl. Everyone just got used to this phenomenon and consider it the norm.
Considering the life path of each of them, one can trace the reasons that led to such a result. There are those who ruined their own lives, there are deceived or victims of natural disasters, for example, those who lost their homes due to a fire.
Journalists who communicated with them found out information about those families who were driven out of the apartment by the heads of enterprises. Also, many suffer from the activities of black re altors. There are old people who are kicked out by children. To understand the reason, it is better to ask the beggars themselves how they become homeless. Their stories explain a lot.
Seeking shelter
When winter comes, we see less and less of these people. As a rule, they are sent to the technical floors of the entrances of residential buildings. The residents don't like it and call the police, who don't have a clear idea of what to do with them. As a rule, these are citizens infected with tuberculosis and venereal diseases, so they don’t really want to take them to the station. So they are driven out into the cold - that's all.
With the onset of spring, they again appear on the streets more often and some passer-by, seeing them, will think about how they become homeless. This can partly be judged by reading the history of Vashchenko Nikolai.
This personasks not for a drink, but for the opportunity to earn money, takes on any business: cleans and sweeps the streets, just not to die of hunger. He was born in Nyurba in 1978, does not know the names of his parents, only that they were alcoholics. At the age of five, he was thrown out into the street by them. There he was picked up by a kind woman and sent to the Verkhnevilyui kindergarten. At the age of 10, he ended up in a boarding school in Mohsogolloh. The boy had a sister who died from a stab. The criminal was jailed. There is also a brother, but Nikolai does not know about his fate.

Belated indulgence
Reading such stories, you understand why people become homeless. When the man who killed his sister freed himself, the news came from him that Vashchenko was wanted by a family that was quite we althy at that time, could allow their children to study in America and China. Despite the opportunity to improve his life, the beggar refused the help of his relatives. Pride did not allow because of the vile act that they carried out in relation to him in his childhood. These are the stories about how they become homeless.
The psychology of such people is broken, it is very difficult for them to return to a normal life, if since childhood they have seen only decline. Sometimes people help a man. He suffers from visual hallucinations. Tried to go to the hospital, get a referral for treatment. He was told to see a psychiatrist. Nikolai does not refuse to work, he was hired as a watchman. Since he does not have tuberculosis, this increases his chances of getting a job somewhere. Alsocleans in stores.
What drives beggars to crime?
Learning about how they become homeless in Moscow, you can hear many stories about how these people are not paid for their work, because they are essentially helpless, they have no one to complain to. This happened to Nicholas as well. The environment itself pushes the beggars to such a life, wiping their feet on them. And what is left for such a man, languishing from hunger? Only theft or death. And then they say how bad these people are, unprincipled. If a spark of goodness and conscience remains in one of them, this is already a feat. "A dog only bites because of a dog's life," as they say.
Vashchenko saved minors from a pedophile, when he molested them and tried to rape them, after getting drunk. So there is still nobility in these people, the state should pay attention to them and help them get up from that dirty puddle where they are now.

There is a way out
A person needs great strength and support in order to change. On the 16th kilometer of the Vilyuisk tract landfill in the forest zone there are huts where beggars live. What brought them here, and how do people become homeless?
From improvised means they create houses for themselves or dig dugouts. There are also those who have acquired vehicles and a bathhouse.
The life story of Marina Vasilyeva, who has been living here with Pavel, her son, since 2004, is interesting. The woman also has a granddaughter and a grandson who stayed with her during the holidays. At the time of the interview, Marina was in the process of restoring documents. She and her family live apart. They have a TV and radio, a battery, a potbelly stove. Firewood is taken from the forest. Her daughter lives on the territory of Yakutsk. With their son, they decided not to embarrass her. Previously, the family had a private house on the street. Safronov, but after the fire that happened there, they were left homeless.
This is a fairly common plot of stories about how to become homeless. The inconvenience of their place of residence is that bears live nearby, nature after all. Somehow one wandered to the house and devastated stocks. To drive away the beast, they started a saw and scared a little. An example of this family suggests that, if desired, a person can survive in any conditions.
Next to Vasilyeva was her son, with whom they both created at least some conditions for their existence, holding on to each other.
A noble excuse
Life is unpredictable and, considering individual situations, it becomes clear why they become homeless. Journalists found the following people at the Tirekh community support center in Yakutsk.
We are talking about Ekaterina Ibragimova, who was 52 years old at the time of the interview. She was born in Amga in 1961. She was brought up in an orphanage in Ust-Aldan. Having reached the age of majority, she went to work as a milkmaid and got married. She has been married to her husband for 17 years. There is a son and two daughters who now have their own lives and families. The woman said she did not want to oppress her relatives.

There are a variety of reasons why people become homeless. The reasons for Catherine's begging are thatthat earlier her son carried out the theft, and she took the blame and spent three years in a colony. After her release, she ended up in a support center on the advice of the police. Her passport was stolen on the bus, she is recovering it. She has a disability due to a general medical condition.
Plans to get a job in a boarding school, earns money by cleaning the entrances and helping nurses. The story of this man once again proves that not all homeless people have lost their moral character. There are those who sacrifice convenience for higher goals.
Poverty and abandonment
Many beggars are old, lonely people who cannot provide for themselves. How to become a homeless person without the support of heirs becomes very clear if you look at the level of pensions in the country.
One of these abandoned citizens is Zhekhov Stanislav, who is 63 years old. Someone to help him. He learned about the assistance department when he met a disabled person on the bus. Prior to that, he rented apartments that sympathetic people provided for use at a low price. He doesn't have a pension. Once there was a blood clot in the artery, and due to the lack of timely medical care, the leg had to be amputated. No one paid attention to the deteriorating condition of the man until gangrene formed. Despite his disability, Stanislav can do a lot with his hands. Previously, he lived in porches, for a long time he did not have drinking water. People often kicked him out, not wanting to take pity on the cripple.
Violent behavior
How do they become homeless? Everyone has their own reasons for this. In the same departmentjournalists found Sergei Astanin, who at that time was 50 years old. Prior to that, he was kept in the Kapitonovsky boarding school. He was involved in a fight that caused him to be evicted.
He is an invalid of the second group, but this did not stop him from fighting. The man has no relatives, his wife died. Back in the 90s, he came here from Kyrgyzstan to the woman he loved. Now he hopes to get into a boarding school. Disabled in a car accident. The entire left side was paralyzed, legs and arms did not work.

Irreparable results of frostbite
Also noteworthy is the story of Oleg Vlasyev. When his marriage fell apart, his wife and daughter left for an unknown destination. The man tried to find them, but no success so far, although he does not stop hoping.
He has a brother in St. Petersburg who knows nothing about his fate. Previously, Oleg held the position of a bulldozer operator, and together with his wife they rented a house. However, the wife had mental disorders, because of which she ended up in a madhouse. The landlady kicked the man out of the apartment. He turned out to be homeless, lived in porches and on technical floors. Over time, people began to chase him away. In December 2012, the fingers were completely frostbitten.
Their lives may never be the same again
Vlasyev was let in by one woman, and another called an ambulance when she saw his swollen limbs. He spent a month in the burn unit. The presence of a bed and food somewhat improved the state of he alth, the documents are in good condition. After establishingdisability began to receive a pension.
An interesting detail of his life is that this man is a certified pedicure and manicure specialist. In this profession, he worked for two years, earned good money. Now, when his hands are mutilated, it will be extremely difficult to find clients. He can massage and remove ingrown nails. He also suits the profession of a car mechanic, in which there is a sufficient amount of knowledge. But due to disability, finding a job is almost impossible.

Main Factors
Top reasons why people slip into street life:
- anti-social behavior that does not allow a person to find his place in society;
- deprivation of a roof over their heads due to criminal fraud applied to them;
- natural disasters, after which material damage was not compensated by the state;
- lack of relatives who could help in old age;
- illness, after which a person can no longer engage in activities that in the past gave him a livelihood;
- alcoholism, drug addiction and other severe addictions.
Don't pass by
People have different attitudes towards homeless people. Some pity them and show compassion, some hate and despise them, some just don't care. It is indifference that is the problem of our society.
A person could slide into this lifestyle due toweaknesses of one's own character, a cruel twist of fate, or because of one's own asocial beliefs. In any case, these are the black spots that spoil the picture of the bright world that everyone aspires to. After all, any person wants to be surrounded by beauty, well-being.

Deep down we want everyone around us to be happy. That is why the authorities need to make efforts to resolve this issue, to reduce the number of homeless people, because their number indicates trouble in the country and spoils its image, as well as the lives of ordinary people who, going to work, see their human brother rummaging through the trash. By helping them, we help ourselves.