Rubber stick: characteristics and types

Rubber stick: characteristics and types
Rubber stick: characteristics and types

Often, those who are called upon to maintain order become the object of attack themselves. With an increase in the growth of crime, such cases have become more frequent in relation to employees of the police department and the penitentiary system. To counter intruders, employees of security firms, the penitentiary system and the police are equipped with such effective special equipment as a stick. The rubber modern model of this weapon, which today can often be seen in the hands of security and law enforcement agencies, has its own history dating back to 1881.

The first special equipment of the 19th-20th centuries

In 1881, the lower ranks of the St. Petersburg police used checkers to restore order. On May 20 of the same year, the Minister of Internal Affairs, in his report “On arming the lower ranks of the police of St. Petersburg”, voiced a request to replace dragoon sabers with wooden sticks.

using a rubber stick
using a rubber stick

At this time, the club was widely practiced in the police units of France and England. adoptingexperience of the work of the city police of these states, tsarist Russia preferred stacks, which, in their purpose and method of application, are close to clubs. Stacks were used by cavalrymen, both to restore order and to control the horse.

Soon the checkers were replaced, but not with sticks, but with army sabers, which provided protection for the hands. In Russia, the issue of the introduction of wooden sticks was not resolved until 1917. Historians explain this by the excessive activity and self-arming of the masses, characteristic of the pre-revolutionary period. The authorities used army units to pacify the rebels, which were well armed and did not need sticks.

1962: USSR

In a totalitarian state, there was no need to arm police units. During the period, which is called: "thaw", the activity of criminal elements increased significantly. In order to adequately resist it - to protect the interests and personal rights of citizens in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR - since 1962, the Soviet police were equipped with such special equipment as handcuffs and a rubber stick.

rubber stick
rubber stick

Their use has been legalized and defined by special instructions. The use of a rubber stick was allowed against criminals, hooligans and other persons violating public order. Suppressing riots and other illegal actions, police officers did not have the right to beat with a rubber truncheon in the head or face. It was forbidden to use a rubber stick in the police station and when working with certain categoriescriminals and violators: women, children, the elderly and the disabled.

Force impact

The rubber stick is designed to force an attacker to obey the demand of a police officer. With skillful handling of a stick, a law enforcement officer may not use firearms in many incidents. Especially in an environment where the use of a pistol is undesirable. In such situations, the violator is under the threat of force superiority, not the threat of death.

What is PR?

Today sticks rubber protection, police and special forces are presented in the form of various models and modifications. For their production, a rubber compound is used. They are made in special molds by vulcanization. One of the characteristic features of modern products, which distinguishes them from their wooden counterparts, is elasticity, which is achieved due to the embedded elastic element with a length of 38 cm and the presence of a lanyard.

PR-73 Description

Among the wide variety of special equipment since 1973, rubber stick-73 has gained particular popularity. It is a product consisting of:

  • From the holder - a comfortable and rigid handle.
  • Lanyard, or leather loop, necessary for fixing and relaxing the hand. This makes it possible to carry out shock and defensive actions. Chrome-tanned loop is made of nylon or leather. The width is 10 mm. Acceptable length allows you to adjust the loop to your hand.
  • Flexible percussion element, due to which this stick, unlike the usual one, receivesadditional acceleration on the last phase of the impact. In this case, a gain is achieved both in speed and in strength.
  • The rubber stick weighs 73 g.
  • Size: 650 mm.
  • Diameter: 32 mm.
rubber stick 73
rubber stick 73

Applicable in what situations?

The use of a rubber stick PR-73 is carried out:

In prisons and detention centers. In order to prevent an attack, employees of the penitentiary system have the right to use this special device in relation to suspected, accused and convicted persons. Blows with a rubber stick are legalized during mass riots and group violations of the regime by persons under investigation and convicts. The use of special equipment is allowed in cases of disobedience to correctional officers and attempts to escape

hitting with a rubber stick
hitting with a rubber stick
  • To prevent escape when escorting a detainee, suspect or convict.
  • When releasing the hostages.
  • During the dispersal of protesters at unauthorized rallies.
  • During the assault by law enforcement special forces of buildings and vehicles.

The advantage of rubber sticks is the absence of serious injuries on the human body after the use of this special equipment. This is possible in cases where the use of the PR meets all the requirements established by law.

How is the PR-73 worn?

To carry this special equipment, special belts are provided with equipped mounts in the form of rings for rubber sticks. From oneOn the side, a law enforcement officer has a firearm entrusted to him on the belt, and a rubber stick on the opposite side.

rubber guard sticks
rubber guard sticks

Which position to use PR-73?

The effectiveness of the use of a rubber stick depends on the correct stance during a conflict. It is better to carry out attacking actions, counterattack, change of distance in a combat stance. It can be right or left handed. For right-handers, instructors recommend left-handed. The main thing is that nothing hinders movement. The rubber stick can be held in one hand, or with both hands on both ends. Repelling an attack from the front is performed in a side stance: PR-73 is held with both hands, and the body, with the feet in the same position, is turned to the side.

Permissible strikes

With a rubber stick PR-73 in the Russian Federation, you can apply swing blows to the torso and limbs from above, below and from the side. Punching strikes are also legalized. It is forbidden to hit the head, neck, genitals and collarbone. First of all, law enforcement officers have the right to hit on the hands, since the malefactors mostly resist with the use of edged weapons. PR in the hands of a person who has undergone special training is considered a dangerous weapon that can cause serious damage. In order for the work with a rubber stick to be both effective and not have serious consequences for the detainee, each operational police officer must have information about the most vulnerable points on the human body. You also need to know aboutpossible consequences after being hit.

Most vulnerable spots: points of the first group

This category includes areas of the human body where impacts cause minor damage:

  • Knee joints. Blows lead to dislocations or fractures.
  • Thigh. The blow results in a painful shock.
  • Wrist and elbow. The consequence may be a painful shock.
  • Clavicle area. Disables arm.
  • Back area. The blow causes a painful shock.

Points of the second group

These include places on the human body, blows to which are fraught with serious consequences or lead to death:

  • Temporal region of the head, eyes, bridge of the nose and neck. Striking results in loss of vision, unconsciousness, or death.
  • Ear. May cause hearing loss, head injury.
  • Kidneys. Blows to this place are fraught with rupture of internal organs.

A rubber stick is considered a very effective tool, and in skilled hands it is only slightly inferior to a firearm. This should be taken into account, since exceeding the powers, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, entails serious liability.

Modern rubber sticks: types

1. PRS. The special means is intended for employees of the Ministry of the Interior and other law enforcement agencies. The kit includes special leather holders that allow you to wear batons on your waist belts.

  • Product size - from 450 to 580 mm.
  • Diameter - 3 cm.
  • Weight - 630g

2. PR-73M. The handles of these rubber sticks are equipped with annular protrusions that act as guards - they protect the fingers from glancing blows of the enemy. The protrusion is used as a support for wearing this special equipment in hard cases on the belt.

  • Product size is 700mm.
  • Diameter - 3 cm.
  • Weight - 700 g.

3. PR-K (rubber stick "Contract"). The design of this special equipment is similar to the PR-73M. The differences are in the parameters:

  • Stick size - 465 mm.
  • Diameter - 31 mm.
  • Weight - 600 g.
stick rubber characteristic
stick rubber characteristic

4. PR-T ("Taran"). The product is represented by a molded rubber rod with a round cross section. At one end of the rubber stick (in the area of the handle) there is a lanyard, and at the other end there is a hemispherical shock part. The design of this special tool provides an additional handle with a stop (115 mm), which is located at a right angle with respect to the impact part.

  • Product length - 565 mm.
  • The impact part has a size of up to 40 cm.
  • Diameter - 30 mm.
  • Weight - 750 g.
using a rubber stick
using a rubber stick

Universal special equipment “Argument”

1. PUS-1. The product belongs to special universal rubber sticks. Polymeric synthetic materials are used in production. A lanyard is attached to the corrugated handle. In order to prevent hand injuries, the developers have provided a plastic shield in the design of this rubber stick. This PR can be worn on the belt with the help ofspecial belt ring.

  • Product size is 66 cm.
  • Diameter 32 mm.
  • Ring diameter - 4 cm.
  • The lanyard diameter is 8 mm.

2. PUS-2. This product is identical to the first model of the universal special equipment. The difference is that the design of the PUS-2 has an additional handle, which allows the guard to strike at the arms and at the same time keep a distance from the enemy, preventing him from grabbing and hitting.

  • The length of the gun in the folded position is 48 cm.
  • The unfolded stick measures 65 cm.

3. PUS-3. Special universal rubber stick. The characteristic of this product is identical to the previous two models. The difference lies in the size. The telescopic PUS-3 when folded has a length of 30 cm, and after unfolding - 48. Rubber tips for sticks are designed for sudden and preemptive strikes.

rubber tips for sticks
rubber tips for sticks

Strike ahead of the curve. When applicable?

Moments when a preemptive strike is most effective:

  • During the attack. The attacker concentrates all his attention on his own action and at this time he is not ready to attack the guard.
  • At the moment when the attacker takes out a knife, stick, broken bottle or other edged weapon from his pocket.
  • During the swing.

Before launching pre-emptive strikes, guards can negotiate, distract with a glance, and perform other actions to lull vigilanceoffender. A preemptive strike is primarily applied to the hand holding the weapon in order to knock it out. In the instruction of the guards, a blow is recommended as a permissible one to immobilize the arm and temporarily disable it.

The official activities of law enforcement officers and workers in the security business are associated with frequent clashes with the criminal element. The introduction of PR into the equipment of the police and security guards, as well as conducting trainings to increase the efficiency of using this special equipment, provides law enforcement officers with the opportunity to get out of conflict situations without casu alties.
