The development of any state is a process that can consist of a variety of components. It involves the solution by the authorities of a variety of tasks, the participation of the widest range of subjects. The same can be said about one of the aspects of state building - the development of the political system. It also builds into the process. What might be its characteristics?
What is the political process?
Exploring the concept of political process. What could be its definition? In Russian science, this is understood as a sequence of events, phenomena and actions that characterize the relationship of various subjects - people, organizations, authorities - in the sphere of politics.

The process under consideration can take place at different levels and in different spheres of social life. So, for example, it can characterize communications between subjects within one authority or the entire state system, take place at the municipal, regional or federal level.
The concept of the political process may imply a rather broad interpretation of the corresponding term. At the same time, each of itsinterpretations may mean the formation of independent categories within the framework of the phenomenon under consideration. Thus, different types of political processes are singled out, which can be characterized by significant dissimilarity among themselves. Let's consider this feature in more detail.
Classification of political processes
In order to explore the types of political processes, it is necessary first of all to determine the possible grounds for classifying a given phenomenon. What criteria might apply here?
In Russian science, there is a widespread approach according to which the political process can be divided into domestic political and foreign policy - depending on what the essence of the key subjects directly influencing its course.
Another reason for classifying political processes is to classify them as voluntary or controlled. Here, the described phenomenon is considered in terms of the characteristics of the mechanisms for the participation of subjects in the relevant communications.
There are such forms of the political process as open and shadow. The key criterion here is the publicity of the subjects influencing the relevant phenomena.
There are revolutionary and evolutionary types of political processes. The key criterion in this case is the time frame during which certain changes are implemented at the level of communication of the subjects, and in many cases, the methods by which they are implemented.
Political processes are also divided into stable and volatile. In this case, what matters is how stable and predictablemay be the behavior of subjects influencing the course of the phenomenon under consideration.

Now let's study the specifics of the development of political processes within the framework of the noted classification in more detail.
Foreign and domestic political processes
So, the first basis for classifying the phenomenon under consideration is the assignment of its varieties to foreign or domestic political. The process, referred to the first type, involves the participation of subjects that are directly related to the institutions of power and society that operate within a single state. These can be people holding any positions in government, heads of enterprises, public structures, parties or ordinary citizens. The foreign policy process assumes that its course is influenced by subjects of foreign origin - heads of state, foreign corporations and institutions.

Some researchers single out communications carried out exclusively at the international level. Thus, the global political process is being formed. Events and phenomena characteristic of it can, at the same time, influence the state of affairs in individual states - for example, if we are talking about discussions regarding the cancellation of external debts of a country, or the imposition of sanctions.
Voluntary and controlled processes
The next basis on which certain types of political processes are determined is the attribution of the phenomena under consideration tovoluntary or controlled. In the first case, it is assumed that the subjects influencing the course of relevant events act on the basis of personal political will, guided by their beliefs and priorities. This can be expressed, for example, in the participation of people in the election of the head of state. Attendance is voluntary, as is the choice of candidate. Controlled political processes assume that the subjects influencing them act on the basis of the prescriptions of the law or, for example, due to administrative influence from authorized structures. In practice, this can be expressed, for example, in the presence of visas required by one state for the entry of citizens of another: in this way, the migration aspect of the international political process is controlled.
Open and shadow processes
The next basis for the classification of the phenomenon under consideration is the classification of its varieties as open or shadow. Political processes of the first type assume that the subjects influencing it conduct their activities in public. In most developed countries, this is exactly what happens: in particular, people choose a president from among candidates who are known to everyone. The procedures for electing the head of state are fixed in the laws and are available to everyone for review. The President, who was elected by the people, has powers known to all and exercises them. But there are countries in which senior officials are also elected, but real political decisions can be made by non-public entities, the essence of which is incomprehensible to ordinary citizens, and access to relevant information is closed. In the firstcase, the political process will be open, in the second - shadow.
Revolutionary and evolutionary political processes
Political processes may differ depending on the methods of implementation by their subjects of certain activities, as well as the speed of changes that characterize certain aspects of communications. Regarding evolutionary processes: methods, as a rule, are based on the provisions of the sources of law - laws, regulations, orders. Their change involves the involvement of rather lengthy parliamentary and administrative procedures. But in case of instability in the state, slogans, manifestos, demands that are not related to the current laws can become sources that predetermine the methods used by the subjects of the political process. As a result, events and phenomena that are not typical for the first scenario are possible. Thus a revolutionary political process is taking shape. It often happens that significant changes affect the entire structure of government.
Stable and volatile processes
The political process - in society, in power structures, in the international arena - can be characterized by stability or, conversely, volatility. In the first case, the subjects that influence the relevant events and phenomena will rely on norms and customs that do not noticeably change over a long time.

In the second scenario, it is possible to access sources containing provisions that can beit is enough to freely interpret or change due to the preferences of the subjects of the political process.
Structural components of the political process
Let's now study the structural aspect of the phenomenon under consideration. What are the common theses of Russian researchers regarding this issue? The structure of the political process most often involves the inclusion of the following components:
- subject (authority, public, political structure or a specific citizen capable of influencing the course of relevant events and phenomena);
- object (area of activity of the subject, characterizing the purpose of his actions, priorities, preferences);
- methods on which the subject relies when solving his problems;
- resources at the disposal of the subject of the political process.
Let's study in more detail the specifics of each of the marked items.
The essence of the subjects of the political process
So, the structure of the political process involves the inclusion of subjects in it. These most often become authorities as independent institutions or specific officials. The political process in Russia, as noted by many researchers, is characterized by a significant role of the individual in the relevant field of communications. On the scale of the entire state, the president can play a key role, in the region - its head, in the city - the mayor.
Objects of political process
Their nature may be different. Thus, some researchers consider economic and political processes in a single context, considering the firstvariety of objects for the latter. The development of the national economic system, business, solving the problems of employment of citizens - these problems are relevant for any state.

Accordingly, the goal of political actors who are senior officials may be to achieve positive results in their respective areas of work. That is, the economy in this case will be the object of the political process.
Political Process Methods
The nature of the methods in question can also vary considerably. The subject of power, called upon to solve the tasks of modernizing the economic system of the state and other problems, must first of all somehow get his position. In this case, we are talking about methods, relying on which a person can take power into his own hands.

The political process in Russia assumes that these will be elections - at the level of the municipality, region or country as a whole. In turn, the actual solution of problems, for example, on the modernization of the economy will be implemented on the basis of a different method - lawmaking. For example, the head of state can initiate the adoption of certain legal acts aimed at stimulating the development of the country's economy.
Political Process Resources
The subject of power may have at his disposal the most effective methods for solving the tasks, but if he does not have the necessary resources at his disposal, thenplans will fail. How can the corresponding component of the political process be presented?
First of all it is, of course, capital. If we talk about politics, then it can be budgetary funds or borrowed funds. The term "resource" can also be interpreted somewhat differently - as a kind of source for maintaining the legitimacy of power. It doesn't have to be finance. Such a resource can be the will of people, citizens of the state. Thus, a socio-political process is being formed, involving the constant interaction of power and society. At the same time, by analogy with the financial sector, the resource in this case can be understood as a credit of trust on the part of citizens, which the subject of public administration must justify.

So, the term “political process” we are considering can be understood, on the one hand, as a set of events and phenomena that are observed at one or another level of communications, and on the other hand, as a category with a complex structure, including rather dissimilar elements. In turn, the individual components of the political process will also be characterized by complexity, and their essence can be interpreted through a variety of approaches.