Vologda Oblast: living wage and standard of living

Vologda Oblast: living wage and standard of living
Vologda Oblast: living wage and standard of living

Vologda Oblast is one of the subjects of the Russian Federation. It is located in the north of the European territory of Russia. Belongs to the Northwestern District. The city of Vologda is its administrative center. The population is 1 million 176 thousand 689 people. The subsistence minimum in the Vologda Oblast is 10,995 rubles. It has been on the rise in recent years.

Brief geographic description

The region is located in the northeast of the East European Plain. The height above sea level ranges from 150 to 200 meters. The relief is a plain, alternating with hills and ridges.

The climate is temperate continental. Winters are quite long and moderately frosty, and summers are short and warm, but not hot. Winter temperature drops rapidly when moving from west to east: from minus 11°C in the western regions to -14°C ineastern. In summer, on the contrary, the east is a couple of degrees warmer than the west. The amount of precipitation is 500–650 mm per year. The maximum amount drops in the summer.

Socio-economic characteristics

The Vologda Oblast belongs to the regions of the Russian hinterland. The share of the Russian and Slavic population is especially high here. The quality of life in large cities and rural areas differs sharply. Cities are characterized by a low level of unemployment and poverty, an acceptable state of medicine and the education system. At the same time, there is a low quality of life in rural areas, as well as a high mortality rate.

vologda region - economy
vologda region - economy

The most developed in the Vologda region is ferrous metallurgy. Of great importance is the production of food, especially dairy.

Standard of living

In accordance with the rating of Russian regions in terms of the quality of life of the population, the Vologda Oblast has a low position. Among the 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is in 63rd place. The worst situation (85th place) is in terms of providing the population with clean drinking water. Very bad - in terms of the quality of roads and the comfort of housing (80th place). Out of 100 possible points, the Vologda Oblast received only 37. Most other regions have more than 40, and 19 regions have more than 50 points.

Unemployment in the region is average. Difficult situation with crime - 77th place, and in terms of the number of victims - 82nd place. The level of environmental pollution puts the Vologda Oblast in 76th place. The level of education is also low (73 in higher education and 61 insecondary education). In terms of provision with doctors, the region is in 76th place, and in kindergartens - in 10th place. The incidence of the population is average for Russia. The situation with infant mortality is more negative - 60th place.

vologda region - roads
vologda region - roads

Living wage

The subsistence minimum is set by the Government of the Vologda Oblast for the second quarter of 2018. It has the following indicators (rubles/month):




Per inhabitant (average) 10995
Per one able-bodied person living in the region 11905
Per pensioner 9103
Per child 10940

Compared to the first quarter of 2018, the subsistence minimum in the Vologda Oblast has increased. The greatest growth among persons of working age (by 4.5%), and the smallest among pensioners (4.4%).

subsistence level Vologda Oblast
subsistence level Vologda Oblast

Based on these values, benefits for the first child, payments for maternity capital, etc. will be calculated. Only those whose income will be no higher than 17857.5 rubles can count on them. per person.

If the income is below the subsistence level, social support will be provided.

Changes in the subsistence minimum in the Vologda Oblast since 2015

It is the same for all social groups. Valuethe cost of living gradually increases over time. At the same time, the maximum is reached every year in the second quarter, and the minimum - in the fourth. This year the maximum value is the same as last year. The minimum living wage in the Vologda Oblast was in the 4th quarter of 2015, when its value was 9678 rubles, including 10455 rubles. for the able-bodied population, 7975 for the elderly, and 9412 rubles for a child. In 2018, its value reaches 10,995 rubles on average.

living wage in the Vologda region
living wage in the Vologda region

Population of the Vologda Oblast

It is known that demographic indicators largely reflect the standard of living of most citizens. In some Russian regions, there is a rapid decline in the population, but in the Vologda Oblast it is rather weakly expressed. The maximum values were reached at the beginning of the 20th century, after which there was a sharp decline, and then a gradual increase in the Soviet period. In the 90s of the 20th century, the decline began again, but it was not very large. So, in 1990, 1,354,471 people lived in the region, and in 2018 - already 1,176,689 people. That is, the decline is quite significant, but not critical.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the situation in rural areas is worse than in cities, and therefore in the region as a whole.


Thus, the cost of living in the Vologda Oblast is close to the average for Russia and is approximately 11 thousand rubles a month. At the same time, the quality of life in the region is below the average for Russia. Graduallyliving wage increases.
