Romance was the meaning of life and a source of inspiration for the handsome blond poet Sergei Yesenin. A favorite of women, he caught courage in relations with them. And the result was more and more new works, which to this day tease the souls of true lovers of Russian poetry.

He married four times, each time going into a relationship, as if in a whirlpool. There were also fleeting short novels with women. Yesenin's children, like their mothers, suffered from a lack of attention on his part, because poetry occupied all the thoughts and time of this great man. The life of Sergei Alexandrovich once again proves that creative individuals cannot fully give themselves to the family, like ordinary people.
This article will discuss how the fate of the descendants of the great poet. Where are Yesenin's children? What have they dedicated their lives to? What are the poet's grandchildren doing? We will try to answer all these questions below.
First marriage to Anna Izryadnova. Birth of eldest son
With Anna RomanovnaIzryadnova, an educated girl from an intelligent Moscow family, Yesenin met at Sytin's printing house. She worked as a proofreader, and he was first a forwarder, and then received the position of assistant proofreader. Relations were born quickly, and young people began to live in a civil marriage. In 1914, the son of Yesenin and Izryadnova, Yuri, was born. But family life did not go well, and a year after the birth of the child, the couple broke up. The main reason for the gap was life, which very quickly seized the poet.

These were the first serious relationships that showed that in long-term constant unions, the poet's creative soul sooner or later "asks" for freedom. Yesenin, whose wives and children have never felt a solid male shoulder next to them, are still happy people. In their veins flows the blood of the greatest of men of our time. The creator loved each of the children in his own way, tried to help financially, sometimes visited.
Yesenin did not abandon his son, but due to the fact that the marriage with Izryadnova was not registered, the woman had to seek official recognition of the poet's paternity after his death in court.
The tragic fate of Yuri Yesenin
Yesenin's children are outwardly very attractive, including Yuri. A stately, fit young man dreamed of military service since childhood. He studied at the Moscow Aviation Technical School, after which he was sent to the Far East for further service. There, a tragic accident occurred, due to which the life of a young man ended so early. Yuri was falsely accusedarrested and taken to Lubyanka. He was charged with involvement in a "counter-revolutionary fascist-terrorist group." At first, he categorically denied his guilt, but as a result of the use of barbaric methods, a confession was knocked out of him. In 1937 he was shot. And almost 20 years later, in 1956, he was posthumously rehabilitated.
Sergey Yesenin and Zinaida Reich
In 1917 the poet marries Zinaida Reich. After a year of living together, their joint daughter Tatyana was born. Relations with the second wife also did not go well. Three years of marriage passed in constant quarrels and disagreements, as a result of which the couple converged and diverged several times. The son of Yesenin and Reich, Konstantin, was born in 1920, when they were already officially divorced and did not live together. Having become pregnant for the second time, Zinaida hoped that in this way she would be able to keep her beloved man nearby. However, the rebellious spirit of the poet did not allow Yesenin to enjoy a measured family life.

Vsevolod Meyerhold and Zinaida Reich
Yesenin's children found their second father when Zinaida Reich's new husband, the famous director Vsevolod Meyerhold, adopted them.
He treated them well and considered them his children. A happy childhood flew by very quickly, and a new shock awaited the grown-up Tanya and Kostya. First, in 1937, Vsevolod Emilievich was arrested and shot. He was accused of international espionage for Japan and England. And after some time, the life of their mother, Zinaida Nikolaevna, was cut short. She was brutally murderedin his own apartment under unclear circumstances.
However, the hardships did not prevent the children of Yesenin and Zinaida Reich to walk their life path with dignity and become famous and respected people.

Children of Yesenin and Zinaida Reich: Tatyana
Daughter Tanya, a beauty with blond curls, so similar to himself, Sergey Alexandrovich loved very much. When she lost her stepfather and mother at the age of twenty, she herself had a small child in her arms (son Vladimir), and also her younger brother remained in her care. Another blow was the decision of the authorities to evict her and the children from her parents' apartment. However, Tatyana, strong in spirit, did not surrender to fate. She managed to save the priceless archive of Meyerhold, which she first hid in a dacha in the suburbs, and then, when the war began, she gave it to S. M. Eisenstein for safekeeping.
During the war, during the evacuation, Tatyana ended up in Tashkent, which became her home. The conditions were terrible, she wandered the streets with her family until Alexei Tolstoy, who knew and loved her father, came to her aid. Being a member of the Supreme Council at that time, he made a lot of efforts to knock out a small room in the barrack for Tatiana's family.
Later, getting back on her feet, Tatyana Sergeevna achieved great success. She was a talented journalist, writer, editor. It was she who initiated the process of rehabilitation of her foster father Vsevolod Meyerhold. T. S. Yesenina wrote a book containing her childhood memories of her parents and published her memoirs about Meyerholdand Reich. The well-known researcher of Meyerhold's work, K. L. Rudnitsky, admitted that Tatyana Sergeevna's materials served as the most important source of information about the work of the great director of the last century. Yesenin's children from Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich, in general, made a lot of efforts to preserve the memory of their father, mother and stepfather.
The poet's daughter was the director of the S. A. Yesenin Museum for a long time. She passed away in 1992.
In 1938, Kostya Yesenin entered the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. Konstantin, who had just turned 21 at the start of the war, immediately decided to volunteer for the front. He went through the hardships of the war, was seriously wounded several times, received three orders of the Red Star. He returned home in 1944, when, after another wound, he was discharged for he alth reasons.
Successfully proved himself in sports journalism, did a lot of sports statistics. From his pen came such books as "Football: records, paradoxes, tragedies, sensations", "Moscow football", "USSR national team". For many years he served as Deputy Chairman of the USSR Football Federation. Lived in Moscow. Died in 1986. And to this day, the daughter of Konstantin Sergeevich, Marina, lives.
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the children of Yesenin and Reich were purposeful people who proved their fortitude and dignity in their personal and professional lives. Each of them chose his own path, but neither Konstantin nor Tatyana ever forgot that they were the children of a great man - the poet Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin.
Relationship with Nadezhda Volpin
In 1920, Yesenin met the poetess Nadezhda Volpin. Nadezhda became interested in poetry in her youth, she was an active participant in the poetry studio "Green Workshop", led by Andrei Bely.
Her love affair with Yesenin lasted long enough. On May 12, 1924, she gave birth to a son from Yesenin, whom she named Alexander.
Alexander Volpin - Yesenin's illegitimate son
When getting acquainted with the work of Sergei Alexandrovich and his biography, reasonable questions arise: are Yesenin's children alive? Does any of his offspring write such talented poems as their ancestor? Unfortunately, as mentioned above, the three older children of the poet have already passed away. The only living one is the illegitimate son of the poet, Alexander Yesenin-Volpin. We can safely say that he inherited the rebellious spirit of his father, but no one, even his children, could probably write like Yesenin.

Alexander Sergeevich studied at the Faculty of Mechanics of Moscow State University, then entered graduate school. In 1949 he became a candidate of mathematical sciences. In the same year, he was arrested for the first time for writing "anti-Soviet poems" and sent for compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital. And then for several years he spent in exile in Karaganda. After returning from exile, he began to engage in a lot of human rights activities, which from time to time was interrupted by numerous arrests and treatment in a psychiatric hospital. In total, A. Yesenin-Volpin spentin captivity 14 years.
The trio "Volpin, Chalidze and Sakharov" are the founders of the Human Rights Committee. Alexander Sergeevich is the author of a samizdat manual telling about “How to behave during interrogations.”
The older children of Sergei Yesenin (see photo below) lived in Moscow all their lives, while the youngest son Alexander Volpin emigrated to America in 1972, where he still lives. Studied mathematics and philosophy. Now she is living her life in the USA, in a shelter for the elderly with mental disorders.

Sergei Vladimirovich Yesenin - the grandson of the poet
Sergey Yesenin, whose children and grandchildren have become worthy people who have proven themselves in various fields of activity, could be proud of his descendants. Each of them carried the love for the work of their great ancestor throughout their lives.
For example, the son of Tatyana Yesenina, Sergei Vladimirovich, who has worked in the construction industry for many years and is seriously involved in sports mountaineering, in addition, studies the genealogy of his family and helps the Yesenin museums to recreate moments in the life of the great poet.

He played football in his youth. Once his team won the youth championship of Uzbekistan. Was fond of chess. But the real passion of his life was mountaineering. And for 10 years, this activity became his profession, when he taught mountain climbers.
He and his family moved to Moscow in the early 90s. This could have been done earlier, because in 1957 his mother, TatyanaYesenina was invited to return to the capital, but she did not want to live in the city, where she tragically lost all her closest people.
Sergei Yesenin Museums
At the moment, there are several museums dedicated to the life and work of this great man. Yesenin's children, whose biography, photos of which are also exhibited in these museums, helped these organizations a lot, especially Konstantin and Tatyana. And the poet's grandson, his namesake Sergei, more than once helped organize this or that exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the great poet. Sergei Vladimirovich believes that one of the best is the Yesenin Museum, which is located in Tashkent. He also speaks well of the metropolitan institution, which is located in the house where the poet and his father rented housing.
In the village of Konstantinovo, where Sergei Yesenin was born and spent his childhood, there is a whole museum complex. The house where the future creator was born is still preserved. Not all things in this house are real, but some are genuine. They really held in the hands of Sergei Yesenin. Children and grandchildren have replenished the collection of the museum complex with things that keep the memory of their great ancestor. And Sergey Vladimirovich also participated in organizing the activities of the Meyerhold Museum, providing a lot of materials about the life of the director with Zinaida Reich.
Sergey Yesenin: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren…
There are two grandchildren living in Russia - Vladimir and Sergey, who has already been mentioned, the granddaughter Marina, as well as their offspring, who have long become adults. Vladimir Kutuzov (he tooksurname of the father, husband of Tatyana Yesenina) two sons. Sergei and his wife raised two beautiful daughters, Zinaida and Anna. Zinaida is engaged in teaching activities and devotes a lot of time to compiling the genealogical tree of her family. She has a son. Anna is an artist. Her daughter, the great-great-granddaughter of the poet, decided to follow in her footsteps.
Thus, not only Yesenin's children, whose biography, photos of which are presented in this article, but also his more distant descendants are creative personalities.
The mystery of the poet's death
To this day, the death of S. Yesenin remains an unsolved mystery, shrouded in many incomprehensible facts. Some of the researchers still believe that it was a banal suicide, while others insist on the version of the murder. Indeed, there are many facts pointing to the second version. This is a mess in the hotel room, and the torn clothes of the poet, and abrasions on the body … But, be that as it may, Sergei Yesenin is a great Russian poet, whose work has been, is and will be the property of our people for many centuries.