Probably each of us knows what a race is. Today we do not attach much importance to this issue and the history of the origin of races. It's actually quite interesting. The human race is a group of people that has developed historically, they are similar to each other in terms of eyes, hair color, head shape, etc. Not so long ago, the entire population was divided into three main groups: black, yellow and white. Today is different.
Many people know what a race is, but have no idea how it is classified, do not know the features of each of them. The long-standing division of people by color has similarities with the modern one. There are such types of races: Negroid, Caucasian and Mongoloid. All of them are significantly different from each other. There are also small races (there are about 30 of them) and they are located between the three main ones. To date, there are almost no pure representatives of their people, mixed marriages have done their job.

We will discuss each of the races. Negroid refers to people who have dark and curly hair, chocolate brown skin, brown eyes, a wide nose, full lips and a rather protruding jaw. Most representatives of this race live in Africa, but you can meet them in any corner of our planet.
The Mongoloid race has a yellow skin tone, a narrow slit of eyes, the color of which is also brown, as a rule, dark hair and strongly protruding cheekbones. Their lips are thickened, and their nose is low nose. The eyes of such people are often slightly slanted and facial hair is very rare. This race predominates in Asia, but, thanks to migration, such people can be found anywhere in the world. According to researchers, the Mongoloid race populated the planet by 50%. Of this number, more than half of the Chinese. The category of people under consideration is divided into three more small groups: northern Mongoloid, southern and American (Indian).

The Caucasian race consists of people with fair skin, lips of medium fullness and a narrow nose. Their eye color is varied: shades of blue, gray and green, as well as light brown. In men, facial hair is developed in sufficient, sometimes excessive amounts. The hair of the representatives of this race is wavy or straight, the eyes are wide open. Today they live throughout the Earth, but such people originated in Europe and Asia Minor. Some scientists believe that there is a Caucasoid Mongoloid race (a mixture of two peoples). The truth is probably somewhere in between.
What is a race and how it was formed, studied by thousands of scientists. They came to the conclusion that, depending on the place of residence, people acquired certain facial features, skin color and hair. For example, representatives of the Negroid group had dark skin and coarse hair, so that it would be easier for them to endure hot weather, unbearable heat. Previously, people did not know what race was, and behaved cruelly towards other people. Today this phenomenon is called racism, and representatives of the above groups have long mixed up and live together throughout our planet.