Evgenia Uralova: biography, personal life, photo

Evgenia Uralova: biography, personal life, photo
Evgenia Uralova: biography, personal life, photo

Evgenia Uralova is a famous Soviet film and theater actress. Honored (1994) and People's (2000) Artist of the Russian Federation. Winner of the Zhukov medal. In this article, you will be presented with her brief biography.

Childhood and studies

Evgenia Uralova (see photo below) was born in 1940. Together with her mother, she was taken out of besieged Leningrad. But they were surrounded and began to live in a partisan detachment.

After school, the girl entered a technical school. Eugenia was supposed to become a draftsman and has already received a distribution to the plant. But fate decreed otherwise. Uralova went to enter the theater with her friend. And she succeeded. The girl studied in the evening, and worked in the morning. Evgenia had to work in different places: as a cleaner, and a laboratory assistant, and a janitor.

In 1964 she successfully graduated from the Leningrad University of Cinematography, Music and Theatre. A year later, she became an actress at the Moscow Yermolova Drama Theatre.

evgenia uralova
evgenia uralova

July Rain

The ordinary hectic life of the metropolis came to life on the screen; sprawled, seethed, moved along the noisy streets of the business capital,crowded stream. But in the crowd, a young girl turned around a couple of times and wary, searchingly looked at the audience. Thus, she drew all the attention to herself. And it became simply impossible to look away from her…

Her appearance on the big screen was expected in advance. The script for the film "July Rain", written by Marlen Khutsiev and Anatoly Grebnev, was published long before the premiere of the film. He made the reader think, awakened emotions. Therefore, the interest in the picture was quite high. The press regularly published articles about the filming process, photos of the actors and details of their biographies.

Director's talent

Khutsiev's ability to convey the rhythm of modern life, as well as his precise, sensitive reaction to the spiritual atmosphere of that time, made each director's film memorable. We can say that his paintings were a reflection of the biography not only of Khutsiev himself, but also of the surrounding reality. Maybe that's why they caused such a public outcry.

The controversy about his previous film, where the characters were twenty, has not yet subsided. In the new picture, he shot thirty-year-old characters. As a rule, at this age a person has already chosen his path and has been formed in a civil and human sense.

actress evgenia uralova personal life
actress evgenia uralova personal life

Search for a heroine

Grebnev and Khutsiev wanted the main character of their picture to be a complex person, with serious demands, demands on herself and others. And under these criteria, very few actresses fit. Therefore, the search for the main character went so long. As a result, the role of Lena was approvedactress Evgenia Uralova.

The girl was barely 24, and she had just finished her studies, going to work at the Yermolova Theater. But Uralova has already managed to play her debut role in the play Time and the Conway Family. Those Eugenia got the role of Kay.

After Uralova had several years of work in production, a number of mastered professions and relevant skills (she was engaged in amateur art, studied at a radio engineering college, worked as a designer and laboratory assistant). Now the girl had to do serious meaningful work in the cinema and theater.

evgenia uralova personal life
evgenia uralova personal life

Role fit

Evgenia Uralova, or rather, her natural data, fully corresponded to the director's concept of Khutsiev. Critic L. Anninsky perfectly explained the reason why this particular actress got the role: “Look at her nervous, sharp, mobile face - it very easily fits into the type of an urban modern woman. How flashes of feelings are quickly inhibited on this face, how nervousness skillfully hides behind the laziness of speech. This woman easily enters the crowd, accepts its rhythm, but at any moment she can leave it. The director periodically brings the actress's face closer to us, and behind a careless strand of hair we see terrible longing in her eyes.”

actress evgenia uralova
actress evgenia uralova

Best Role of the Year

In 1968, Evgenia Uralova, whose biography is presented in this article, received the title of the best performer of the year. It was awarded to the actress by the Soviet Screen magazine, which polled leading critics.countries.

The role of Elena in the film "July Rain" was a success, principled and reflecting the great work done by the cameraman, screenwriters and director. Uralova's art was elevated to the rank of intellectual. At the same time, it was impossible not to notice the emotional richness of thought. It turns out that the creative manner of the artist, the nature of her art were laid in the first film.

Difficulties in finding roles

And then the actress Evgenia Uralova, whose personal life was regularly discussed in the media, began to experience difficulties in finding suitable roles for her. The artistic embodiment of Lena from "July Rain" was so strong that there were simply no similar heroines in other projects. And to agree to the incarnation of a character of a smaller scale would be dangerous and imprudent.

The actress turned out to be far-sighted and determined, striving to be a creative person capable of solving the most diverse and complex tasks. She patiently waited for her role, where she could not repeat the character, but rediscover it.

That's why the list of her film roles is so small. Evgenia Vladimirovna always looked for the untrodden path among the difficult roads of artistic truth and left the brightest mark on it. Today it is already obvious to everyone that the actress has repeatedly proved her commitment to the art of subtle and deep psychological analysis.

evgenia uralova photo
evgenia uralova photo

Wedding Day

In 1968, Evgenia Uralova, whose personal life is described below, played Klava in the film "Wedding Day". His first dialogue with the main character, which becameprologue of the film, she conducted emphatically and restrainedly. In her short "don't" one feels not only the harshness of the refusal, but also respect for their former relationship. Explanations and conversations would be humiliating and unnecessary. In this frame, which lasted several seconds, the actress was able to tell without further ado about a new, not very happy love. At the same time, she managed to maintain her dignity without hiding the pain from her own powerlessness and inability to influence the situation.


Uralova had a chance to work with different creative personalities - L. Malevannaya, A. Dzhigarkhanyan, O. Efremov and other actors of different schools and directions. But Evgenia Vladimirovna feels more confident within the framework of the psychological school. As well as in the pictures that were created by the directors of this direction.

evgenia uralova biography
evgenia uralova biography

Private life

Evgenia Uralova got married three times. Almost nothing is known about the first wife, since this marriage of the girl took place in the pre-acting period of her life. The second husband of the artist was Vsevolod Shilovsky. Young people sincerely fell in love with each other and thought that they would live together until the end of their lives. But fate was different. On the set of the next picture, Uralova met the poet and bard Yuri Vizbor. He devoted many beautiful poems and songs to Eugenia. Parting with Shilovsky became inevitable. However, a few years later, Vizbor left Uralova for another woman, leaving her with her daughter Anya. But until the end of his life, he warmly treated his ex-wife and did not lose touch with her.


Evgenia Uralovastill maintains a courageous and joyful attitude to work and art. She carefully analyzes her roles and notices the mistakes made. Evgenia Vladimirovna believes that acting is self-restraint, self-discipline… An artist needs a strong character, as well as strong immunity to all sorts of temptations and temptations. And this is given only by studying in the highest school called life.
