On the shores of San Francisco Bay lies the small town of Berkeley. Among the cities of America, among which are the largest metropolitan areas of the world, Berkeley occupies an honorable 234th place in terms of population. But he is known not only in the USA, but also in the world. This happened thanks to the campus (campus) of the University of California located here, one of the most prestigious and respected in the world.

Beginning of the Berkeley story
The city was founded thanks to the Spanish expedition of the traveler de Anse, who explored central and southern California. This navigator is known for the fact that his name is closely associated with one of the most beautiful cities in the United States - San Francisco. It was they who chose the place of its location.
The land where the city of Berkeley is now located was granted by the King of Spain to a simple private of the army, Luis Per alte, who built the San Antonio ranch here and raised cattle. He had four sons, and by willhis land was divided between them. On the plots inherited by his two sons, Vicente and Domingo, the modern Berkeley appeared. The city did not forget about the founders, perpetuating their names in the names of the streets - Vicente Road, Domingo Avenue and Per alte Avenue.
Joining the US
During Mexico's war of independence, the Spanish colony of Upper California, on whose territory the ranch was located, became part of this state. During the US-Mexico War (1846-1848), California became part of the United States. Immediately after the war, gold was discovered in these places.
So it would have been the San Antonio Ranch on the site of the modern city of Berkeley, but the gold rush began. From all over America, "wild" prospectors began to come here, who washed gold on the land of Vicente and Domingo Per alte. The peaceful life is over. Prospectors began to stake the plots where they searched for and found gold, and also claimed to transfer them to ownership. The court considered their claims fair.

Education of the City of Berkeley
The settlers formed a settlement, which in 1878 turned into a small town. Gold dried up, but most of the "we alth seekers" settled in these places. The administrative division of the country was formed at the end of the 19th century, according to which the center of California is San Francisco, located 16 kilometers from Berkeley. Ambitious residents of the city claimed leadership in the state, even a referendum was held. But according to him the capital of the staterecognized as beautiful San Francisco. Berkeley entered Alameda County, centered on Oakland, the third-largest city in California.
In 1866, a California private college opened in the city. Its founder is the priest Henry Durant. In addition, the state college of agriculture functioned in the city of Berkeley, California, since it was an agricultural region. In 1868, both educational institutions were merged into the University of California, after a while it becomes one of the most prestigious in the United States, and after the 40s - in the world. This predetermined the fate of Berkeley. It has become a university city and a center of science.

City Development
Thanks to the university, the city developed rapidly. To Auckland, the progenitor of public transport, the horse-drawn carriage, began to walk. This is a kind of horse-drawn tram. In 1870, the first US transcontinental railroad was extended to Oakland. The city of Berkeley took over the railroad station six years later. This greatly accelerated the development of the city. By the end of the century, it received electric lighting, followed by a telephone, instead of a horse tram, electric trams began to run around the city
After the earthquake that destroyed San Francisco, thousands of refugees arrived in Berkeley. Its population has increased dramatically. The significance of the city was given by the university campus, which was becoming increasingly important. It was he who allowed him to survive in the Great Depression, but the stock market crash that occurred in 1929 slowed down the growth of the city of Berkeley for a long time. The country was going throughdifficult period.

University of California
Berkley, which has long become the scientific center of the United States, is considered the most liberal city. And it is not surprising, because it is here that many young people live. It houses the building of the Lawrence laboratory, institutes, libraries, research centers. It was Berkeley who played a big role in the creation of the first atomic and hydrogen bomb. Many scientists working at the university, for scientific discoveries, especially in the field of physics and chemistry, have the title of Nobel Prize winners. Most of the city's inhabitants are employed in the field of scientific activity. This is the city of the young.
In addition, Berkeley is located on the shores of the San Francisco Bay, where there are many beautiful places that thousands of tourists from all over the world come to visit every year. The architecture of the city is a mixture of different styles, which gives it a unique flavor. There are many entertainments here. The city is shrouded in a peculiar student atmosphere.