The Order of the Red Banner was the first award established in the USSR. During the Civil War, the Red Army was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. At the time, it was the highest honor. In 1924, he was replaced by the Order of the Red Banner, but it was decided to consider these awards equivalent.

This badge of honor could be marked not only by people, but also by military formations, units and ships. After the award, they were called "Red Banner". This award is worn on the left side of the chest.

The order was awarded to military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and special services, citizens of the USSR and other states for outstanding services. The award was given for ensuring state security, courage and bravery in a combat situation, excellent leadership in combat operations, and special assignments. If a person was given the Order of the Red Banner for the second time (third or fourth, etc.), then it was engravedthe corresponding figure, depending on the number of awards.
The award is made in the form of a sign depicting an unfurled red banner with the call: "Proletarians of all countries, unite!". At the bottom, the order is surrounded by a laurel wreath, on which there is a ribbon with the inscription: "USSR". In the central part, on a white enamel background, there are a rifle, a staff, a torch, a plow and a hammer. They are covered by a star. In its center is a hammer and sickle with a wreath of laurel. The upper rays of the star are covered with a banner. On repeated awards, the corresponding number is applied on the bottom of the white shield. The rays of the star, ribbon and banner are covered with ruby-red enamel, the plow, hammer and rifle are oxidized, and the wreaths and other images are gilded.

Like many awards of the USSR and WWII medals, the order is made of silver, which contains about 22, 719 grams. Its total weight is about 25, 134 grams. The width of the award is 36.3 mm and the height is 41 mm. With the help of a ring and an eyelet, it is connected to a pentagonal block, which is covered with a moire silk ribbon. In its middle there is a white longitudinal strip, closer to the edges - one red stripe on the right and left, and along the edges - one white stripe. The block has a pentagonal shape. Until 1932, the order was worn on a bow in the form of a red rosette.
Until the 1930s, heroes of the revolution and Chekists were marked with this insignia. In 1929, they were awarded to many participants in the incident on the CER. The Chinese then tried to seize the railway, but were defeated. This conflict was one of the first for the young state. In 1937, the Order of the Red Banner was often awarded to Soviet soldiers who took part in the hostilities in Spain. They were awarded to participants in the incident near the Khalkhin Gol River, as well as those who took part in the Soviet-Finnish conflict.
During the Patriotic War, 238,000 people and 3148 formations and units were awarded this award. It was the most massive order of the Second World War. After the war, he was awarded for special merits and participation in various local conflicts, including the soldiers-internationalists who fought in Afghanistan. During the existence of the USSR, 581,333 awards were made. Only eight people received the award with the number "7" and only Air Marshal I. I. Pstygo was awarded this honor 8 times.