The living wage is a level of earnings that can provide the basic needs of a person in elementary conditions of life. In Russia, this indicator is calculated on the basis of the minimum annual consumer basket. It includes some products, goods and services. The products include: 126.5 kg of bread, cereals and pasta, 100 kg of potatoes, 58 kg of meat, 210 eggs, 60 kg of fruit. Also included in the basket are sugar and sweets, dairy products, eggs, fish, oils of various types, tea, coffee and spices.
The total cost of non-food items is 50% of the cost of the food package. The cost of services (transport + utilities) is also calculated.

Indicatoris determined for each region and each social group separately. There are 3 social groups in total: children, able-bodied citizens and pensioners. The smallest amount is due to pensioners.
The value of this indicator is taken as a basis for statistical reporting and some payments. In fact, each person has individual needs. The subsistence level of the able-bodied population is higher than that of other social groups.
Equivalent to minimum wage
The idea to equate the minimum wage to the living wage has existed since 2002. In 2014, more specific dates were set: October 1, 2017. However, this was not done, since from January 1, 2018, the minimum wage was only 85% of the subsistence level. But from May of this year, it should be equal to the subsistence minimum. It is difficult to say whether this decision is being implemented in reality. However, the lowest salary figures indicated in the vacancies of the Employment Center, with rare exceptions, correspond to the living wage.

Why do we need a living wage
The indicator allows you to create a statistical base on the approximate standard of living of the population and influence the adoption of some decisions. It has the following goals:
- Assess the standard of living and income of the population of the country or a particular subject, which is required in the development and implementation of various socially oriented programs.
- Set an adequate minimum wage and pension,scholarships, allowances and other payments.
- Influence the development of the federal budget and the budget of the subjects of the federation.
- Set the amount of necessary social assistance to low-income citizens.

Adequacy of the living wage
Many residents believe that living on such an amount is quite problematic. Many experts share the same opinion. Thus, Vyacheslav Bobkov believes that the real value of the indicator in Russia should be 2-2.5 times more than the officially established one. In his opinion, the existing underestimation is connected with the unwillingness of the authorities to increase the social burden on the budget.
Living wage in 2018
The size of the content should increase with inflation. In 2018 it was:
- On average 10328 rubles per person.
- The subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population is 11,160 rubles.
- For the elderly - 8496 rubles.
- For a child - 10181 rubles.
In the regions, the largest figure is in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, where it is 20,622 rubles. Also in Chukotka, where it is equal to 20149 rubles.
Low level - in the Republic of Mordovia (7824 rubles) and some other regions. All this indicates large regional differences in the subsistence minimum.
Of course, in rich regions the rate will be higher than in poor ones. Other factors can also influence: the price level, climatic conditions, etc. In Moscow, this amountequal to 15397 rubles. This is significantly more than the national average.

Thus, the subsistence level of the able-bodied population in 2018 was more than 11 thousand rubles. It is much less for pensioners.
Can I live?
This question is asked by many, and some try to answer it by experimenting on themselves. Although, in fact, the minimum wage is a common phenomenon, and therefore, for many, nothing else remains.
A teacher from Sterlitamak, Dara Goldberg, tried to live on these funds at will for six months. This was in 2017. In principle, she succeeded, but there were a lot of hardships. She had to save on almost everything, including a haircut and shampoos. She was forced to refuse goodies altogether. As with any paid entertainment, including movies. She cooked only from the simplest products: cereals, potatoes, etc. True, she also had to resort to tricks: to fish, pick mushrooms. Without this, she says, it was impossible to keep yourself in a normal physical shape. But she is a woman with a weight of only 45 kg. Can a he althy working man weighing over 75 kilos eat like this?
She almost didn't pay the utility bill - she lives in a hostel. Soap was stolen from a public toilet. There were problems with clothing - it was clearly not enough. She says that she felt like an animal whose life is reduced to satisfying only basic physiological needs.
At the same time, she has no idea how a patient can reach the living wage of a pensionera person who needs a lot of medicine. Or an employee who has to spend a lot on transportation to get to work. Or a child who needs to change clothes frequently as they grow.
As a result, her conclusions are not comforting: living on a living wage is harmful to human he alth and psyche. And its main advantage is the acquisition of savings skills. However, it must be assumed that in regions where the minimum is higher, it will be easier to live on it.

Thus, this is an important statistic on which different payouts depend. The subsistence level of the region's able-bodied population can differ greatly from the average (federal) level.