Each country has its own symbols, which are of great importance for the authorities and residents. Anything can be a symbol - from a plant to an official coat of arms and flag. Just like many other powers, Monaco can boast of its symbol - the coat of arms. What is the meaning of the coat of arms of Monaco?
Monaco, although considered a dwarf state, has a rather long and deep history. It was this story that they tried to display in symbols. The coat of arms of Monaco has a rich color and really carries a great meaning. After all, first of all, this is a way to plunge into the history of a dwarf country, just by looking at the coat of arms. And those who know their history are highly respected by the people of Monaco.

Monaco had it all: wars, defeats and victories, decline and ascension. All this residents were able to reflect on the symbol of the state - the coat of arms.
The coat of arms of Monaco is full of royal colors, one of the main ones is, of course, red (as well as silver and gold). The symbol consists of the following details:
- shield, which is divided into several fields;
- chain and orderSt. Charles;
- shield holders in the form of monks;
- prince's crown;
- robe.
For the people of Monaco, protection is the top priority. Therefore, the central position of the coat of arms is occupied by a shield. It is divided into equal sections in red and silver. This shield is not easy - it is not held by the holders, as it usually should be, but by two monks, and even armed with swords.

In fact, these two monks are not just invented elements of the coat of arms. They really did exist. In 1297, the small country was captured by warriors led by Francesco Grimaldi. It turns out that the monks are not real at all, they are just warriors dressed in monastic attire. It was some kind of military trick, and it was she who allowed Grimaldi to capture Monaco, because no one expected the offensive.
In the XII century, the territory of today's Monaco was taken over by the Genoese, who built their fortress here back in 1215. According to a legend that is now circulating among the people, on January 8, 1297, a Franciscan monk asked for shelter from the winter cold in the castle. When they let him into the palace, he took out a sword hidden under his robe and opened the gates to an armed detachment that seized power in the castle. The monk turned out to be the same leader of the detachment, dressed in the cassock of Francois Grimaldi. And already in 1997, the princely dynasty of Monaco turned 700 years old.
Given this dexterity, the motto “With God's help” is written on the modern version of the coat of arms of Monaco. He, as it were, hints that the soldiers thenpatronized by divine powers. Providence itself contributed to the Grimaldi dynasty seizing power.
Order of Saint Charles
Many people wonder how the state order, which is considered the highest award of the Principality in Monaco, has as many as five steps and is awarded in the most extreme cases for special services to the country, is associated with the coat of arms? This is exactly how he is connected - his chain frames the shield located on the coat of arms.

The princely crown, which also occupies an important place on the flag and coat of arms of Monaco, is made of expensive materials - gold, rubies and sapphires. The crown stands "at the head" of the coat of arms. The background of the coat of arms is a beautifully draped velvet fabric, which was lined with expensive ermine fur, an attribute of royal power.
The flag of the Principality of Monaco is represented by a canvas, which is divided into two equal horizontal sections - red on top, white on the bottom.
The flag was created back in 1881, and the colors, whose meaning has been preserved since the reign of the Grimaldi dynasty, have been used since 1339. The latest version of the flag is considered the most official, but it is still not customary to hang it at various events.
Many people know about the conflict between Monaco and Indonesia, which had almost identical flags. Monaco, having learned that Indonesia adopted the same flag as theirs in 1945, filed a formal protest against this. But here the protest of the principality was powerless. After all, the flag of the Republic of Indonesia had and hasmore ancient and deeper history than Monaco.

The governmental flag of the Principality is used in various government institutions, in the palace of the Prince of Monaco, and it must be hung out in the presence of high-status officials.
Coin minting
Of course, like in any other states, Monaco has its own currency. The coat of arms of the Principality of Monaco is minted on coins of two series of lower denominations.
The coat of arms does not change, it remains the same as on the original. Thus, the family emblem of the powerful Grimaldi dynasty is still imprinted on modern money.
Each country appreciates its symbols, tries to lay history in them, to express itself as expressively as possible among other countries in terms of symbols.
The coat of arms and flag is the face of every state. This is its history, events, power, beauty and people. More precisely, what the people themselves created. These are the values that are found in every country. They are depicted on state symbols. And the coat of arms of Monaco is no exception.