Our today's heroine is a young and talented actress Ekaterina Porubel. In her creative piggy bank there are dozens of bright roles played in films and on the theater stage. Do you want to know where Ekaterina Porubel was born and studied? Are you also interested in the photo of the actress? You will find all this in the article.

Ekaterina Porubel: biography
Our heroine was born on June 8, 1983 in Moscow. Father and mother doted on their daughter. And she has demonstrated artistry since childhood. Little Katya arranged home concerts and performances for her parents, grandparents. The girl composed songs on the go and danced funny. She also loved trying on her mother's clothes and shoes.
Student years
Having received a certificate of secondary education, Ekaterina Porubel went to enter the theater university. Schukin. The girl brilliantly coped with the exams and was enrolled in the course of Viktor Korshunov. The teachers called Katya one of the best students. She did not miss lectures and took her tests on time.

In 2004, our heroine received a diploma of graduation from the university. From now on, she could call herself a professional actress. Ekaterina had no problems with employment. She was accepted into the troupe of the Maly Theater. She participated in such performances as "The Efforts of Love" (according to Shakespeare), "Poverty is not a vice", "The Snow Queen" and others.
First movie roles
For the first time on wide screens, Ekaterina Porubel appeared in 2005. She participated in the filming of the film Doctor Zhivago. In the same year, the colorful actress was seen in the series "Soldiers-5", released on the REN-TV channel.
Ekaterina got only episodic roles. But she agreed to such work. After all, shooting in movies and TV shows brought her a good income and invaluable experience.
In 2007, Porubel played the foreman of the fisherwomen Antonida in the film "Beat the Enemy" Campaign Brigade. Since then, she has been assigned the role of a real Russian woman, strong and fearless.
It is impossible not to note the other roles of Ekaterina Porubel. In the detective "Krom" (2006), she played the mayor's wife. And in the drama "Own Alien Sister" (2006), she brilliantly got used to the image of a juvenile inspector.

Beautiful Seraphim
When did our heroine gain all-Russian fame? It happened in 2011. Then the series "Seraphim the Beautiful" was released on Channel One. The director of the film, Karine Foliyants, decided for a long time who to give the main role to. She "reviewed" hundreds of girls who came to the casting. But it was Katya who approached herall criteria. The actress had to play an ugly and rude girl living in the countryside. The main character had many trials: the illness of a child, the betrayal of a spouse, the gossip of neighbors, and so on.
Ekaterina 100% coped with the tasks set by the director. The only thing that bothered Karine Foliyants was the attractive appearance of Porubel. After all, according to the plot, the villager should be ugly. But then the make-up artists tried. Just a few hours of work - and a pretty girl turned into a "messy".
Later, in an interview with print media, Katya admitted that she was comfortable playing the role of a villager. And there is nothing to be surprised. The actress considers herself a simple person. The image of a Russian woman is very close to her. Ekaterina does not like shoes with heels, jeans and clothes from well-known trends. She believes that it is the person who decorates the outfits, and not vice versa.
Porubel's excellent acting was recognized and highly appreciated not only by the audience, but also by critics. After the release of the series "Seraphim the Beautiful", proposals for cooperation fell on Katya, as if "from a cornucopia".
Between 2010 and 2013 She starred in several striking films. Among them are such films as "Samovar Detective", "Blind Film", "Groom".

Ekaterina Porubel: personal life
The series "Beautiful Seraphim" gave our heroine not only great popularity, but also true love. On the set of this picture, Ekaterina met Anatoly, a lighting engineer, a nativeOdessa. At that time, the actress had a son (born in 2008). The new chosen one quickly found a common language with the boy. Soon the couple got married. In May 2012, Anatoly and Katya had a common child - a charming son. The kid received a very rare and beautiful name - Lukyan.
In closing
We examined in detail the biography of the actress who played the main role in the series "Seraphim the Beautiful". From all of the above, we can conclude that Ekaterina Porubel is not only a talented actress, but also a loving wife and mother of two children.