Where is it warm abroad in January? Beach resorts

Where is it warm abroad in January? Beach resorts
Where is it warm abroad in January? Beach resorts

Not everyone manages to take a vacation in the summer and go to the sea, but you should not despair, because even in winter you can go where the sun shines. You just need to find out where it is warm abroad in January, apply for a visa, buy a tour, pack your suitcase - and you can go towards new experiences. There are a huge number of resort countries in which high positive temperatures remain even in winter, you just need to decide on the type of vacation, budget and personal preferences.

where is warm abroad in january
where is warm abroad in january

Not knowing where the warm weather is in January, many tourists buy a tour to Egypt. It should be noted that although this country is located in Africa, it is not suitable for a year-round beach holiday. You can swim here only in heated pools, and if you go here, then you should choose southern resorts, where the air temperature warms up to +25 ° С. During this period, people who cannot stand the heat and excessive humidity can rest in Egypt. There are many interesting historical and architectural monuments in the country, you can seethe sights of Luxor, the pyramids of Giza.

Where it is warm abroad in January, it is in Thailand. In winter, the dry season begins here, at this time the weather is cloudy, rains are very rare, and they are short-lived, although the air temperature reaches +30 ° C, but there is no excessive heat. Very good at this time in the southern part of India. No one will be disappointed with a trip to Goa, the air warms up to +26 ° C, the Indian Ocean is also warm enough, so you can swim in it all day long. Sri Lanka will also please with summer heat, the temperature reaches +30 °С, the water warms up to +27 °С. Here you can not only sunbathe on the beach and swim in the ocean, but also see the sights, look at the beauty of the local nature, ride elephants.

where is the warm weather in january
where is the warm weather in january

For travelers who are looking for somewhere warm abroad in January, but at the same time not too hot, the Canary Islands are ideal, where eternal spring reigns. The air temperature is kept at around +20 ° C, in addition to beach holidays, tourists are attracted by local volcanoes and interesting sights. In January, although there is a period of cyclones in Mauritius, they do not have destructive power. The air temperature reaches +30 °С, and the humidity is 80%.

If you are interested in the question of where it is warm abroad in January, then you should pay attention to the countries of Latin America. The resorts of Cuba, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, the Caribbean islands will gladly welcome guests. Amazing nature, clean beaches, warm sea, interestingattractions, fun entertainment programs, high-class service - all this will leave only the best impressions of your holiday.

countries where it is warm in January
countries where it is warm in January

Buying tours to countries where it is warm in January is necessary in advance, because during the New Year holidays, which coincide with the winter holidays, there are a lot of people who want to bask in the sun away from the frosty winter. If vouchers to popular resorts are sold out, then you can go to South Vietnam, this destination is still unpopular with travelers, although the beach holidays in this country are amazing. The right resort will bring a lot of positive emotions at any time of the year.
