Biography of successful entrepreneur Ruslan Tatunashvili

Biography of successful entrepreneur Ruslan Tatunashvili
Biography of successful entrepreneur Ruslan Tatunashvili

Among famous and talented people, unfortunately, there are few who can combine several qualities at once, especially if these are completely different fields of activity. For example, such as entrepreneurial and creative. But the hero of our material succeeded so well that, despite his departure from the business, colleagues still speak of him only on the positive side. And the article will focus on Ruslan Tatunashvili and his merits.

The start of the journey

Ruslan Tatunashvili is a talented and extraordinary person who has all the qualities to not only do business and teach other people how to do it, but also write interesting books that already have their own readers and fans. But success did not come to the guy quickly and immediately. In Ruslan's undertakings, he was helped by purposefulness, diligence and a desire to work. From childhood, the boy was hardworking and independent. And his career began with a peddler of leaflets,also worked as a promoter, worked in the production of confectionery, went through a series of trial and error before he became a top businessman.

Ruslan Tatunashvili
Ruslan Tatunashvili

An ordinary person. Simple Solutions

Who is Ruslan Tatunashvili really? The guy was born and raised in the city of Moscow, December 5, 1984. Accordingly, according to the horoscope - Sagittarius. His favorite films are: The Movie of Your Life and From Birth to Death.

His main activity is commerce. Together with his business partner Ilya Timoshin, he founded the CallBackHunter callback service, which developed very quickly and aroused the envy and admiration of competitors. The principle of operation of the service is based on the fact that the client installs a widget on his website with a request to order a call back. It appeared on the screen after the visitor left the resource. More than 20,000 companies have used this service. This is quite a record number. The idea was successfully implemented, improved and confidently took the leading position in the market in its category.

Ruslan Tatunashvili, biography
Ruslan Tatunashvili, biography

Many did not believe that it was possible for an operator to reach a client in 8 seconds, and only when it really happened did they exchange joyful emotions about the fact that the site was working quickly and efficiently. In other companies, this service left much to be desired.

Openness and goodwill

Ruslan also has his own YouTube channel, which he created not to becomeeven more famous, simply, as he puts it, it is more convenient and easier to work. When people get recognized on the street, it's a good opportunity to get them on your team. On his channel, Ruslan Tatunashvili shares his thoughts and ideas about business, how to find himself in life, communicates with other successful entrepreneurs and ordinary people - Ruslan does all this from a pure heart and with a smile on his face. The secret of his success lies in the fact that the main thing, as the entrepreneur himself says, is to maintain inner peace in any situation and live with a smile and a desire to change the world, to make it better.

Among other things, the biography of Ruslan Tatunashvili tells that he actively cooperates with famous personalities, which include not only businessmen. He gladly gives interviews to the media, conducts trainings, where young people come, with whom he shares his experience and does not hide anything, introduces his cases, business ideas, as well as how he sees the situation in Internet entrepreneurship at the present time and in the future.

Ruslan Tatunashvili, reviews
Ruslan Tatunashvili, reviews

About his personal life, in addition to being married, despite the interest of his fans, the man prefers not to spread. But he answers questions directly related to his activities with great interest and pleasure.

Reviews about Ruslan Tatunashvili and his writing profession

The life of any worker of art, culture or other type of employment is always filled with interesting and bright events. Ruslan Tatunashvili was no exception. Hissuccess and talent are manifested not only in entrepreneurial activities, he is also a professional writer, author of many books that are widely popular among readers. Reviews about Ruslan Tatunashvili, as a creative person, are only positive. Admirers of his creations admire the inspiration and optimism with which the author writes his books. Based on some of them, films were shot that received no less popularity.
