Canton Fair is an annual trade forum that brings to the attention of consumers the best high-tech innovations in the market. By visiting the event, entrepreneurs get the opportunity to order large quantities of goods, concluding contracts directly with manufacturers. Let's find out what else is good about the Canton Fair in Guangzhou, what dangers lie in wait for an inattentive visitor here.
Why visit the fair?

So, among the main reasons that should persuade you to visit the fair in Guangzhou, it is worth noting the following:
- Canton Fair allows you to get acquainted with all the products that have the status of new items in the Chinese market. Other exhibitions do not provide such a unique opportunity.
- Entrepreneurs who are engaged in the production of certain products can find at the fair a product of a similar design and higher quality, distributed at a low price.
- Canton Fair (China) brings to the attention of visitors goods, looking at which, you can find a whole host of new, original ideas for doing business.
- Having personally arrived at the international forum, the visitor gets the opportunity to see the products with his own eyes, evaluate their quality, and negotiate with manufacturers to receive free samples of goods in order to study them in detail.
- Visiting a fair in China is an ideal solution for making new business contacts, concluding lucrative contracts with local manufacturers and logistics companies.
Canton Fair Address and Schedule

The annual exhibition of export-import products is held in several stages. The first part of the international forum dedicated to electronics has already taken place and was held from October 15 to 19.
As for the second stage, it will take place in the near future - from 23 to 27 October. Here, Chinese ceramics will be presented to the consumer audience, as well as the widest variety of consumer goods.
More realistic for domestic entrepreneurs is the chance to get to the third stage of the fair. It starts on October 31st and ends on November 4th of the current year. During this period, the exhibition will showcase medical products and textiles.
To find the fair, you need to head to southern China, following the city of Guangzhou. Upon arrival, you need to find Yuejiangzhonglu Street, and then go to the pavilion underthe name "Pazhou".
How to qualify to attend the fair?

To go to the Canton Fair, domestic entrepreneurs will need a special invitation issued by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the People's Republic of China. You can get it by contacting the trade mission of the Russian Federation in China or the consulate of this country at the place of residence with a corresponding request.
Usually, organizations of the above plan are located in the same buildings as the Chinese Embassy. To issue an invitation, it is enough to send a written request or to stipulate the possibility of receiving it orally on the spot. It is the presence of an invitation that will serve as the basis for a quick business visa to China.
Features of negotiation
Canton Fair provides domestic entrepreneurs with ample opportunities to conclude profitable business agreements. Once in China, you need to take care of finding a good translator who will provide assistance throughout the entire stay in the country. The price at which this or that consignment of goods will be purchased largely depends on how responsibly he will treat his work.
There is one interesting point here. It is best to have a non-Chinese interpreter protect your personal interests at the fair. After all, Asians are capable of organizing conspiracies against foreigners, no matter how sad it may sound. After signing an unfavorableof the agreement, it will be almost useless to make claims against Chinese entrepreneurs or a translator.
Behavior at the fair

What behavior does the Canton Fair require from a visitor? Feedback from domestic entrepreneurs suggests that the extreme degree of disrespect here is the presence of an unpresentable appearance, an arrogant attitude towards the local population, as well as an unwillingness to honor other people's traditions.
If the purpose of attending the fair is to seek serious business connections, then you definitely shouldn't behave in this way. During the visit to the event, it is recommended to show respect for potential partners in every possible way. Modest behavior is encouraged here, as well as the manifestation of the qualities inherent in serious business people.
How to negotiate a price?
Canton Fair offers entrepreneurs ample opportunity to significantly reduce prices for large quantities of goods. At the same time, the main mistake of the majority of visitors to the event is to start a conversation with a discussion of the cost of products. Such behavior indicates to the Chinese the low business status of the interlocutor.
It is recommended to start a conversation with questions about the characteristics and quality of products. It is advisable to defiantly “feel” the product in front of the seller, examine it from all sides, test it in action. If there is no time for this, it is worth referring to important matters, in the end, as if by chance, specifying the price for a certain batch of products.
In closing

As you can see, attending the Canton Fair is a very profitable solution in terms of getting acquainted with new products, buying goods at an affordable price, as well as establishing business relations with local suppliers. If it is not possible to go to an exhibition in China, in this case it is worth trying to get the information of interest remotely. The last option will save not only money, but also a whole lot of valuable time.