Entrepreneur Igor Zyuzin: biography, personal life and activities

Entrepreneur Igor Zyuzin: biography, personal life and activities
Entrepreneur Igor Zyuzin: biography, personal life and activities

Zyuzin Igor Vladimirovich, whose biography is closely connected with business, is a well-known Russian entrepreneur. He is the founder, shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of Mechel OAO. This company is one of the three largest coal producers.

Igor Zyuzin. Biography: education

Zyuzin Igor Vladimirovich was born on May 29, 1960 in the Tula region, in the town of Klimovsk. After leaving school, he entered the Tula Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Mining Engineering. He graduated with honors in the eighty-second year. Then - graduate school (in the eighty-fifth), and a year later he defended his dissertation. In the eighty-sixth year, he received a PhD degree.

But he did not stop there and continued his studies. Igor Vladimirovich entered the correspondence course at the Kuzbass Polytechnic University in Kemerovo. He graduated from it in the ninety-second year and received a second higher education with a degree in mining engineer-economist.

igor zyuzin
igor zyuzin

At the dawn of a career

Igor Zyuzin started his career at the Raspadskaya mine, located in the Kemerovo region. At first he got a job as a mining foreman. After some time, he became the head of the site and the chief technologist.

But while working, an accident occurred that made Zyuzin an invalid for life. Igor Vladimirovich had to switch to a quieter job - in the design bureau. In 1988 and 1989 there were strikes by workers, and he became an intermediary between the authorities and the miners.

Road to billions

The ability to earn big money is given to many. Only some become billionaires in a couple of months, while others achieve this with a long work. And each of them has its own unique biography. Igor Zyuzin is an entrepreneur who started doing business from a young age. At first, he and his colleague Vladimir Iorikh simply sold coal and saved up money to buy the Chelyabinsk plant.

Iorikh was responsible for the financial side of the enterprise, and Zyuzin was responsible for business negotiations, contracts and strategic decisions. It was he who offered to buy the plant. As a result, the fortunes of the partners grew as small companies were gradually acquired and merged. They started buying Mechel shares.

Igor Zyuzin biography
Igor Zyuzin biography

But in 2006, Rosoboronexport became interested in this company, and the partners, who had always worked together, divided the common business. A controlling stake went to Zyuzin.

Zyuzin and business

First, the Raspadskaya mine, where Igor Zyuzin worked as a deputy director, was transformed into a CJSC. In the ninety-fourth, Igor Vladimirovich created the company "Uglemet". She took over a large percentage of Raspadskaya's coal quotas. A little over three years later, the Uglemet company already had a controlling stake in Southern Kuzbass. He supplied coke to the Magnitogorsk plant.

In 2002, Yuzhny Kuzbass took control of it. And soon she announced a merger with Mechel. This is how a new company appeared - Steel Group.

As a leader

In 1990, Zyuzin was promoted to the position of deputy director for foreign economic activity and commerce. In the ninety-third, he became the head of the Kuzbass factory. In 1997, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Mezhdurechenskugol, and in 1999, he took up a similar post at OAO Southern Kuzbass. In 2000, Igor Vladimirovich became a member of the Council of Entrepreneurs under Mikhail Kasyanov.

Zyuzin Igor Vladimirovich Mechel
Zyuzin Igor Vladimirovich Mechel

Zyuzin Igor Vladimirovich: Mechel. Activities in the company

Zyuzin joined the board of directors of Mechel (a metallurgical plant in Chelyabinsk) in June 2001. Two years later, the plant expanded. Zyuzin created a group of companies called Mechel on the basis of the plant. Since 2004, he has been the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Steel Group branch of the plant. From 2006 to 2010 was the CEO of Mechel. Somewhat later, he became chairman of the Board of Directors of the plant's branches.

Zyuzin enters the list of billionaires

Mechel CEO Igor Zyuzin has repeatedly appeared in the lists of billionaires published in newspapers and magazines. In 2008, his fortune was estimated at seven billion seven hundred and seventy million dollars. In the rankingmagazine "Finance" Zyuzin took twenty-fifth place (among Russian billionaires), and in the world lists compiled by Forbes - seventy-seventh line. At the same time, his fortune grew and was already estimated at ten billion dollars.

Investigation by the antimonopoly service of the coking coal market

In July 2008, V. V. Putin complained to the Metchel company and its CEO Zyuzin because of the rising cost of metal and coal. But I could not get an answer, since Igor Vladimirovich was in the hospital at that moment.

Zyuzin Igor Vladimirovich biography
Zyuzin Igor Vladimirovich biography

He was brought to a medical facility on July 23rd (to the Department of Surgery) after it was reported that the Federal Antimonopoly Service had opened cases against the branches of the corporation. This happened just before Zyuzin was criticized by Vladimir Putin. As it turned out, the company was selling raw materials abroad at prices fifty percent less than its intrinsic value. And as a result, Russia received neither margin nor taxes.

Then, many on the stock exchange seriously panicked, the company's quotes fell sharply (by more than thirty percent). Metchel's cash fund has shrunk by about five billion dollars. But, nevertheless, Zyuzin's condition did not suffer from this and remained the same.

In August 2008, Igor Artemiev, the head of the antimonopoly service, sent the inspection protocol to Mechel. She was fined in the amount of five percent of the total turnover of the enterprise.

In September 2008, Dmitry Medvedev and Nursultan Nazarbayev opened a new Mechel branch. AtZyuzin was present, and this gave reason to say with confidence that the previous differences with the government were settled.

head of the mosque Igor Zyuzin
head of the mosque Igor Zyuzin

Zyuzin acquires new companies

In 2009, Mechel stopped supplying coal to Magnitogorsk, as it already owed a significant amount. In February of the same year, Zyuzin acquired an American coal company. They wanted to formalize the deal back in 2008, and initially it was supposed to be purchased for four billion dollars. But Zyuzin was able to negotiate a discount. In return, the Americans received part of the company's shares.


In the summer of 2009, Igor Zyuzin showed the US commission the ownership structure of Mechel. It turned out that part of his shares are in Cypriot companies. Moreover, 37.9 percent (in the amount of $1.26 billion) are pledged under various loans.

Private life

Very little is known about Zyuzin's wife, as he does not advertise his personal life. Her name is Irina. She was born in the sixtieth year. In the nineties, she worked at the Klimovsky branch of the Rosgosstrakh-Tula company. She never worked in Zyuzin's companies. Recently, a housewife.

Zyuzin Igor Vladimirovich wife
Zyuzin Igor Vladimirovich wife

After the marriage of Irina and Igor Vladimirovich, two children were born in the family. Cyril was born first. His date of birth is the third of November of the eighty-fifth year. He graduated from two universities: them. Plekhanov and Financial University. As a result, he received two higher educations. Daughter Xenia was born on April 10, 1989. Studied abroad. Lives and works now in Singapore.

Continuation of the Zyuzin dynasty

The well-known businessman Zyuzin Igor Vladimirovich, whose wife has never worked in his company, decided to involve his children in the business. His son Kirill joined Mechel in 2009 as a leading financial specialist.

In 2011, Kirill was transferred to Yakutia, to the city of Neryungri. His task was to develop a new project that focused on the development of the Elga coal deposit. Then Kirill became the first deputy general director of Elgagkol LLC.

Daughter Ksenia also works in her father's company, in the Singapore branch of Mechel Carbon. Her task is to oversee the delivery of the company's product to Asian markets.

Igor Zyuzin gave his wife and children sixteen percent of his shares. They also now own Metholom LLC. The Zyuzin family owns ninety percent of the shares of this company. Kirill and Xenia have 33% each, and Irina has 34%.

Secrets of Zyuzin's business

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the owner of the Methol company is no longer Igor Zyuzin. Mechel gave 18.02% of the shares to its branch, since Zyuzin is the chairman of the Board of Directors and the founder of the main company. As a result, it turns out that his family, which owns 90% of the securities of Methol, simultaneously became a shareholder of Mechel (the parent company).

biography Igor Zyuzin entrepreneur
biography Igor Zyuzin entrepreneur

There were no changes in other branches controlled by Zyuzin. This is known according to the Cypriot Department of Companies Registration. Zyuzin transferred part of the shares to three foreign companies (10%, 36.58% and 12.78%).

As a result of the transfer of part of Mechel's shares to the family, he began to own directly only 51.2%. The company is in a rather difficult position, as it owes almost seven billion in loans. Therefore, if Zyuzin wants to give another part of his shares to his family, he will have to obtain permission from banks for these actions.

The loan agreements stipulate a ban on reducing the controlling stake, as this may result in a default on the debt. As a result of ongoing negotiations between the company and creditors, a situation may arise when the securities of the Zyuzin family depreciate.

If there is a debt conversion, then Zyuzin's stake in securities may be only ten percent. In this case, he will lose control over his company, and therefore he is trying to find other ways to solve the problem. Now, during the sanctions against Russia, banks are cautious with the conversion, but debt restructuring is also considered an invalid measure. How long this situation will last is not known for certain, but in any case, Igor Vladimirovich has already shown that he knows how to do business, so he will certainly find a way out of this situation, which at first glance seems very difficult.
