One of the most popular announcers of the central television of the USSR, Svetlana Morgunova, celebrated her 78th birthday in 2018. However, not so long ago, rumors appeared in the media that the favorite of millions of Soviet citizens consumes strong drinks in unlimited quantities. The news that Morgunova became a real alcoholic excited the public and again attracted attention to her person. How and what Svetlana Morgunova lives today, whose biography is hidden from surrounding eyes, is described in the article.
Childhood and youth
The future blue screen star was born on March 7, just the year the Great Patriotic War began, in Moscow. Svetlana herself reluctantly recalls that period of her life, so there is practically no evidence of how she and her family lived. However, realizing that almost immediately after her birth a terrible war began, one canto guess that childhood years fell precisely on this difficult time. After the end of the war, most of the inhabitants of the capital also had a hard time for several more years. After all, complete devastation and poverty could not disappear in one moment.
However, when Svetlana Morgunova became a girl, life gradually began to enter the direction she had always dreamed of. She was attracted by the theater and television, which were then just developing in our country. Not far from her house was the famous Vakhtangov Theater, where the young girl happily ran to watch performances. It was then that this boundless love for the world of art woke up and consolidated in her, with which she would later connect her whole life.
Passing contests
When Svetlana graduated from high school, walking through the streets of her native city, she saw an advertisement for recruitment to the troupe of the Moscow City Council Theater. The girl decided to try, not particularly hoping for success. When she came to the competition, she found that among those taking the exam was the famous actress Lyubov Orlova, as well as director Yuri Zavadsky. But the girl decided to go ahead at all costs and try her luck. And she smiled at her! She was accepted by choosing only a few people from hundreds of applicants. Svetlana Morgunova herself, recalling this competition and her victory in it, emphasizes that she is extremely proud of herself that she managed to achieve such success.
However, a little later, she saw another recruitment ad. This time, Yuri Levitan himself recruited announcers to the school. She decided to come to the competition and she was lucky again. Learning from such a great man as Levitan,any of the students could count on long-term successful work in television and radio.
First and later shooting
After graduating from the master, the biography of Svetlana Morgunova was replenished with the most significant event for her career life - the first broadcast. It took place in 1962. Then she entered the university as a philologist, since an accurate knowledge of the grammar of the Russian language at that time was considered mandatory when working on TV.

Her first blue screen appearances were news releases. The most popular to this day program "Time", which tells the inhabitants of our country about the events that have taken place, has become an excellent lesson for her. After all, it was while working on it that Morgunova learned the basics of announcer art in practice. In the photo, Morgunova is second from the left.

Next, she was offered to lead "Blue Light". Subsequently, it was Morgunova who became his permanent TV presenter.
Working in Japan
In the early 70s, the most popular announcer of the USSR received an offer to go to work in Japan. At that time, this practice was carried out quite often. And most of the announcers in different years went to other countries to teach the inhabitants of the Russian language through television programs. The same awaited Svetlana Morgunova, and she agreed. A few years later, the contract ended and she returned home. At that time, Svetlana Morgunova spoke very little about her biography and personal life. So about whether she was in a relationship at the time,unknown.
Svetlana continued to host entertainment programs, concerts and lights even after her retirement.
Private life
Svetlana Morgunova has heard a lot of rumors about her biography and personal life for her entire long life. And this is natural, because in the Soviet years she was an idol for women. She was copied, envied and imitated by millions!

As for her personal life, Svetlana Morgunova prefers not to spread. It is only known that she was married twice. The first husband died. But he left a memory behind himself - the son of Maxim. And the second husband turned out to be just the wrong person for her and they broke up. Today Svetlana is surrounded by the attention of her son. It is him that she considers her pride and support.

Rumors that the popular announcer is drinking himself alone turned out to be nothing more than someone's cruel joke. Morgunova herself says that although she suffers from some age-related diseases, there can be no talk of any alcoholism.