Today, any major city in Russia and the CIS countries has a Museum of Military Glory. This specific commemorative formation became most widespread during and after the end of the Second World War. Such organizations exist both as large formations on a regional scale or city, and at the level of military units (units, companies, etc.) or public (factory, enterprise), educational institution, for example, the school Museum of Military Glory.

Need to know…
By the end of the thirties of the last century, a military bloc was finally formed around the borders of the USSR, which included Germany, Japan and Italy. Encouraged by the militaristic circles of Western countries, Germany occupied one state after another, subjugating their resources, thereby increasing the combat power of the Wehrmacht. All this preparation had the main goal - the destruction of the Soviet state. In these difficult political and economic conditions, the leadership of our Motherland directed everythingefforts of the people to strengthen the defense might of the country. Everyone knows about the heroic opposition to the fascist invaders during the Second World War, but few people think about the labor feat of our grandfathers in the thirties. Indeed, in order to survive and win in 1945, economic, political and other types of struggle were waged for ten years. For the world to see the legendary 34-ku, or "Katyusha", it was necessary to create a huge industrial complex, which, despite the huge losses of the first months of the war, was able to rebuild and provide the Red Army with the necessary amount of equipment

… and remember
The Museum of Military Glory, created in your city, village, factory, factory, institute, school, is a memory of millions of our citizens who gave their lives and he alth not only during the war, but also before it. You need to know and remember this, tell your children about it. It should not be thought that the Second World War was the last on our planet. Many people call what is happening now the beginning of the Third World War, but it has not yet entered an active phase. Egypt, Iraq, and Iran burned yesterday; today they carry out artillery and mortar strikes on Ukraine and the Gaza Strip, and tomorrow war may come to your house. We must be ready for this, and not only have the necessary amount of equipment, but also a strong spirit and will to withstand and destroy the enemy.
Museum and children
Museum of Military Glory is only a small part of the program to educate the inhabitants of the country of patriotism. It should be understood that it is needed not by those who died then, but by those who survived, whowas born after the war, to our children. Having visited the Museum of the Great Patriotic War, the child will be able to visually get acquainted with samples of military equipment of that period (by the way, children love to go here because of them). And he will also be able to appreciate the feat accomplished by his grandfather or great-grandfather. And it does not matter which museum of military glory you come to, whether it is the largest or the smallest, created in a rural school, its significance does not change.
Let's consider as an example several similar formations in different cities of our Motherland.

Museum of Military Glory of the Urals
In 2005, in honor of the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma (eleven kilometers from Yekaterinburg), a grand opening of the museum of military equipment took place. This exposition is very popular with children, because samples of heavy military equipment of domestic production are collected here. This reconstructed memorial complex is dedicated to the memory of the metallurgists of the Uralelectromed plant, who fell in the battles for the Motherland. Today's workers have restored all the samples of equipment that are in the museum. These are ZIS-2 anti-tank guns, the famous howitzers of the 1938 model, and tanks, and much more. Every year the exposition is replenished with new samples. And today, this open-air museum of the Great Patriotic War, according to experts, is one of the largest in our country, along with those located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tolyatti and Saratov.

Museum Development
On the Victory Day in 2010, visitors were presented with an updated exposition, which was based on the technique of 30-40 years. And in recent years, post-war combat vehicles have also been added, because history did not end with a victory over fascism. We have no right to forget about the participants in military conflicts of the second half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first, who fulfilled their military duty to the end. Today, the collection includes more than a hundred pieces of weapons and military equipment. All copies were restored by the workers of the plant, and most of the exposition is "on the go", participates in parades held in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma. The creators of the exhibition note that their principled position is that it will never contain equipment that fought on the side of Nazi Germany.
Museum of military glory - Saratov
This museum occupies one of the dominant heights of Saratov on Mount Sokolov. It is part of the Victory Park. The Saratov Museum of the Great Patriotic War is one of the largest in the Volga region and in the whole country. The exposition includes more than thirty units of heavy armored vehicles (including rarities), artillery pieces, missile systems, combat aircraft, helicopters and even spacecraft.

Saratov and WWII
At first glance, it seems strange to create a museum of military glory in a city where the war never reached. However, it is not. Yes, there were no hostilities here, but there were tens of thousands of soldiers who went to the front, and not onlythey. According to statistics, 183 military hospitals were located in the city and the region. Over 600,000 wounded Red Army soldiers passed through Saratov during the war years. More than 70 percent of them recovered and returned to duty. In addition, during the war years, the city was a training center for commanders and fighters of the Red Army, more than a dozen border, infantry and tank schools were located here. For example, in Saratov, more than 12 thousand technicians and commanders for tank troops were trained, 130 of them became Heroes of the Soviet Union. Today streets of the city are named after them.
Also, military factories worked in Saratov, the most important was aviation, it produced "Yaki". German bombers made more than 25 raids on the city, trying to destroy industry, oil depots and the bridge across the Volga. The greatest intensity of the bombing fell on the period of the Battle of Stalingrad. The Saratov sky was defended by Soviet anti-aircraft gunners, in memory of this, a pedestal with an anti-aircraft gun was installed at the oil depot. At that difficult time in the Soviet Union there was no city or village that the war had passed.

Museum in Yaroslavl
On Uglichskaya street at number 44 is the famous Museum of Military Glory. Yaroslavl opened the doors of this institution in October 1981. This museum is a branch of the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve. Here are presented exhibitions dedicated not only to the period of the Second World War, for example, the exposition "Russia's military path" is very interesting. It captures a time period starting from the thirteenth century, andending in the twentieth. It tells about the feats of arms of the inhabitants of this city in the most difficult periods for the country. In honor of the soldiers who defeated fascist Germany, a new exhibition was carefully designed in 2005, called "Winners!" In addition, samples of modern weapons are presented here, for example, unique combat missile systems of the S-200 and S-75 brands are located nearby near the museum, which have become a real addition to the existing park of military equipment of the past years at the museum.

Museum in Ufa
The Republican Museum of Military Glory (Ufa) was opened in May 2000 in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the Victory. Unique rich expositions are presented here: "Warriors-internationalists of Bashkortostan" and "Bashkortostan during the Second World War". Dioramas, small arms, household items of that period, military uniforms of soldiers of both the Red Army and the Wehrmacht, awards, rich documentary and photographic material, and more are presented to the attention of visitors. The museum building is two-story, the entrance to the building is from the side of the main alley of the park dedicated to the Victory. The place for it was not chosen by chance. Here, the Eternal Flame and the monuments of the Heroes of the Soviet Union A. Matrosov and M. Gubaidullin were originally built. Granite steles are installed on the central alley, on which the names of 278 Heroes of the Soviet Union and 39 full holders of the Orders of Glory - natives of Bashkortostan are written in gold letters. Those who got here immediately get the feeling that the heroes are not forgotten, they are remembered, loved and respected, they are proud. ATschool trips often come to the park, teachers tell the children about the ordeal our country has gone through. Today's grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those brave people will remember their feat.