Pope Benedict XVI: biography and photos

Pope Benedict XVI: biography and photos
Pope Benedict XVI: biography and photos

Benedict XVI abdicated - this news recently stunned the religious world, and especially the Catholics. The last time the Pope abdicated from the throne took place several centuries ago. Usually they replaced each other in connection with death. Such an extraordinary act of the holy man tied to him the influence of not only the Catholic community, but also representatives of other faiths, as well as the media around the world.

Young years of the Pope

In the small village of Marktl am Inn on the eve of the Easter holiday in the family of a gendarme on April 16, 1927, Josef Alois Ratzinger was born - this is the real name that Benedict XVI had. He was the youngest child in the family. When the child was 5 years old, the family moved to the city of Auschau, which is located in the picturesque Alpine mountains. At the age of 10, Josef was a student at the classical gymnasium in Traunstein. This gymnasium was chosen for him by his father, because he was one of the supporters of National Socialism. At the age of fourteen, Josef entered the ranks of the Nazi organization "Hitler Youth". Many historians argue that joining a fascist organization at that time was a prerequisitefor all boys who have reached this age.

Benedict XVI
Benedict XVI

Youth years

Josef Alois Ratzinger's activity as a minister of the church begins in 1939, at that time he becomes a pupil of the pre-seminary. During the Second World War, he happened to get into the youth air defense unit as an assistant. He studied in the city of Munich at the Maximilian Gymnasium. At the age of 17, Josef was enrolled in the Austrian region. Pope Benedict XVI does not like to remember this moment in his biography. Service in the army did not suit him, and in 1945 he deserted. These were difficult years for the young man, having escaped from the army, he returned to the city of Traunstein. At that time, the headquarters of the American army was located in the house of his parents. Joseph Ratzinger was arrested and then sent to a prison camp. A few months later he was released.

Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI

In 1946-1951 Josef Ratzinger received higher education at the Theological Institute, specializing in theology and philosophy. In 1951, Benedict 16, a film about which was made not so long ago, received a holy order. In Freising Cathedral, Josef Ratzinger was ordained as a priest by Cardinal Michael Faulhaber, who was an archbishop. Then in 1953 Josef Ratzinger writes a theological work at the University of Munich. As a result of this work, he entered the history of Germany as the country's best theologian.

Mature years of the Pope

In 1972, Ratzinger works as a teacher of theology at the Bonn higher education institution. In 1966 he was the best expert in dogmatic theology in Tübingen. Further, in 1972, Ratzinger became one of the founders of the well-known magazine Communio, whose name translates as "communion". This journal about theology and culture is published to this day. In the spring of 1977, Josef Ratzinger was appointed Archbishop of Munich and Freising. On June 27, he was appointed to the post of cardinal by Pope Paul VI. In 1980, the cardinal was appointed head of the Council for Laity Affairs. Subsequently, Pope Paul VI invited him to become head of the Congregation for Catholic Education.

Church service

If Joseph Ratzinger had taken this post, this could have led to his departure from the Munich See and then the need to move to the Vatican would have arisen. Therefore, Joseph Ratzinger refused the proposed position of head of the Congregation. In 1981, he agrees to be appointed Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Vatican Office and then moves to the Vatican. However, he refuses to serve as a pastor.

Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI

In the Vatican in 1993 Joseph Ratzinger is appointed Bishop of Velletri Segni. In 2000 he became Bishop of Osti. Then, from 2002, he moves to the post of Dean of the College of Cardinals. Having become a cardinal, he joins the ranks of the members of the Council of Ecclesia Dei. Thus, since that time he has been the main theologian in the Vatican, in connection with which his views on the main problems relating to society appear to be the position of the Vatican. Ratzinger opposed abortion, so inThey are not allowed in the Vatican.


The activities that Benedict XVI led indicate that he is a highly educated person. He is fluent in several languages: German, English, Italian, Spanish, Ancient Greek and Hebrew. The Pope is also the author of numerous works: "Truth and Tolerance", "God and the World" and others. He is the author of Introduction to Christianity, which became an international bestseller.

benedict 16 movie
benedict 16 movie

The Pope is distinguished by conservative views and thinking. He condemns homosexual relationships, same-sex marriage, divorce, and cloning. Among other things, he is an opponent of feminism. He believes that feminism undermines the foundations of marriage and the family, as well as God-given differences between the stronger sex and the weak. Conservative views can be read in his books. In them, he considers the conservative course of the formation of the Church, he is also dissatisfied with the mixture of different cultures that take place in some Western countries, he believes that modern culture is contrary to religion and morality.

The Pope

The Pope in Germany was given the nickname Panzerkardinal, which means "armadillo cardinal", he is distinguished by his intolerance of liberalism in the Catholic Church. But at the same time, Germany, like other countries, was delighted to hear the news of the appointment of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger by the Pope. On May 7, 2005, he, who is also the Bishop of Rome, solemnly took over the chair of the metropolitan diocese. In 2013 PapaRimsky announced that he wants to leave the post, due to the fact that he is in old age.

Benedict XVI abdicated
Benedict XVI abdicated

Joseph Ratzinger, like his other predecessor, the Pope, supports the existing course and policy, which is aimed at the peaceful coexistence of the Catholic Church and other faiths. In turn, Pope Benedict XVI has always spoken out against armed conflicts around the world, in defense of civilians.
