Is it true that Ninel Kulagina is a charlatan? Biography and cause of death of Ninel Kulagina

Is it true that Ninel Kulagina is a charlatan? Biography and cause of death of Ninel Kulagina
Is it true that Ninel Kulagina is a charlatan? Biography and cause of death of Ninel Kulagina

Not every magician or psychic can boast of moving objects with the help of the power of thought. But Ninel Kulagina could, and the range of her paranormal abilities was quite wide. Of course, they caused conflicting feelings among the public. Someone admired the “magical” gift of a woman, someone fell into a stupor after her sessions, and some did not believe in her unique abilities at all. Is it really a phenomenon - Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina? How many years did it take scientists to analyze her unique gift? A whole twenty! During this period of time, the popularity of the "Russian pearl" of parapsychology leaked far beyond the borders of the USSR. In the late 60s, a specialist in the field of psychic abilities came from Czechoslovakia specifically in order to see with his own eyes and study the phenomenon of Ninel Kulagina.

Later he will write: "Her unique gift is hidden in the depths of her unique physiology."

Ninel Kulagina phenomenon
Ninel Kulagina phenomenon


Ninel Kulagina is a native of the Northern capital. She was born on 30July 1926. Already in her teens, the girl joined the Red Army, and when the Great Patriotic War broke out, she ended up in tank troops as a radio operator. Ninel Kulagina, whose biography did not start the way the girl would like, was repeatedly wounded in battle and by 1945 proudly bore the rank of sergeant. The war made the owner of unusual abilities disabled, but this did not prevent her from starting a family and giving birth to a son.

How it all started

Ninel Kulagina stated that for the first time she felt an unusual gift, inherited, in her opinion, from her mother, when objects began to randomly move around her - this happened if she was in a bad mood.

In order to activate her unique gift, she needed a certain time for meditation, which helped to put all extraneous thoughts out of her head.

Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina how old
Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina how old

One day, when 1963 was coming to an end, a woman listened to a radio program in which they talked about a girl with "unusual abilities", as if she could see with her fingers (distinguish colors, read text). And then Ninel Kulagina told her husband that she also had the same gift as the girl, remembering how she took a spool of thread of the desired color out of the box by touch. The husband was initially skeptical of his wife's claim, but she convinced him that she had the ability to feel with her fingers.

Confirmation of telekinetic abilities

For telekinesis to take place, Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina had tofully concentrate, which was not always easy for her. The fact is that during meditation, she began to experience sharp pains in the spine, and her eyes experienced serious discomfort. In addition, the quality of paranormal abilities was negatively affected by a thunderstorm.

Ninel Kulagina exposure
Ninel Kulagina exposure

However, scientists needed serious, and most importantly, real evidence that Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina was not an ordinary person. In the spring of 1970, an experiment took place in one of the laboratories of the Scientific and Technical Society for Instrument Engineering, the purpose of which was to test the unique abilities of a woman. Kulagina, by telekinesis, affected the frog's heart, separated from the body. The results were amazing: she was able to change the pulse and completely stop the work of the heart muscle.

Fame and recognition

Rumors about the woman's unusual abilities began to spread very quickly in the scientific community. The experiments of Ninel Kulagina, filmed in black and white film, were transferred abroad. These materials plunged foreign scientists into a real shock. Some have bluntly stated that humanity has finally managed to obtain proof that telekinesis is a real phenomenon.

Development of a unique gift

Not paying much attention to the sudden collapse of fame, Kulagina continued to develop her gift.

She trained hard, and soon she was able to lift small objects up, as well as influence the compass needle. Moreover, she learned to revive withered plants, change the chemical structurewater and expose the film through a tight envelope. Scientists were perplexed when Ninel Sergeevna could cause a severe burn on human skin with one glance.

ninel kulagina
ninel kulagina

Payback for the gift

However, the more difficult her experiments were, the more serious her he alth problems became. The experiments took away from the Russian "pearl of parapsychology" a huge amount of not only physical, but also mental strength. As a rule, after them, the woman was tormented by terrible headaches and discomfort in the occipital part of the spine. In addition, in one session she could lose up to 800 grams of weight: her pulse instantly quickened, and her blood pressure became very high. However, no ailments could appease the desire to unravel the nature of his unique gift. Together with her husband, Ninel Sergeevna beat the thresholds of about three dozen laboratories at state institutes.

Some employees did not hide their skepticism at the sight of this ordinary woman. It was they who claimed that Ninel Kulagina is a charlatan who just wants to become famous throughout the country. However, when they failed to prove it, they personally signed their impotence.

Ninel Kulagina biography
Ninel Kulagina biography


Both Soviet and foreign scientists did not believe in the unique gift of a parapsychologist. In particular, representatives of the James Randi Foundation did not believe in Kulagina's abilities. And the Italian specialist in the field of psychology, Massimo Polidorogo, even stated that careful preparation and uncontrolled environment in the room whereexperiments were carried out, create favorable conditions for volumetric cheating. What could Ninel Kulagina oppose to such attacks? Exposure is the only goal set by those who did not want to recognize the unique gift of the Russian “pearl of parapsychology”. Of course, it was unpleasant for her to work in an environment where she was not believed.

Nevertheless, she learned to tune into the right mood, even when her name was bowed down by skeptics of all stripes. Some of them boldly declared that all the experiments of Ninel Sergeevna were ordinary “sleight of hand and no fraud.”

And the popularizer of science and writer Lvov V. E. became the author of a publication in the Pravda newspaper, where he publicly stated that Kulagina was the most ordinary swindler who performed another trick using a banal magnet attached to her body. He also reported that Ninel Sergeevna was taken into custody for one of the tricks with five thousand rubles. In order not to be unfounded, he cites the fact of a parapsychologist's examination, which was carried out at the V. M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Institute. Its results were approved by authoritative experts in the field of psychiatry, who agreed that Kulagina is a charlatan who does not have psychic abilities.

Ninel Kulagina cause of death
Ninel Kulagina cause of death

He alth problems

Of course, the uncontrolled spending of his gift could not but affect the he alth of Ninel Sergeevna.

She spent a lot of energy to demonstrate to others her extraordinarycapabilities. Were there enough resources to compensate for this amount of energy expended? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Doctors warned her that experiments in parapsychology could end in a fatal outcome, but the woman continued her experiments. As a result, Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina (age 64) died. Many later said that the unusual experiments ruined her life and seriously shortened it. Undoubtedly, Ninel Kulagina passed away early. The cause of death is a heart attack. She was given a lavish funeral.

ninel kulagina charlatan
ninel kulagina charlatan


Heated discussions about whether Kulagina is a parapsychologist or not still do not subside. After her death, the desire to learn the secrets of psychic abilities in society increased significantly, and the study of the “K phenomenon” and her “colleagues” served as a serious impetus to this trend. At present, scientific works in the field of parapsychology are classified as “Especially relevant”. Both the military and politicians are showing increased interest in this topic. It is possible that by the end of her life, Ninel Sergeevna seriously regretted that one winter evening she confessed to her husband that she was able to "feel with her fingers." One way or another, but the fact remains: the “K phenomenon” made it possible to make sensational discoveries in the field of parapsychology and singled out new points of contact between the world of matter and the world of energy.
